Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ain't this place shiny.

Hey there, My name's Valkrae. You can call me whatever you feel like, I don't really mind.

I'm new to Forum RP all together, so, I may be a bit slow when it comes to this sort of thing. I know my stuff(I think), and I can RP kinda-sorta okay. It's relative, honestly. If any of you have any questions for me, feel free to shoot them at me(not literally, I have work in the morning).
Hey, welcome to Chaos, [member="Valkrae"]!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. The community in general is quite well-informed, inclusive, and friendly! I hope you do enjoy your time here with us, and we're glad to have you. :)
First, welcome to Chaos, hopefully you'll find everything fun and enjoy your time here.

To answer your question on role-playing, I can give you an example of a thread to give you an idea of how it is generally done, but everyone has different writing styles, so don't pay too much attention to the way it's written. (Some people write in first, second, or third person; and some write in past, present, or future tense.)

Here is an example thread, which is currently on-going.

Edit: And here's an example of a character bio-sheet that you can use.
So, When it comes to Force-users, Am I allowed to start out as a Sith Apprentice, or must I go through some other process.
Force users start at the lowest rank of their tradition. Padawan, apprentice, initiate, or whatever else. There's no special requisite to playing an FU, but higher power ranks have to be earned on a character-by-character basis.
Fabula Cavataio said:
Force users start at the lowest rank of their tradition. Padawan, apprentice, initiate, or whatever else. There's no special requisite to playing an FU, but higher power ranks have to be earned on a character-by-character basis.
Would I state this in my character biography?

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad to have you here, and same to you - any questions? Just shout!

As long as you write as much or as little as you can and have fun with passion for SW, you'll fit in no problem! :)

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic

Hey! Welcome aboard best of luck to ya. It looks like Silara pointed you in the best direction possible to get an idea of how to roleplay!
Best of luck to your force user character and any other muse you end up finding here! Take your time and have fun!
This place is the shiniest. We are very, very lucky.
Welcome to the site! I'm Chris, but people usually call me Ven, since the character I RP as most is named Ven'Rain Sekairo. You'll probably see her around a lot.

As for beheadings... those only happen IC. And only once in awhile. Mostly to NPCs (Non-Player-Characters, essentially background characters).
You'll do great.

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