Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ah-kan Jansen

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NAME:Ah-kan Jansen
FACTION: Neutral
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 140lb
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Lightly tanned, just enough to not be sunburned by stepping into sunlight.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strength/Weakness: Ah-kan's greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, his unbelievable luck. Ah-kan has been in recorded in having no less than a dozen 'accidents' a day. From tripping and falling face first into solid durasteel to nearly being killed from a misfiring blaster, Ah-kan seems to be the luckiest guy around.
Weakness: Ah-kan's other weakness is his near inability to stand up for himself. He is timid unless seriously provoked and even then he is unlikely to be able to cause anyone any serious damage.
Strength: One small victory he can always win is his optimism. One could say he is sometimes 'sickeningly happy' as some cowrokers might say. Ah-kan, in an attempt to keep from being down over his amazing luck, decided he wasn't going to let little things get him down...and now they don't!

When Ah-kan was born on that fateful day on Dantooine, the poor boy was 'lucky' from the start. The medical droid malfunctioned and classified him as a girl. Right from the start, anyone could tell he was lucky. Maybe it was the effeminate clothes he had all the way until the age of three, or it could have been his room (which was full to bursting of all sorts 'girly' things) or maybe it was even that his parents used "she" until he was nearly a two months old. Regardless, when he finally started his formal learning around six, his first act was to slip on some vomit another child had recently 'created', flip over one of the desks and land on his back against the wall to slowly slide down to the ground. Alas, it didn't get better, either. Also, on the first day, a couple of raiders had been attacking the area for years, keeping any Jedi from realizing the source of Ah-kan's luck.
Years later, and many a day of humiliation, Ah-kan finally started to make it into the awkward stages of puberty. When the first girl to ask him out on a fateful day, he opened his mouth and found it full Mandolorian steel. As luck would have, the entire area was raided, and while many Jedi had lost their lives protecting the area, poor Ah-kan was knocked unconscious for the next three days, with no memory of what happened.
Since that fateful day, Ah-kan has always tried to be careful, it's never worked, and has been in so many death-defying accidents that many call him blessed, while others believe he is cursed, with the ability to live through so much. However, upon finally receiving some semblance of education, he struck out on his own, to fall on his face. However, he got right back up again and made a small living working at the docks near the Jedi compound.
In fact, Ah-kan met a real nice fellow that dresses him in uniforms, sends him to work for other companies and then he comes back. In fact, this fellow, a real nice Trandoshan, even pays Ah-kan for all the damages he causes at the other companies! Ah-kan enjoys his job so much, nobody seems to care how much he bumbles.




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