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Approved Ranged Weapon AI-214x Kylox Flamecaster

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Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large

  • Classification: Flamethrower, Plasma Launcher
  • Ammunition Type:
    • Rhydonium/Conflagrine-14 Pressurized Fuel Canisters
Flamethrower Mode​
Plasma Shot Mode​
Ammunition Capacity​
Effective Range​
Long Range​
Rate of Fire​
Damage Output​
Very High​
Very High​
Very Low​

  • Like all weapon designs from Aurora Industries, the Kylox Flamecaster is designed around versatility with the weapon having two different configuration modes that can switched between with a button press or through a HUD uplink:
    • While set to Flamethrower mode, the Kylox acts much like any other flamethrower or flame projector, utilizing the rhydonium and conflagrine-14 fuel compound to unleash gouts of fiercely hot ignited gel to burn out soldiers from their fortifications and inflict grievous burns if not outright burning the targets to ash as the flames can reach temperatures near 1,500-degree Celsius.
    • While set to Plasma Shot mode, the Kylox engages a magnetic field projector at the emitter nozzle and energizes the fuel mixture within its canisters to form miniaturized plasma energy torpedoes that explode into gouts of white-hot plasma and flames when they impact against a target, unleashing an explosion similar to a plasma grenade in a ten-meter radius. The plasma can also burn through most metals and construction materials if it has a chance to sit and burn through something.
  • Like some heavy weapons, the Kylox is equipped with a heat resistor and projected energy field that creates an energy shield that can absorb enemy infantry fire directed towards the user and protects the user from the flames they might be unleashing.
  • Utilizing a protective liquid coating and animated metal sealant in the design of the weapon, the Kylox is highly protected against environmental stresses and can be used in any environment without fear of the weapon failing due to adverse conditions such as snow, ice, sand, water, and so on.
  • The Kylox has a good deal of versatility between its two modes in unleashing flames and incinerating enemy targets, whether it be as a flamethrower or as a long-range plasma projector.
  • Damage to the fuel tanks with energy weapons can cause a catastrophic explosion that will ignite the fuel and likely kill the user. It is highly recommended that users have sufficient caution and support to avoid such a fate.

Developed as part of Aurora Industries' Gilgamesh Program, the AI-241x Kylox Flamecaster is the company's first time offering a flamethrower for the galaxy's weapon market as it begins to revamp its weapon production and products. Sticking to the design philosophy of the company's Aeon Program starship weapon systems, the company created the Kylox with both versatility and high damage output in mind, even though there is a limitation to what can be done with a flamethrower.

The first setting for the Kylox, the Flamethrower mode, utilizes a rhydonium and conflagrine-14 pressurized fuel mixture to unleashes gouts of gel that are ignited at the emitter nozzle into massive bursts of flame. The flames and burning gel can reach temperatures nearing 1,500 degrees Celsius within the optimal range, quickly reducing enemy forces to smoldering piles of ash and burning out enemy fortifications.

The second setting for the Kylox, the Plasma Shot mode, activates a magnetic field projector contained within the emitter nozzle and energizes part of the fuel released into the weapon into a highly unstable plasma. When the trigger is pulled, the magnetic field projector captures the plasma in a magnetic field and launches it at a target as a miniaturized energy torpedo whereupon it explodes into a destructive burst of plasma and flames that ignites a ten-meter fireball and begin to burn through most materials.

As an addition to the weapon, both a heat resistor and projected energy shield are included within the Kylox to give the user some protection from enemy fire and from the flames they are unleashing.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a variable heavy flamethrower for Aurora Industries to utilize and sell.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Aurora Industries; Individuals, Companies, and Factions that have purchased, licensed, or contracted the company
Model: AI-214x Kylox Flamecaster
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Sianarc Power Pack; Ferrocarbon-impregnated Alclad Alloy; Dallorian Alloy; Agrinium; Thorilide; Protective Liquid Coating; Animated Metal Sealant; Heat Resistor; Projected Energy Shield; Magnetic Field Projector
Ammunition Type: Liquified Fuels, Energized Plasma
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Other
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