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Aing-Tii - Homeworld of the secretive race, Aing-Tii


Planet Name: Aing-Tii (Homeworld)
Planet Description: The Homeworld of the Aing-Tii, this planet is covered in mountain ranges as far as the eye can see. A rocky terrain, and rather cool in comparison to other planets in the Galaxy. The planet is rather secretive and secluded to the rest of the known universe. Located deep into the Kathol Rift, its true location is hidden as the area is volatile space travel and hard to find.

The planet has a series of Caverns and cave systems named, Embrace, which is the sacred area in which the Aing-Tii stored their untouchable artifacts, which they called Relics. Later Grandmaster Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker visited the planet to find the secrets of how Darth Caedus, or Jacen Solo, fell to the dark side of the force. Where they learned how to Teleport and Flow-Walking from a Native.

​There it was discovered a Codex where Jacen solo at the time had came into contact with.

The School, is a place of learning where the Aing-Tii taught the Human, Jorj Car'das, of their culture, and was also the place where Jacen Solo, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, and Several Force sensitives following Solo learned the forms of Teleportation and Flow-Walking.

Jorj Car'das' house was a simple one story building in which he lived during his time with the Aing-Tii.

Planet Designation: ​Terrestrial
Ruling Bishop: N/A
Points of Interest:
  • Embrace
  • School
  • Jorj Car'das' House

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