Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Agent Down

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Sawa looked at him goading her on as she smiled. The fangs flicking back out with a snap like a serpents and she moved. "Well close enough." Her eyes remained while she wanted him to stop and put the gun down with her own body moving, the reflexes strong and her strength enhanced while she punched to disarm and shatter his hand. The aura one of dangerous calm and not serenity but coldness and white noise. "You'll be broken soon enough."
As she moved like an in-human beast, Trasker brought his sidearm up to fire a shot, but she was too quick and nimble.

She hit into him, and he hit out and slammed a fist into his wrist. There was an un-natural power behind her small frame and Trakser yelped in pain as he felt the bone crack under her attack. And then, the sidearm fell from his hand to the floor.

Not using the time to react and think, Trasker reached out with his left arm and aimed for her throat, to grab her and either cutt of her air-way or force enough pressure to enable him to get out and away from her.

There was still no evidence of back-up arriving, none that he could hear even above the noise of the nightmarish machinery he was now surrounded by, as well as the pain shooting up through his broken wrist.

[member="Sawa Ike"] @Blitz [member="Luminous"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Ben Trasker"]

She felt it, his hand on her throat but he was hurt. Her mind was racing, thinking of how to best move or get out of this. She had an idea.... didn't mean it was good but an idea before pushing forward using her legs. She went for another bot of his neck and to see if she could lock up his arm enough, the feeding of blood and energy through the force would keep her strong if it worked and further that hold she could have.
Trasker winced as she pushed down against his hand, but as he did his grip tightened; her delicate neck feeling soft and feeble under his fingers.

Gasping against the pressure she was using to lean over her, he felt his choices dwindling with a broken wrist and a throbbing wound still bleeding in his neck.

With a quick move, he kicked out at the girls leg with his own, hoping to cause her enough pain to gain the upper hand and manage to pin her down for submission...she was getting closer...

The machinery was getting louder, as was the blood pumping in his ears with the threat of the Dark Lady attacking him, and no back-up still to save the day.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Ben Trasker"]

The kick to the stomach and squeezing of her throat made Sawa wince and bare her teeth in pain. The grinding of her teeth so strong it almost felt like she might pass out. Then she was pinned down with his boot on the ground on her back. Her eyes looking up at the man while her hands touched the floor. Silvery eyes for a moment until she attacked again sending her hands into two places, one to try and bash the kneecap while the other strikes the ankle totwist his leg and snap it for her.
His eyes bore into her, his fingers aiming to choke the girl into submission, or death, it didn't bother him. But he was too focussed on her deep eyes that he neglected her arms, moving to attack.

She hit his left knee, sending a dull thud of pain across the bone and once more distracting him enough mixed with the broken wrist and throbbing neck to loosen his grip on the girl.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Ben Trasker"]

THe loosening of his grip was what she needed, feeling air return to her lungs after his hand was constricting, bruises and hand print from where he was choking her as Sawa moved snapping her head forward. Not to get his throat but to try and bite his hand and tear at the area between the index and thumb. She was going to try and eat him but his boot even from a damaged leg was making the ribs in her chest snap from the weight.
Her head was contorted in a vicious rage, the face bearing sharp fangs and brutal rage in her eyes. She came forward, mouth wide, and her teeth plunged into the soft flesh on his hand, and he yelled in pain.

She bit down, and a fiery wave of acidic fire stung his whole hand, his blood trickling from the bite and around the girls mouth, her teeth clamped down on him.

Trasker's mind was brimming with options and desperate thoughts how to get away from this girl before she killed him, as his body was steadily being broken - his neck, wrist, ribs and now his hand - what next?

Acting as best he could with both hands nearly incapacitated, he brought up his elbow to try and land a few random hits across the back of her head and shoulders, anything to get her off in his steadily desperate and weaker state.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Ben Trasker"]

Sawa felt it, the delicious taste of metallic goodness in her mouth before she was being struck in the head and her mouth was snapped away. A fang being left in the flesh while she used the burst of good and energy to twist her feet and try to sweep while she rolled to the side. Her body reacting and pushing up to smash her fist into the mans face like a club. Using her strength to give it blunt force trauma and she pulled at the gun on he ground. To bring it to her hand and smash the mans face in with a slick fluid motion while barring her fangs more.
The adrenalin surged in Trasker once more as the girl was knocked away, and it was time to get up and get out quick. He spat out a mouthful of blood and then it hit him - a crucial blow to the face across his cheek and sending his vision blurred and spotty.

On his knees, the machinery around him started to whine as his hearing started to falter; head thumping and tired from the blood loss.

His eyes batted open enough to see the butt of his sidearm come crashing head on to his head.

Traskers world went black and he collapsed backwards in a heap, a final breath escaping him as he was knocked unconscious before the wild woman, breathing heavily as the warehouse went quiet around him.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Ben Trasker"]

Looking over the man as she stood there and hissed, the gun in her hand and her fangs retracting while she stood over him. The gun pointed for a moment and she wanted to shoot him but killing something who was unarmed was not honorable compared to others. She would let him live but.... BANG the recoil of the hand cannon sent her arm up as she aimed at his knee cap to illistrate a point and give him something to remember her by. Then she was moving and licking at the blood on her lips with enjoyments.

With a bang, the armed G.I.A agents swarmed in through the main door and rear cargo loading bay…

”Clear – flank both sides, take anyone alive!”

…blue and red light bellowed through the dirty warehouse windows, illuminating the interior with a strange hypnotic swirl of colour…

”Clear up top!”

…voices could be heard, and a figure watched from above, a wry smile watching her handywork…


…an officer found the wounded body of Ben Trasker, discarded sidearm by him, gunshot to his knee and a small bloodied wound on his neck and left hand…

”Agent down – let’s get him out.”

…a delirious eye opened for a second to see a flashlight flick on and off as the world around him began to move and fresh air engulfed him before it all went black.
The pale tinge of blue danced over every inch of the warehouse as the holo-vid displayed the tussle between his informant and the fed. Digits imprisoned in red and white leather steepeled together before the bridge of his nose while he made a calculated summary of the incident while keeping silent on the matter within in his throne room. There was displeasure in the furrowed brows, while the body of Ben Trasker became evidently incapacitated. He wasn't the issue - he was merely serving as bait it seemed to the rest of the G.I.A. The energy vampire had been too distracted with the single officer to secure his warehouse, and keep the scent of the federal agents off his trail. Forty thousands units were not up for grabs within the confines of the warehouse. His mood had soured considerably that the combination of his droid forces and the vampire's prowess did not succeed in moving the battle elsewhere. Though despite the current state of affairs, he wasn't as angry with his informant as he was with this one perceptive and now damaged agent. There had been enough recordings of the various camera feeds to get several up close and personal looks at the man's face and badge. He had a badge number, a face, and now all he would need was a name - if he survived.

"Mah sister, best beat feet when the getting's good. The operation is compromised, but you're still on the payroll. I'll see you're compensated for your diligence and tight lips." Blitz said, giving her commlink a buzz while he went into damage control mode. With a heavy sigh full of product escaping his mouth, Blitz accessed his datapad, and typed in a code that every fiber of his being was against. The resulting communication went to the warehouse, and every durasteel crate padlocked with similar technology lit up for a few seconds. The red hue of each access pad blinked three times and then the entirety of each locked box was instantly incinerated as a contingency plan. Down to the very trace fibers, everything was made into instant ash. He'd just taken a sizable deduction in his product line, but it wouldn't be able to have a trace back to him now. The droids were already scrubbed, and now there wasn't a single thing to link this warehouse to any kind of illegal operation.

Whoever this unnamed agent was, Blitz was interested enough to put out his feelers among the Black Sun community, and hire a slicer or two to track his face and name off of the G.I.A. records list. If the man did survive he was already dead - he just didn't know it yet. Blitz however didn't stop at one man, he would make an example of Trasker - with all known associates, family, friends. He'd go as far as to kill the man's pets if it would make an example be known. For now though, he had to deal with the setback, and wait on proper intel to filter down the line. This frustration called for another deathstick as he killed the holofeed, and disabled all cameras within the warehouse as well.

[member="Sawa Ike"] | [member="Ben Trasker"]

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