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Approved Location Aina Holdings - Lothal Mining Operations

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  • Mine Name: Aina Holding’s Lothal Mining Operation
  • Material: Doonium. By-products are clay and gravel.
  • Location: Lothal
  • Affiliation: Aina Holdings
  • Size: Large
  • Population: Moderately Staffed
  • Profit: Medium
  • Accessibility: Easy access. The mining sites are quite large and can be seen from the air with ease.
  • Description: While tall columns of smoke still fill the air, since acquiring the three mines Aina Holdings has worked to improve the ozone and surrounding environment via MaraTibX technology. Yet they are still massive, open-pit mines surrounded by pieces of massive equipment. The mine is by nature loud, sounds carrying across the Lothal grasslands.

Pryce Mine : Oldest and deepest mine on Lothal. Found by the Pryce family a millenia ago, with rights acquired by the Drey corporation. Surveys have indicated doonium does remain, but is harder to extract due to the age of the mine. One of the most labor intensive mines to work at, Aina Holdings has ensured a droid labor force has taken pressures off the sentient ones.

Jalath Mine : Kilometers away from the city of Jalath. Also found by Drey corporation during surveys and acquiring mineral rights. A raw mine, it is in the early stages of extraction and capacity is lower. Aina Holdings can only expand the mine so far due to its location near the city and population centers.

Jhothal Mine : Named after the nearby village. Found during a survey by the Drey corporation. Further surveys of the veins and ore deposits by Aina Holdings view this as potentially the most profitable of the three mines. Renewed focus brought a larger facility and footprint to the mine and village.

High. The doonium mines are heavily patrolled by private security hired by Aina Holdings. Due to the expensive nature of the ore, greater care of securing the site has been taken by Aina as opposed to Drey. Fences have largely been left up, but patrols from sentient and droid security, closed-circuit recording systems, and motion and movement sensors have all been put into place. Orbital bombardment, military forces, well-funded pirates, etc can all breach these defensives. For a small rag-tag group or inexperienced force it would be much more difficult, but not impossible.

Bought during a land grab during the invasion of Lothal via the Empire of the Lost, Alicia Drey set to capitalize on a crashing market as corporate tycoons left the planet. Among her holdings acquired that day are three mines ; Pryce Mine, Jalath Mine, and Jhothal Mine. Run under the Drey corporation, the Lothal mines benefited from the owner’s status within the Empire of the Lost, flourishing under her watchful eye.

When Alicia Drey was found dead, business partner Makai Dashiell took the opportunity to move in. Working with estate lawyers, the mining tycoon bought the Lothal mining operations from Drey corporation, taking over the mineral and mining rights as well as the production and refinement.

Due to the feelings of locals and the doonium mine, Aina Holdings has brought in droids and outside contractors to do much of the work. Should a strike or rebellion happen, there is enough labor to continue production at a slower pace until more outside employees can arrive and continue. For the most part, Aina Holdings has kept much of the framework of Drey corporation, yet with more focus on environmental sustainability and employee retention.
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