Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aisling Wren

Name: Aisling Wren
Nickname: "The Ghost"

Species: Firrerreo
Homeworld: Mandalore
Clan: Wren

Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Body Type: Athletic, toned
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Two-Tone Blonde
Skin Colour: Golden Hue
Distinguishing Marks: Clan tattoo on left side of the face

Force Sensitive: Force Dead

Marriage Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Children: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Parents: Morris Wren (deceased), Arianna Wren (deceased)
Family: Josef Wren (Grandfather, deceased), Lilly Wren (Grandmother, deceased)

Occupation: Salvager, Smuggler
Allegiance: The Mandalorain Empire


Intelligent <> Her IQ is on level of genius.

Judge of Character <> It doesn't take her long to deduce if someone is worthy of befriending or simply venting out an airlock.

Athletic <> She stays to a vigorous training program, keeping her in top shape.

Leadership <> Through trials of galactic life, she developed the ability to leads others successfully.


Headstrong <> At the best of times, she has the uncanny ability to be overly animate about getting her own way; regardless of what the situation dictates or other's think.

Impatient <> What is the meaning patience? Don't ask her.

Workaholic <> Continuously works and works. Long hours, in her opinion, is the difference between sitting pretty financially and begging for scraps.

Trust Issues <> She struggles with trusting anyone that is not a Mandalorian.


Mechanic <> When it comes to fixing ship parts or ships, she is in her element.

Slicer / Computer Tech <> No computer stands a chance.

Craftswomen <> She has a strong affiliation with creating stuff.

Linguist <> She can speak several languages, and can learn new languages quickly.

Weapon Master <> Growing up, her Father taught her how to handle both melee and blaster style weapons. Everyday the two would train from dawn until to noon. Even as an adult, she continues to practice with her weapons.

Piloting <> It it flies, she can fly it. She enjoys piloting ships, especially when there is salvage waiting to be claimed.


Twin Blasters - Basic*
Vibrostaff - Basic*
Armour - ST-II
Dioxis Grenade x4

Ship: Scavenger I


The Crew: Her team.


Workshops: Forge of Wren

Much of her early days, infant to pre-teens, was relatively the same as any child born on Mandalore; learning the culture, about her species, and how to become an apex warrior to serve not only her clan but the whole of the Mandalorians. It wasn't until her mid-teens that she began to break away from the norm of society and begin forging her own lot in life.

Taking up salvaging as a means to bring profit to her family and learning to craft in the forges of her clan, Wren, she began to stand out among her clan; both good and bad. Never one for farming, a passion she didn't share with her Mother, Arianna, or joining in hunting parties like her Father, Morris, she elected to go a different route. Salvaging, and eventually smuggling goods for the citizens of Mandalore, to help out her family and clan the best she could. Though restricted to planet life in the beginning, she yearned to traverse through the stars, visiting other planets and learning what she could in hopes of helping her people.

Though a Firrero, she and her family, and those that settled on Mandalore thousands of years ago, felt more association with Mandalorain culture than Firrero culture; however her grandfather still held on to the old Firrero ways, teaching her all that he knew before death caught up to him.

By the time she was sixteen, she had been hired on as part of a salvaging team, visiting the nearby planets of Mandalore in search of goods that could be sold in some of the markets on Mandalore. Here she fell in love with flying, learning the ins and outs of piloting; and eventually how to captain her own ship. By the time she was twenty, she was the first mate on a salvaging ship, and six months later after the death of the ship's captain she had been voted in as the leader.

As the captain, she took her salvaging team deep into the galaxy, even taking on private contracts for those willing to pay for salvage, but not so willing to do the hard work themselves.

When Mandalore was razed, which caused the death of her parents, she was away working on the opposite side of the galaxy. Full of anger and revenge, she aligned herself with the new up and coming Mandalorian Empire. Full of Mandalorian pride, she would answer the call to arms whenever needed, but during the 'down times' she continued to work.

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