Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aiden Krato

Aiden Krato
174 (Anzat never really die from old age and their adolescence is around 100 years old so Aiden would be around his 20's in human years)
175 lbs
Crystal blue
Light Brown
A common shade of basic white skin
Yes, he is force sensitive due to his race. He has very minor abilities of receptive telepathy, life sense, sense the force in others and force potential, and a mind trick/telepathic control type ability used to lure in victims.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Aiden is a quick thinker. Always has been and hopefully he always will be, but at the same time when he becomes focused on something in particular, like a certain goal, it's hard for him to notice the world around him. This type of focus has caused him in the past to alienate himself from the ones he truly cares about and obsess over priorities that may not have been as important as others.
However, he is a loving man though he tries to hide it from those around him because he indeed understands the lack-luster characteristic described in the above paragraph. That and he tends to alienate himself because of his species; when met by an especially intelligent person it's hard for him to control his urge to "drink" of their "soup."
One last strength is his ability to feel and empathize. It too is a serious downfall because a killer by race with a conscience isn't bound to make it that far, but he's figuring it out as he goes.

The avatar kind of tells it all. He's a simple yet attractive man with his only striking feature being his eyes. He likes it better this way, in his line of business it's best to have an easily forgotten face.
On a side note he does have small slits hidden and tucked away under the more defined portion of his cheek bones. These slits are hard to notice even up close unless Freddy himself calls attention to them by either pointing them out or unleashing his lampre like tentacles to feed.

Born towards the end of the era of darkness, Aiden was raised on the run. The Anzat have been around for centuries, millennia, forever, but even they can be affected by sickness and disease when said disease is so malevolent in nature. His parents, though filled with prideful honor, were also good people who lead relatively honest lives. His father, Jerrick Krato, was an overlooked and self-proclaimed Anzat diplomat who attempted to establish an Anzat presence in the galaxy, starting on their home world of Anzat. However, his colleagues declared his pursuits frivolous and rejected his ventures and ideas stating harshly that, "He was a diluted man for wanting something more then the necessary." The necessary being the life force required by the Anzati to live. This lead Jerrick to take his small family elsewhere, and just in time. As his family was leaving the planet a slave ship was carrying in the detrimental plague that even the Anzati's quickened immune system could not fight entirely.
From this point forward Aiden's life was a blur. His father, though too a good man, was growing older and older, and with his age his obsession for the hunt and "soup" grew. This obsession eventually drove Jerrick to feast upon a Ryloth house representative on the core world of Coruscant while sitting in on a diplomatic meeting with the goal of raising Anzat awareness.
He accomplished his goal as he drained the representative of her life force before the main congregation. The Anzati were generally known for their subtlety and tactfulness in the hunt, which Aiden most definitely inherited from his mother Mila Krato but his father, driven by his own failure as a diplomat and a maddening desire for the soup, failed to employ such skill.
After this incident, law enforcement officers, now viewing all Anzati as a severe threat, sent a extermination party to the Krato residence with the intent to kill. In one last ditch effort to redeem himself, Jerrick telepathically warned his mate and son, giving Aiden enough time to escape but leaving Mila to occupy the coming threat in order to save her son. Jerrick was executed as a warning to all other Anzati but Mila's death was kept a secret and never made the news.
Aiden, now alone, was driven to the streets and underbelly of Coruscant where he learned and honed most of his oratory skills passed down to him by his father, and his stealth skills passed down to him by his mother. Here is where he climbed the ranks in different syndicates as a runner, delivery boy, and most importantly stalker. These short years that passed were also the years in which he learned of himself, determining that he was in fact a good person, but driven by a need to prove himself to those that hastily sought judgement of his relatively innocent parents.
Now he has made a name for himself as a successful yet small-time smuggler, not once failing a job, and kept his own name secret at an attempt to create for himself a new identity. A new Aiden as a man and not a monster.

It's a standard YT-1300 he was able to buy after years of saving up credits. No special mods. More old and beat up then new, but dependable. It gets the job done.


And finally, Aiden.
I'm not sure what I want to do with 'ole Aiden just yet, light side or dark side, I don't know. For right now I'm gunna keep it cool, play it safe, and meet some new people and see where that takes me. :)

With that being said though I am interested in eventually getting him more trained in the ways of the force!

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