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Approved Species Agriworld-3063 Native Flora: Rolla

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Baroness Magrath



Native Flora

..:: Rolla Root ::..

  • Rolla


Development Thread:
  • If Necessary

Average Measurements:
  • Length: 12.7 centimeters
  • Width: 2.54 centimeters
  • Weight: 167.262 grams

Cultivation Requirements:
  • Type I Atmosphere
  • Nitrogen-Enriched Soil
  • Water Flooded Field

  • Hardy Stock: The Rolla is known as one of the more hardier vegetables grown as a food stuff on Avidon. While it does require a steady temperature; and often grows best in the balmy cooler weather of Spring and Autumn, it is capable of surviving the extreme heat of the summer.

  • High in Nutrients: A versatile flora; it is capable of being substituted in various dishes due to its high nutrient content. Likewise (very much like tofu), when Rolla is cooked with other foodstuffs, it can easily pick up their flavor, which has resulted in a myriad of Rolla based substitutes.

  • Spoils: While the Rolla is of a hardy stock, and can handle high temperatures; it is unfortunately prone to rapidly spoiling once harvested. Due to this the Rolla must be frozen, or in some way preserved within three to four days once harvested.

  • The Taro Effect: Essentially, the Rolla root itself (as it is comprised of a root and leafy top) is highly poisonous to humans and near-human species. This toxicity however is also very easy to remove through either steeping the processed root in cold water; or through boiling it into a paste. If eaten raw, it can lead to urinary tract problems, cramps, and digestive tract problems.


  • Broad Leaves: The stem of the Rolla shoots up from the muddy water into large, broad leaves. These leaves, while not as toxic as the root; still need to be processed through cooking to remove the minor toxins in the stems and leaves itself. The large green leaves have multiple uses; though are predominately used as a garnish or packaging for cooking the Rolla Root in (or to cook other foodstuffs in).

  • Tail Root: While the Rolla Root is a bulbous vegetable, the tip ends in a lengthy and wispy 'tail root'. As the upper bulb of the Rolla has no side roots, this wispy 'tail root' is the primary source that collects nutrients for the plant during its growth cycle.

Average Growth Cycle: 30 - 35 Standard Days

Average Life:
  • Proper Care: 30 - 60 Standard Days
  • Harvested: 3 - 4 Standard Days


The Rolla Root is a native flora to the world that would later be designated as Avidon. During the era before the Republic, when the Aeosagians were the dominate species on the planet; the Rolla root only grew in the upper reaches of what little land was above the water. During the shift in climate; which saw the naturally large oceans of Avidon begin to dry and shallow, the root slowly began to take hold in lower areas, primarily with more swamp or bog like aspects. The largest collections of the Rolla Root were often on the muddy banks of rivers.

When Avidon was first settled, the Root was seen as a natural source of food; though after a few mistakes in eating it raw lead to the need of medical attention in a few of the settlers. When it was later realized that it require to be processed to ensure that the toxic chemicals within the plant would be removed, it quickly became a foodstuff. Likewise it was observed early on, that the root seemed to rapidly spoil over a few days once harvested, and many crops were often left unharvested as a means to prolong the life of the plant.

With the world being a predominately Argicultural world, the Rolla Root comprises the largest amount of processed foodstuffs exported from the planet. This is due in part to it acting like tofu, and capable of absorbing and holding the flavors of other foodstuffs it is cooked with. It is this aspect of the Rolla Root, which has made it the most prized of the native Flora; as it has lead to an industry of Rolla Root substitutes.


The Rolla Root is intended to further flesh out the background and lore of the planet Avidon. Thus, it is meant to serve as one of a small handful of flora that shows that Avidon is a predominately Argicultural world; whose primary exports are foodstuffs.

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