Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Agony is Your Triumph

Set During the Events of The Battle of Coruscant.

Any person is welcome to join that was at the Battle of Coruscant. This will be Tulan's last conversation in full, before his final moments aboard the Eclipse over a communicator.


He was so scared. Tulan Kor- was scared.

The fires around him grew, the ship rising and rising above the skyline of Coruscant. Barely holding together, the Eclipse was. He sat down in that chair, that some Admiral, Grand Admiral, or someone important sat in. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Air was getting thin and heavy. Harder to breathe.

He thumbed the Communicator, scared. He was very scared- really. He had never been this afraid in his life. It was the finality, maybe. Maybe it was being alone. Maybe it was the impending doom, maybe it was the uncertainty. Tulan just felt.... afraid. He never felt like this, this fear.

Combat was hectic, but compartmentalized. Now, it was just him, and this damn Communicator.

He flicked it to an open channel, an open one-way communication. Just to see. He didn't want to be alone right now. Not totally. It was an open line, but a direct line. So whoever answered- well it would just be them two.

He was crying a bit. He wiped tears away from his grease, ash, and sweat covered face before speaking into it. He leaned over on the chair, hoping, praying, that someone answered.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

He said into the abyss, into the chaos. Just hoping someone was out there to hear him. He bit back tears again, leaning over in the Captain's chair, composing himself.

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Location: Kalist VI

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

Elan was startled by the voice. He had been tuning the radio he was tinkering with, trying to get some local music to play, when the voice came through. "Hello? Who is this? Are you in some kind of trouble?" The young man had no idea who it was, or even what he might be able to do to help, if anything, but he certainly couldn't ignore it. And the voice on the other end certainly seemed to be in rather dire straits.
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"My name's Tulan. Tulan Kor. I've had better days."

"What's your name?"

Elan scratched his chin. The man sounded pained, but he did not seem to be in any immediate danger if he was introducing himself and asking for a name. "G'day, Tulan Kor. I'm Elan Crowe. From Kalist. I swear your name sounds vaguely familiar, though I can't quite place it. You some bigshot somewhere? Why would you be radioing some random signal like this while sounding like you just went through a gullywhumper?" He paused. "Um, over. Not really too sure on callsigns or pilot jargon or whatever you call it."

He didn't know the man's name.
He took a deep breath, listening to him speak, smirking when he said something about Tulan being a bigshot.

"Was, a big shot, I guess. Just-"

The visage of Coruscant was getting smaller and smaller as Tulan pulled the ship higher into the atmosphere.

"Don't want to be alone."

There was a long silence before he said that- when he came to the realization.

"Especially now, you know?"

Elan Crowe Elan Crowe

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"Hm..." Elan replied. "I've never really been alone. I've always had my family by my side here on Kalist. But between the sparse settlements, there isn't really anyone my age, so I guess I can understand a little. I have wanted to see what's out there, but with the Dark Empire encroaching..."

He sighed. "These are troubling times. But hey, I'm here. We may not know each other, but I'll listen. Anything you got on your heart right now?"


Tulan realized he hadn't been alone, but he had never been quite not alone, either. Only a few people in his life stayed. But his duty, his wars- they took people from him, or he couldn't maintain a real relationship.

"Elan- I'm above Coruscant. It's nice."

It was- the view, was at least somewhat beautiful. A console exploded next to him, and the alarms started to blare. He grit his teeth, fighting back tears. He curled his legs under him, watching the Eclipse get higher and higher in the atmosphere.

"I'm scared, honestly. Scared more than I think I ever will be."

Mostly because it was the last time he'd probably be able to be scared. What came after? What came next? Did anything?

Elan Crowe Elan Crowe

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"Coruscant...?" Elan paused for half a second. "I heard news that there was a war happening on Coruscant..."

The realization hit him. "Oh feth, you're in the karking battle!"

Elan gave a sigh. "Is it... Is it not going well? Or..." He couldn't quite bring himself to ask, 'Is it not going well for you?'

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