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Agatha Nestor

Processing request.
. . .
Authorization granted. Welcome Commander
Processing Unit Dossier.
  • Name : Nestor, Agatha
  • Species : Human
  • Gender : Female
  • Age : Twenty-Five / 812 ABY
  • Affiliation(s) : The Imperial Remnant / Royal Family of Crina
  • Homeworld : Crina
  • Occupation : Officer
  • Residence : Residential District, Stefania
  • Known Langauge(s) : Basic
  • Force Sensitivity : Negative
  • Known family : Deceased Parents / Single Child

  • Height : 5'8'' / 1.72 m
  • Weight : 121 lb / 55 kg
  • Eye Color : Green
  • Hair Color : Light Blonde
Physical Description
Officer Nestor stands at approximately five feet and eight inches / one meter and seventy-two centimeters and weighs in at approximately a hundred and twenty-one pounds / fifty-five kilograms. Her facial feature is feminine in shape, prominent features being a triangle shaped jawline, a small upturned nose, a narrow nose bridge, and receding cheekbones. According to the medical reports, her immune system is functioning properly, yet her skeletal structure is frail and her skin becomes easily bruised. This, combined with the complete lack of muscles mass, has seen the officer pay regular visits to the medical clinics of Stefania as of late. Signs of abuse have recently appeared on the Officers liver and lungs, due to a stark increase in alcohol and tobacco consumption according to the medical records. The skin on her knuckles seems to be constantly bruised or teared. Officers hair is strictly against regulation, reaching slightly below her shoulders in the back, covering her forehead on the front, and her cheeks on the side. The hair in the back is usually shortened in a bun during active duty, which seemed to be enough to deter High Command from taking further measures. Most commonly seen wearing a black, male suit with a vest in public.

Notable Abilities and Weaknesses

  • [ + ] Educated : Officer Nestor has received a full time education at various military academies scattered through the city of Stefania and it's periphery, being groomed to become an Officer for a good portion of her life.
  • [ + ] Combat Intuition / Aptitude : Through what appears to be nothing less than a sixth sense, Officer Nestor is thoroughly familiar with various sorts of armaments, vehicles, tactics, and strategy used in contemporary warfare. While she is unable to tell you how a certain piece of equipment works, she can easily enumerate you the ways through which to disable, destroy, or confiscate it, and it's potential to cause havoc on a battlefield, often times managing to surprise herself with the knowledge she possesses in this regard.
  • [ - ] Physically Unfit : Despite her background and education, the physical condition of Officer Nestor is nothing short of a terrible joke gone wrong in too many regards. Her recent test scores indicate that she is unable to even come close to at least half the performance needed for females to enter the IUAF. She has reportedly ran out of breath after several minutes of exertion, is unable to carry the minimum weight of equipment without suffering from back problems or unsteady footing, is barely able to drag a wounded soldier slumped over her shoulder, and her emotional state does nothing to help her dossier. Numerous requests for her termination from the IUAF are awaiting clearance.
  • [ - ] Shortsighted : As far as her military career is concerned, Officer Nestor has shown a natural distaste for planning several steps ahead. Coupled with her current emotional state, as well as her incredibly sub-par physical situation, she is liable to put in jeopardy the lives of any soldiers, as well as the success of any mission, she finds herself in command of. Requesting termination of Officer Nestor and a return to civilian life.
  • [ - ] Emotional State : The mental and emotional state of Officer Nestor has deteriorated gravely ever since her return to Stefania several months ago. According to her medical record, she suffers from severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks, hyper-aggression, diarrhea, excessive vomiting, severe abuse of alcohol and tobacco, self-mutilation, and suicidal instincts. Early reports have pointed out the similarities with gender identity disorder, but the theory was dropped suddenly with no official explanation pertaining to the reason.

Available History / Biography
The official dossier pertaining to Agatha Nestors childhood and early life is composed out of a handful of phrases on a single sheet of paper, those as well filled to the brim with nothing but oxymorons, alliterations, and comparisons that do nothing but waste ones time while saying nothing of significance. The most that one can decipher from this file is the fact that her family was killed in a rebel attack numerous years ago, and that she was a regular visitor to the Royal Palace in Stefania, apparently having some connections to one of the Princesses during her youth, yet nothing concrete being written. When asked personally, Nestor speaks only briefly of her family and life at court, but has an exceedingly hard time attempting to remember much else. When the topic approaches her years as a student at Saint Tiberius, she speaks of it with fondness and familiarity, one of the few precise pieces of information regarding her life that the military was able to pry out of the woman. When approaching the end of her years in study, however, her memory seems to become a blur once again and she it is near impossible for her to remember what happened next, or where she was present during the war.

If asked, it seems almost impossible for her to even remember anything before her arrival with the Royals back on Crina after their trip to Chiss Space, a flight she was not registered on when it left Imperial territory. Shortly following her "return", she was given the rank of Colonel in the IUAF after insistence from the Royal Family of Crina, despite her lack of experience, and military record.
Insuficient Acess
Terminating Process
. . .
Access Granted
Welcome, Your Majesty
Retrieving Dossier . . .
IMPORTANT : The Chiss have karked up the paperwork for the clone, dumb bastards installed her name with a typo of all things. Her Majesty requested we redo all the paperwork, will take less time and less money that way. Get everything fixed before they return to Imperial Space. Once done, delete all records of the rebel, this one included. Her Majesty doesn't want any potential leaks remaining, even if it means completely erasing the poor sap from history.

  • Name : Nester, Alexander
  • Species : Human
  • Gender : Male
  • Age : Forty / 7XX ABY
  • Affiliation(s) : The Crinan Revolution
  • Homeworld : Cri-
. . .
[member="Carlos Castillo"]


[member="Nemesis K. Khurshid"]

Cheers mate. While I doubt I'll make much use of her, it's nice to know that at least someone enjoyed the idea behind it.

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