Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Agent Snipes


Expert Sniper

NAME: Joan Wernan
FACTION: Avidion Oligarchy
RANK: Agent
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7m
WEIGHT: 59kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black with a black bandanna tied on top of her head with her hair flowing out the back
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

+ Expert Sniper: The few that know of Snipes the first thing they say is how remarkable her marksmanship skills are. Though her weapon of choice is a sniper rifle, she is incredible with just about any ranged weapons. She has even been known to use slugthrowers on occasions where blasters weren’t the best option.
+ Elite Survivalist: Though there are no longer any records of it, the Agent known as Snipes volunteered to be put through a special program called Survival School. There they teach agents how to survive in any environment with little to no resources. She was also trained to resist interrogation and torture including Force User mental attacks and mind reading. She passed the highest of her class, making her the ultimate survivor.
+ Stealth Artist: With her training in sniping and survival, it was only natural she picked up stealth. She can sneak to where she needs to be and hide for days until the day she decides to reveal herself.

+/- Patriot: Snipes considers herself a defender of her people, the common folk. She will complete her mission but without cost or collateral damage to the Imperial citizens (no care about Sith though). It has gotten her into trouble in the past. To her, it's the people first, organization second, job third, everything else, then Sith dead last.
+/- Thin: While Snipes possesses a fit but slim frame that makes it hard to hit her and easier to hide, it doesn't hold a lot of strength and while she has great endurance, her body doesn't offer much in resilience.

- Antisocial: She rarely talks. The most words anyone has ever heard her say were 7. They were “I am a Sniper, not a talker.”
- Hand to Hand Combat: While she can hold her own against common thugs, she is by no means a master. However she isn’t above using a rifle as a club.
- Lone Wolf: Even when part of a team, Snipes still go off by herself, preaching that it's better that way. Granted, she will still complete the mission. Just not with everyone else.
- ‘Dislikes’ Sith: Enough said.

Snipes is slim with lean muscle, very fit, some noticeable scars, most prominent scar is the one from her right palm running along the underside of her arm to her elbow. Her face is a little narrow, rounded chin, high cheek bones, slightly wrinkled due to stress but still considered youthful. She has various outfits for different missions, ranging from her typical combat wear, her relaxed clothes, and even formal wear. However a constant through all of these loadouts is her black bandanna. She never parts with it. Ever.


Joan Wernan was born in the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas. She was raised by a middle class family, wealthy enough to have a decent status but low enough that they don’t have any significant power. She learned to love the Empire like many other youth and also wanted to live a life of adventure. She went to an Imperial Academy and gained the attention of Imperial Intelligence. She qualified to be a sniper and got trained as such along with basic interrogation, resistance training, and conditioning. She became a brilliant sniper, being able to score incredible shots from amazing distances. It is there that any record of her stops. With the collapse of the Empire she served, her records went along with it. What little that is known is that during her time working for Imperial Intelligence she earned the call-sign Snipes, a name she uses now. She specializes in assassinations with her favored weapon, a sniper rifle, but it is known that she has done other types of missions in the past. At some point she began to distrust her Sith Masters and began taking missions from them only when necessary. None of it matters now. With no more master to serve, Snipes wonders the galaxy, taking up work as she goes, and searches for a new cause to take up.


Snipes considers herself a fighter for the people and is willing to do anything to benefit the lower citizens of the Empire. She dislikes anyone in the politics or the upper class and finds them to lack any sort of integrity. She favors working in the jungle for it reminds her of her home planet. Joan isn’t very social, preferring to keep to herself, and still retains her lone wolf attitude though she is reliable and trustworthy. She naturally distrusts Sith and only does missions for them on certain circumstances. She views them as power hungry egomaniacs that care for nothing but their own needs and view everyone not blessed by the Force to be inferior though Joan has proven more than enough times that non Force Sensitives are nowhere near inferior.


Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

A Side of Terror With That Speech Please

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