Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
High up in the skies of Kanatos IV a low altitude transport hovered in the air bursting through the clouds, flanking it were more transports in in almost as V formation. At the tip of the spear was a woman wearing light phrik armor with her face covered by a visor, in her arms she held a Red Dead Assault Rifle and on her back was repulser pack. Filtering air through her helmet she looked at the team of various private contractors with her, all of which were armed to the teeth. She took a deep breath then looked down at the objective bellow.
Patricia Susan Garter, Jedi padawan struggling to do the right thing in this life. It wasn't something she liked to think about really, but she had a family and doing the right thing wasn't going to pay the bills. They said a Jedi never went looking for a fight, that all could be saved and they were peacekeepers, defenders of the light and all things good. But right now she felt like a common mercenary. She had left the Red Ravens, joined the rebellion and now was on the edge of leaving them thanks to the incident on geonosis. But through it all one person had accepted her and even though they had their differences [member="Isley Verd"] had given her work, he had given her money for her family and no matter what road it took her on she knew she had to do it for her family. So she took a deep breath then turned to her team as she activated her comm link, she was kicking it with the vanguard today and this meant she was working with some of the best soldiers in the galaxy.
"Cortosis mining facility designated Saber Stopper is one minute out. It's been the operating center for a bandit clan in the region, our job is to drop in from above and eliminate them with minimal damage to the facility. So this means no grenades, small arms only. Let's do this." Patricia looked to the door and the red light was still on.
Catching her breath she cocked back her assault rifle and prepared for things to get rough, they were going to secure themselves a Cortosis mine from a bunch of murdering bastards, yeah she was cool with that.
Patricia Susan Garter, Jedi padawan struggling to do the right thing in this life. It wasn't something she liked to think about really, but she had a family and doing the right thing wasn't going to pay the bills. They said a Jedi never went looking for a fight, that all could be saved and they were peacekeepers, defenders of the light and all things good. But right now she felt like a common mercenary. She had left the Red Ravens, joined the rebellion and now was on the edge of leaving them thanks to the incident on geonosis. But through it all one person had accepted her and even though they had their differences [member="Isley Verd"] had given her work, he had given her money for her family and no matter what road it took her on she knew she had to do it for her family. So she took a deep breath then turned to her team as she activated her comm link, she was kicking it with the vanguard today and this meant she was working with some of the best soldiers in the galaxy.
"Cortosis mining facility designated Saber Stopper is one minute out. It's been the operating center for a bandit clan in the region, our job is to drop in from above and eliminate them with minimal damage to the facility. So this means no grenades, small arms only. Let's do this." Patricia looked to the door and the red light was still on.
Catching her breath she cocked back her assault rifle and prepared for things to get rough, they were going to secure themselves a Cortosis mine from a bunch of murdering bastards, yeah she was cool with that.