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Approved Melee Weapon Agragost Kukri

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Sword
Size: Large





  • Classification: Kukri
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average

  • The Agragost Kukri utilizes the same infusion process developed for the Thera Glaive. The Barricas Oil is chemically bonded to the metal alloy during its creation. This ensures the weapon is able to defend against lightsabers as well as blasters, without the concern of it wearing off.
  • In a deliberate design choice, the Agragost Kukri utilizes Malabast instead of Durasteel. This vastly increases the weapons durability by pushing its resilience against energy and kinetic based attacks to the maximum.
  • After the success of the Thera Glaive, an Ultrasonic Vibration Generator was added within the Agragost Kukri. The kukri now vibrates with enough force to be able to slice through armor, flesh, stone, and durasteel with ease. In addition, its edge can also cause horrific gaping wounds and dismemberment. OOC Note: As always damage if any is determined by the writer.
  • A new design addition to the Kukri was the addition of a new, revolutionary, powerful electro-plasma filament along the edge of the blade. When activated the weapon can not only collide with lightsabers, but it produces enough cutting power to slice through beskar.

  • Saber Proof
  • Great Durability & Cutting Power, Slices Through Beskar
  • Lightweight

  • Close Range Weapon

After the fall of the Bryn'adul Empire its forces shattered.

They broke up into fiefdoms each controlling a portion of the once great force that brought nations to their knees. For Rakvul the Darkener, Warlord of the Bryn'adul Empire he fought desperately to survive. In time through his successful efforts, he rose as leader of the largest fiefdom known as the Bryn'adul Remnant. In part due to his unique position during the war, a vast portion of the Zealot Order were under his command when the empire began to break apart.
It became even more important to adapt, to seek to overcome weakness. If they didn't the Draelvasier, and the Bryn'adul would slip into the pages of history once more. This thought was deeply rooted in his mind as the Warlord worked tirelessly to reunite scattered forces into one cohesive whole. All the while he worked behind the scenes to continue to innovate, to develop new tools and methods of war. War was ever changing as did those who waged it, and it was important that they continued to keep up. This meant giving the Zealot Order the tools necessary to efficiently carry out their duties.
So, the Warlord went to work.
The Thera Glaive was considered an incredible success, well received by all Drael and lauded for its great cutting power. Rakvul heeded the lessons he learned during the creation of that weapon and put them to good use in the development of a new kukri, one of the Zealot's primary weapons. The unique blend produced an excellent blade with great cutting power, however for his Zealots, there was a demand for something greater. Their primary missions involved the elimination of high value targets. The greatest enemies of the Drael would be their prey and that often-meant Jedi, Sith, or even Mandalorians. In order to push the kukri to the level of excellence the Zealots required, he turned to plasma technology.
There were several weapons developed by companies of the galaxy acquired during the wars of annihilation. Rakvul worked tirlessly to unravel the secrets of plasma weaponry, reverse engineering these weapons alongside his experts in order to acquire a deep understanding. Once this was achieved, he introduced an incredibly powerful electro-plasma filament along the edge of the blade. When combined with the ultrasonic vibration generator, and the rugged nature of malabast combined with barricas oil, this created a weapon that could not only collide with lightsabers, but slice through plates of beskar. It would ensure that the Zealots could take on any opponent and easily slice them apart.
It was named the Agragost Kukri after the elite hunter killer beasts specializing in killing force users. Once fully satisfied of its capabilities Rakvul approved it for use by the Zealot Order. It would remain exclusively a Bryn'adul Remnant weapon until he reunited with Tathra Khaeus, and was introduced to the Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate. There he opened it up to the now whole Zealot Order from all warbands.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new, modernized kukri for the Zealot Order.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Barad Kukri
Thera Glaive
Vibro-Arbir Blades

Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Agragost Kukri
Modular: Yes
Material: Barricas Oil Coating Electro-Plasma Filament Edge Malabast Ultrasonic Vibration Generator
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