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Codex Denied Aiurvoth, The Great Blemish

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  • Intent:
    • Create an original world with an affinity to the Dark Side of the Force.
    • Provide a place for the tomb of Avernus Avernus to reside.
    • Facilitate stories for the New Imperial Order.
    • Create a sinister stain on the galaxy for a possible annihilation thread.
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Planet Name: Aiurvoth [Eye-er-voth]
  • Demonym: Aiurvothan
  • Region:
  • System Name: Aiurvothan System
  • System Features:
    • Dual Suns (ARV-101 and ARV-102)
    • Six other planets
      • Four Gas Giants (ARV-103 through ARV-106)
      • Lifeless Exoplanet (ARV-107)
      • Barren World (ARV 108)
  • Location: Unknown Regions, between Teptixii and Kynachi. Just above NIO's upper border. (See Right)
  • Major Imports:
    • N/A - Currently Uninhabitated by a Civilization
  • Major Exports:
    • N/A - Currently Uninhabitated by a Civilization
  • Unexploited Resources:
  • Gravity:
    • 1.5x Standard
  • Climate:
    • Sunward Side
      • Wet
      • Stormy
      • Humid
      • Heavily Electrified
    • Dark Side
      • Cold
      • Dry
      • Heavily Electrified
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Sunward Sode
      • Mountains
      • Rainforests
      • Oceans
    • Dark Side
      • Barrens
      • Glaciers
  • Atmosphere:
    • Type II
      • Respirator recommended, but not required. Long term exposure without a respirator can cause respiratory and circulatory damage in Human and Near-Human species. (Excluding Sith Purebloods)
  • Capital City: N/A
  • Planetary Features:
    • Primarily Wild (Rainforest/Jungle)
    • Sith Ruins
    • Various abandoned compounds and mines
  • Major Locations:
    • The Tomb of Avernus Avernus
      • Explanation
    • Ruins of Tzhan'kaar
      • Explanation
    • Ruins of Thiss
      • Explanation
    • Abandoned AvCorp Mining Compound AV-138A
      • Explanation
    • Abandoned Technoid Manufactorum Mining Compound GT-462G
      • Explanation
  • Force Nexus (Optional): [ If you wish to add a Force nexus (light, neutral, or dark), you are required to justify it through your submission and history. ]
  • Intent: [ Provide the reasoning and motive for this force nexus. A request for a force nexus may be denied on this premise alone. ]
  • Nexus Name: [ Name of the nexus if applicable. ]
  • Nexus Alignment: [ Light, Dark, Neutral, Other (explain). ]
  • Size: [ Small (A small location on a world much like a grove or oasis. Ex. Dark Grove), Medium (A moderately sized area, large compounds, lake, etc Ex. Great Temple), Large (A location that spans a large area, a valley, mountain ranges, etc. Ex. Valley of the Jedi). Planetary (Influences everything on the planet. Ex. Byss). ]
  • Strength: [ How strong is the Nexus? How much influence does it exert on those near it? Weaker nexus are easier to overlook, while stronger ones are impossible to miss. Stronger Nexus will be more closely scrutinized for balance and fairness during judging. Choose one: Weak (A weak influence on the area and the people on it. A fragile nexus that can potentially be altered by people or events, i.e. a lightside nexus could be corrupted by atrocity or a dark side nexus cleansed by the actions of a mass of Jedi.), Moderate (A moderate influence on the area and the people on it. Could be altered with a great enough event.), Strong (A strong influence on the area and the people on it. Powerful enough to be renewed in the event of a great cataclysm, and unlikely to be altered.) ]
  • Accessibility: [ For Small, Medium, or Large Nexus only. Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only? Keep in mind that the Strength of the Nexus above must be reflected in this field. ]
  • Effects: [ What sort of effects does this Nexus confer? An aura of fear? Reinvigorating those on the world? Perhaps it induced tricks of the mind, to test the visitors. These effects can be positive, neutral, or negative, and should reflect the nature and history of the Nexus. ]

  • Native Species:
    • The Tzhanir
      • Now extinct original inhabitants of Aiurvoth. The true name of the species is unknown, with 'Tzhanir' given to them by the Sith resettlers, roughly meaning 'Before People' in the Sith's native ur-Kittât,
  • Immigrated Species:
  • Population: Insignificant
    • Aside from native flora and fauna, very few individuals live here. Numbering in a minuscule handful, they are remnants of past exploitation attempts and slaves abandoned after the construction of the Tomb of Avernus.
  • Demographics:
    • Human
    • Twi'lek
    • Droid
  • Primary Languages: [ Include any languages primarily spoken on this planet. Galactic Basic is an example of a language speaking across the Galaxy. ]
  • Culture: [ General overview of the inhabitant's behaviors. This should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion. ]
  • Government:
    • None
    • Sparse Independent Residents
  • Affiliation:
    • Avernus Avernus (Tomb)
    • The Qotsisajakaar (Formerly)
  • Wealth: Poor
  • Stability: Low
  • Freedom & Oppression: [ Describe the atmosphere of freedom on this planet. Are the people fairly free or is oppression of society and commerce heavy? Does it have a dictatorial ruler? Is fear of the ruling body prevalent? Relaxed and open? Is anything unusual illegal or permitted? ]
  • Military: [ Describe the military capabilities of this planet. Is it completely demilitarized? A fortress world complete with heavy defenses? A space-faring world with a substantial navy? Is it a hive of scum and villainy with no discernible defense structure other than what it's inhabitants have to offer? Or maybe due to low tech the people here are still in the bronze age. ]
  • Technology: [ A description of how technologically advanced the planet is relative to the galaxy. If there is nothing of note, simply put ‘Galactic Standard’. ]
[ Include a history of the planet here. Be sure to cover the following information:
How was the planet discovered? How was the planet settled? When was it settled? Why was it settled? What major events specific to the planet helped shape its inhabitants to what they are today? If there is a Nexus, how did it come about and how did it influence the history of the planet?

Remember that these custom planets may be submitted to the map for the community to enjoy. The more background you set down, the more clearly others will be able to understand your view of your creation. ]

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