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Approved Tech Agnusdei's Electronic Lockpick

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Intent: To create a tool for Agnusdei to use to gain entrance to secured areas (homes, offices, labs, etc.) as well as to provide a plot device to explain his presence in areas thought to be secure
Development Thread: The Journals of Etorre Agnusdei, M.D. - Volume IV
Manufacturer: Doctor Agnusdei
Model: Electronic Lockpick
Affiliation: Doctor Agnusdei
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique (enough to outfit himself and his Dopplegangers, but no more [~7]. Lost or damaged devices are replaced in between threads)
Material: Duraplast, electronics, power pack.

Created by Doctor Agnusdei to grant him access to more secure areas, the Electronic Lockpick is an amalgamation of three separate types of forced entry devices. Taking the (implied) raw power from the Laser Lockpick, the selectiveness of the Circuit Disruptor, and the sheer ability of the Geonosian Slicer Module, he combined the three aspects into one device.

The result was the Electronic Lockpick. It contains the power levels of the laser lockpick, allowing it to operate at full force for longer periods, but removes the (implied) physical damage to the lock itself. It also takes the Circuit Disruptor's selective override ability and removes the override ability from the device, allowing it to act as a sort of electronic lock sensor. Lastly, the device takes the Geonosian Slicer Module and simplifies the programming and abilities to a more manageable level and couples the new aspect with the two previous. All three together balance the strengths and weaknesses of the device and allow the lockpick to work effectively and without the drawbacks of all three, though without the total, cumulative strength of all combined as well.

The device can unlock simple locks in fifteen to thirty seconds, though the most complex locks this device can affect usually take anywhere from three to five minutes to unlock. Complex locks of high security or military grade manufacture are impossible for this device to affect appropriately. The device can even lock the door behind the intruder, allowing the lock to appear untouched and undamaged, even upon closer inspection. Lastly, the power pack can last for roughly a week of standard use, though under heavy use the power pack needs changing every two to three days or so.
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