Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ailred Vruumond


NAME: Ailred Vruumond
FACTION: Galderra Defense Initiative, Commenor Systems Alliance
RANK: First Admiral of Galderra (Equivalent to Lord Admiral or Fleet Admiral)
AGE: 57
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 5'' / 196cm
WEIGHT: 94kg
EYES: Silver
HAIR: Silver
SKIN: Pale
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, untrained


Diplomat - Intelligent, well-mannered, disciplined, comfortable to be around, Ailred is a skilled diplomat with a bit of charm
Self-Trained Tactician - Ailred can command, but he isn't the best. The more serious a battle becomes the more he may fail at his duties.
Weak - Ailred is not physically strong, in the sense of lifting, physical resistance, or fighting. But what he loses in Strength, he makes up for in speed.
Brutally Honest - In Public he tends to stay a silent man, but among his closest friends and family he will not hesitate to tell the truth and how he feels.

Vruumond comes from a hidden and secluded group of Sephi that left the old traditions. Vruumond and his followers consider themselves not to be Sephi, but an offshoot, or a subrace, called Seluna. He led his people away from the galactic chaos that consumed the Sephi and forced them into a never ending cycle of betrayal and bloodshed. But even as much as he and his people could hide, they couldn't hide from the wars for too long, and eventually were found again. Ailred was like many others, wanting to escape the war-torn Galaxy. After having peace away from the galactic encounters, they had to travel again, this time coming upon Castle Galderra and meeting Eddak. Eddak had welcomed Ailred and his people with open arms, and helped shelter them until they were able to make their own living arrangements. Vruumond had helped build a small enclave for his people, with religious structures and residences, but he wanted to do more. He wanted to do more for Eddak who graciously gave him safety and refuge. However, he was already paying his debt back to Eddak, and more. He had enlisted with the Galderran military to train himself, protect the people, and make sure he could protect his own people, but it was quickly known that Vruumond was far better as an Officer, and he soon rose the ranks in the Navy.




[member="Cady Arwyn"]

First name is from an elven name generator, second name is just something my brain generated. Unfortunately, I am not french. But I hear it, Cute. Haha

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Why do you wish to play with my hair?
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

There are more than a few Sephi located on Wann Tsir within Castle Galderra, in Commenor Systems Alliance space. They are not actively keeping themselves hidden, so perhaps some traders carried along a word of Sephi being around?

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