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Aidedar Seirhett



Field/Combat Medic







Aidedar's training as a field medic has allowed him to help many of his allies, both on
and off the battlefield. He keeps a medical kit close by his side at all times, and knows
how to perform basic first-aid operations on someone who's been injured. He's no
surgeon, but Aidedar can at least keep someone alive until they're taken to a proper
medical establishment.


With a relatively high tolerance for pain and the ability to shoulder most hardships
with a presumed ease, Aidedar certainly seems rather immune to the stresses and
hardships of life. This isn't to say that such things don't get to him, of course--they
do, and when that happens, they hit harder than they usually would, considering
that Aidedar is simply pushing his worries and concerns out of the way and
bottling them up. The ability is still useful to him, however, as he's able to remain
calm and collected under most types of tension and pressure that he's been
subjected to, for a short amount of time.


Thanks mostly to the training that he took up to become a field medic in the first
place, Aidedar is swift, lithe, and all too willing to run like the wind if he must in order
to escape a rather unfavorable situation that he's found himself in. He's light on his
feet and has quick reflexes, though often these tend to work against him at times.
He's more jumpy than most, and is very easily 'spooked' by unexpected events. As a
result, he's developed a hatred towards surprises and loud noises.


Myopia--shortsightedness--is something that Aidedar has had to deal with for the
entirety of his life. He's learned to combat it most effectively by wearing a pair of
spectacles--or, as they're better known as, glasses. Without them, he can hardly see
a couple of meters in front of his face, and will often struggle with basic activities
requiring sight, such as reading. He goes to great lengths to preserve these glasses,
and, for obvious reasons, stays clear from things like marksmanship and


Due mostly to his training as a medic, Aidedar tries his best to stay away from conflict
as much as he can. He hates unnecessary injuries, especially ones he figures he might
have to treat later on, and thus has very little knowledge on combat techniques or
self-defense. As such, he carries no weapons on his person, often preferring to 'talk it
out' with anyone who might be willing to bring harm to himself or his allies. Clearly,
such a strategy might not work out well all the time, yet still Aidedar refuses to learn
anything about fighting or simple training and techniques in self-defense.


Despite all his medical knowledge, Aidedar is pretty much computer-averse. He
despises interacting on technological interfaces, whether that be a simple Com Link
or the controls of a ship. He has no knowledge of how to operate... Well, pretty
much everything, excluding the most user-friendly of devices or things that he's been
thoroughly taught on how to use beforehand.


Aidedar stands at a fairly average height of five feet and ten inches, when he can
be bothered to stop hunching for a while. He's thin and wiry, yet clearly athletic,
weighing in at a reasonably light one-hundred seventy pounds. He has a rather fair
complexion, pale olive in color, and his eyes are a greyish blue that resembles steel
in color. Brown hair spikes wildly from his head, usually going without any sort of
proper maintenance other than a quick, hurried run-through between his fingers.
He puts very little thought into his appearance, both while walking around city streets
as well as on more formal occasions. Aidedar's wardrobe consists of little more than a
light, high-collared jacket that's faded with time and exposure, a plain white shirt, a
pair of rugged brown trousers, and old, well-worn work boots. A pair of glasses is also
often seen perched on his face, at least when he can afford to have them around
without risk of breaking or scuffing their delicate glass lenses.

Aidedar's early life was relatively normal, for someone living in a city. One mother,
one father, and a hellish amount of annoying siblings to deal with under a single roof.
They were never too well off, and Aidedar was put to work at a fairly young age,
being one of the oldest of his five brothers and sisters. Taking care of such a large
family was a strenuous task, indeed, and required more than just two incomes
that never truly got them far.

Soon, of course, Aidedar set off to live his own life in a world so hostile to the
uninitiated. His childhood and teenage years were mostly spent buried in front
of a HoloNet screen, when he wasn't busy working on small, odd jobs around
the area in which he lived or playing assistant to the small-time doctor he'd made
a friend with. Thus, he was near completely unprepared for what was considered
the "real world" by the vast majority: a life of crime and theft, where the lower-class
areas of the city in which he lived were situated. Infractions of the law were ignored,
for the most part, as long as they weren't too major; scams, robbery, theft, minor
assault--all of it was swept aside and covered up, abandoned by the local police force,
who undoubtedly had more important things to do with their time and energy.

After his sudden and abrupt leave, Aidedar was victim to a long streak in which
he didn't know what to do or where to go. His joy at finally managing to eke out
a life of his own, free from the stresses of living with close family, was soon struck
down with the harsh blows of reality: living a pure life, free of work considered
unethical, illegal, or blatantly corrupt, was something next to impossible to
achieve. Low on credits, and much too prideful to return to the old apartment
he had recently left, Aidedar turned to gambling in order to keep his hopes--
and his store of credits itself--high.

For a very short while, he seemed able to make a living this way. Still working
part-time as a doctor's assistant, he was taught many useful things and had
managed to earn a small wage for himself, too. What did go to his balance was
quickly gambled back to zero, however, and soon Aidedar was left wandering
the streets, surrounded by violence and problems cut too deep to be sewn
back together and fixed again. Once more, the luckless man wandered from
place to place, from the home of a friend to the home of those with no other
to call their own. Under that final roof, he came to a rest, occasionally stepping
out to darkened streets or back alleys to dance with Lady Luck once more.

It was on such an occasion that he met them--the two who would truly turn
his life around. Joshua and Elliot Haimes, twins turned mercenary after they
themselves were hit by a sour streak. An operation turned bad, another gamble
lost to the bastard who just has to be cheating in some way, perhaps even
a dying battle to the several poisons of the street masked as pharmaceuticals;
it didn't matter how they got there, really, not to Aidedar--Aide, as he was
so fittingly nicknamed. What mattered was that they were there, and that
he now had others who actually understood, who were loyal, trustworthy,
and who wouldn't turn their backs whenever he needed help.

Since then, the trio has been nigh inseparable. It was through them
that Aidedar had first discovered that what was considered 'bad jobs'
actually paid fairly well, and most of them weren't even that challenging,
either. It was through them that he was encouraged to delve further
into the wonders of medicine and medications, taking up the work of
a field medic whenever necessary. They were the ones to help him thrive,
and he the one to help them. To this day, Aidedar continues on with
his companions, one sure thought forever embedded in his mind:

No matter what happens, they'll always be together.


Chiewab GLiS Emergency Medpac
(Spray Hypo, laser cauterizer, med. vials, basic first aid kit, etc.)

Secure-A3 communications link





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