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Approved Ranged Weapon AI-441b Aurelia Modular Blaster

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Manufacturer: Aurora Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average

  • Classification: Multipurpose Blaster
Configurations Table​

Standard Rifle Configuration​

Stun Rifle Configuration​

Pistol Configuration​




Average - 3.5 kilograms​

Average - 3.5 kilograms​

Very Light - 1 kilogram​

Ammunition Type​

Sianteria Gas Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Sianteria Gas Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Sianteria Gas Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Ammunition Capacity​

Average - 400 shots per canister​

Average - 400 shots per canister​

Small - 100 shots per canister​

Effective Range​




Rate of Fire​




Damage Output​


High - Non-lethal​






Modules Table​


Disruptor Module​

Anti-Armor Module​

Sniper Module​

Ion Module​

Stun-Net Module​

Configuration Utilization​

Standard Rifle, Pistol​

Standard Rifle only​

Standard Rifle, Stun Rifle​

All Configurations​

Stun Rifle only​








Average - 3.5 kilograms​

Average - 4.5 kilograms​

Average - 4.5 kilograms​

Average - 3.5 kilograms​

Average - 3.5 kilograms​

Ammunition Type​

Sianteria Gas Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Sianteria Plasma Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Sianteria Plasma Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Ionized Sianteria Plasma Canister
Sianarc Power Pack​

Sianarc Power Pack​

Ammunition Capacity​

Small - 100 shots per canister​

Very Small - 8 shots per canister​

Small - 30 shots per canister​

Average - 300 shots per canister​

Small - 10 shots per canister​

Effective Range​






Rate of Fire​






Damage Output​

Very High​

Very High​



Very High - Non-Lethal​







  • Like previous weapons designed by Aurora Industries, such as in their Streak family of infantry weapons, the AI-441b Aurelia is designed around versatility. To achieve this versatility, the weapon is design to have three main configurations:
    • Standard Rifle Configuration - The AI-441b without any modules installed, this configuration acts like an enhanced blaster rifle due to the Sianarc Power Pack granting additional strength and energy to the blaster bolts generated by the weapon. While in this setting, the wielder can fire single shots, in bursts, or in full automatic.
    • Stun Rifle Configuration - The AI-441b without any modules installed and switched over to its stun setting, easily done with the push of a button or even command from a HUD, this configuration acts like an enhanced stun rifle due to the Sianarc Power Pack granting additional strength and energy to the stun bolts generated by the weapon. While in this setting, the wielder can fire single shots, in bursts, or in full automatic.
    • Pistol Configuration - The central component of the AI-441b, detached from main chassis of the weapon through the push of a button, becomes a blaster pistol
  • Building off the configuration system for the weapon, it also continues the use of variable modules that can be installed into or onto the weapon to give it different firing modes. At base, the Aurelia comes with five additional modules:
    • Disruptor Module - Installed on the front of the weapon, the Disruptor Module draws more of the Sianteria gas through the Heter Valve of the weapon, but when the bolt is being energized, it goes through an additional process when it passes through the module that alters the particle composition of the weapon, creating an unstable energy wave contained within a bolt that disrupts the molecular bonds of whatever it impacts against, causing them to break apart and disintegrate. While in this setting, the wielder can fire in single shots and in bursts of three shots.
    • Anti-Armor Module - Installed into the hardpoint for grenade launchers and the front of the weapon, the Anti-Armor Module essentially makes the AI-A440 into an infantry scale energy torpedo launcher. The module captures the Sianteria gas, energizing it into a volatile plasma before wrapping it into a magnetic field before launching it as a torpedo at high speeds, roughly 10% the speed of light, in a straight line towards whatever target is in sights. The torpedo, when it impacts, explodes with massive force, easily piercing through armor and shielding to destroy armored vehicles and fortified positions. While in this setting, the wielder can only fire in single shots.
    • Sniper Module - Installed on the front of the weapon, the Sniper Module for the AI-441b extends the barrel of the weapon by a significant amount and also three additional prismatic crystals in the path of the plasma bolt to further enhance and strengthen it. A shield disruptor is also included in the module to allow the plasma bolt that is fired from the weapon to pass through shields. The range of the weapon is greatly increased and the bolt of plasma it fires can penetrate light cover and erupts when it impacts against a target, directing the majority of the plasma bolt's energy to burn through a target and creating potential splash damage in a small radius around the target. While in this setting, the wielder can fire single shots and in bursts. In addition, when this module is installed, a Thorilide shock absorber in the stock activates to reduce any recoil.
    • Ion Module - Installed into the section of the weapon where the Xciter and Actuating Blaster Module is located, the Ion Module essentially places a modified ion regulator that, when it draws in the Sianteria gas, energizes it into a powerful negatively charged bolt of plasma that splatters on impact to place greater stress on shields and electrical systems of whatever it impacts against. While in this setting, the wielder can fire single shots, in bursts, or in full automatic.
    • Stun-Net Module - Installed on the front of the weapon, the Stun-Net Module for the AI-441b alters the barrel to have four electrified prongs that channel the energy from the power cell of the weapon. When the trigger is pulled, four small spheres of energy are fired that form an energy net between them that will wrap around a target. Upon coming into contact with the target, an electrical surge is sent through them that can render many beings and creatures unconscious for several minutes up to an hour depending on their constitution. The energy net is also able to disable droids for several minutes or even completely fry their circuitry if they are not properly protected.
  • Utilizing Aurora's proprietary nanites, the Aurelia has a new type of hardpoint for the attachment of various different scopes and underbarrel accessories such as grenade launchers or flashlights. The hardpoint's nanites form and shift to accommodate whatever the attaching accessory might be, even if not produced by the company, to help facilitate a soldier's preferences.
  • Utilizing a protective liquid coating and animated metal sealant in the design of the weapon, the Aurelia is highly protected against environmental stresses and can be used in any environment without fear of the weapon failing due to adverse conditions such as snow, ice, sand, water, and so on.
  • Like all Aurora Industries weapons, the Aurelia has a great deal of versatility for its user between its various configurations and additional modules and a high degree of firepower across all of them to eliminate threats in both lethal and non-lethal fashion.
  • The Aurelia is designed for use through any sort of environmental stress or potential damage it might incur from rough handling through the use of protective coatings and animated metal sealant. In addition, the switch to alclad alloy makes the weapon both lighter and makes the weapon nonmagnetic.
  • Thorilide shock absorbers in the stock activate during the use of several modules, such as the Anti-Armor and Sniper modes, to reduce recoil from the weapon and the increased firepower.
  • Modules can take some time to swap out, taking several long seconds especially when the wielder is in the middle of a firefight on the battlefield.
  • Due to the use of lighter weight materials, as requested from the Galactic Alliance in their contract stipulations, the weapon does have higher recoil in most of its configurations and when certain modules are in use.
  • EMP weaponry can disable modules when in use and can reduce the damage output and rate of fire from the main weapon until the system refreshes.

While the majority of Aurora Industries' focus was on its starship development program, the announcement of a bid from the Galactic Alliance to develop its new standard-issue service rifle could not be ignored by the company. The company, long associated with its former Sith CEO, had been looking for possible opportunities to expand into the Alliance markets. Merryn Sellek, the current CEO, believed that business was business and that the company should attempt to bid for the contract with the GADF as an avenue for expansion and to prove that the company was not going to held down by its past affiliations and was a truly neutral entity.

The weapon designed by the company for the bid, the AI-A440 "Cassian" Modular Blaster, was modeled after the company's previous Streak series of weapons in terms of versatility. The weapon has three main configurations for a user, being able to switch easily between the standard rifle and the stun rifle settings and being able to detach the central portion of the weapon for use as a blaster pistol. In addition to these configurations, the company developed several base modules for the rifle that can further enhance its versatility. Five modules are included with the rifle as a starting point listed as Disruptor, Anti-Armor, Sniper, Ion, and Stun-Net. Four of the modules are continuations from the previous weapon systems from the company, with the newest being the Stun-Net for use as a capture or riot control function through its energy net projectiles.

The AI-A440 was also designed to be within the stipulations of what the GADF was looking for in a weapon in terms of weight and durability. Alclad alloy was used for a lighter frame for the weapon, while also having the added bonus of making it nonmagnetic, with ferrocarbon added into the alloy for increased durability. The weapon was also reinforced against the elements by hardening its components and adding a protective coating against water and abrasion and animated metal sealant to repair minor damages from stresses and make the weapon stronger. Agrinium and dallorian alloy were also utilized in the design to protect against heat and radiation damage.

As a final product, the weapon is viewed by the company as a solid candidate for the contract and just as a standalone weapon as a new iteration of its Steak series of weapons. The company, in preparation for its bid, was also prepared for possible questioning by Alliance officials about their reputation and what the company sees for itself in the future.


In light of the Galactic Alliance selecting a Mandalorian design for their standard-issue infantry weapon system, Aurora Industries decided to rename the weapon from the AI-A440 Cassian into the AI-441b Aurelia Modular Blaster to release it as a standalone product and as a successor to the Streak line of weapons from the company. A few tweaks were made to the rate of fire for the weapon as well, slightly increasing the ability of a user to get rounds down field for several of the configurations and modules.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a renamed and tweaked version of the AI-440 Cassian for Aurora Industries to utilize and sell
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Aurora Industries; Individuals, Companies, and Factions that have purchased, licensed, or contracted the company
Model: AI-441b Aurelia Modular Blaster
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Sianarc Power Pack; Ferrocarbon-impregnated Alclad Alloy; Dallorian Alloy; Agrinium; Thorilide; Protective Liquid Coating; Animated Metal Sealant; Heat Resistor; Projected Energy Shield; Magnetic Field Projector
Ammunition Type: Sianteria Gas Canister, Sianarc Power Pack
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Amazing work! Because you can't edit the thread later, I have to ask it. You put the image's link into the template, but you didn't add the picture itself to your sub. If you want to do it, you can do it, otherwise I'll accept in this way.
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