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Character Akûz the Ravager

Akûz the Ravager


”I was born a slave, but I shall die free.” - Akûz the Ravager

  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Akûz the Ravager (Former Name Unknown)​
    Unknown - Presumed Mid Thirties.​
    275 lbs​
    Brotherhood of the Maw​
    Force Sensitive:
    No, but marked by the arcane energies of the Netherworld. Rumored to be a ‘Demi-god’ in service to Bogan himself.​

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    Very few worlds are as peaceful and idyllic as those within the Galactic Core. Life on Rattatak was hard and brutal, mirroring the native Rattataki people - who formed a society built on conflict with their neighbors for the scarce resources the planet contains. For millennia, Rattatak has been known galaxy-wide for its gladiatorial arenas, wherein any may enter for a chance to prove their worth before the eyes of thousands of spectators. Although many volunteer, near-equally as many are forced into a life of death and survival.

    The creature known as Akûz the Ravager - called thusly for the reputation he has forged for himself over the course of his life, was one such individual. Known simply as ‘Akûz’ shortly after being torn from his mother’s breast, he would not know the love of a family. Instead, he would know only the reality of the fighting pits; facing both life and death hanging in the balance each and every day once he came of age to do so. Until then, his ‘childhood’ was brutal and harsh by design, forced to train in all forms of combat and hone his body into a form wrought from the very stones of the planet itself. The intention of such a life was to monetize the skills inculcated within him; to put on a spectacle for those too oblivious to know what they were signing up for once touching the harsh sand and stone of the arena.

    In time, Akûz would distinguish himself above the rest of those raised to a similar purpose, claiming the lives of hundreds of challengers either too fool-hardy to know otherwise, or devoid of any choice in the matter. He soon became known formally as ‘Akûz the Ravager’, the very mention of his title coaxing uproarious cheers from the crowds who gathered to witness the bloodshed he was capable of. His fate would change however, on one fateful day - a series of ‘games’ put together to honor the visit of a distinguished Zygerrian Queen who came to potentially purchase slaves who truly proved themselves of value to her whims.

    But instead of showcasing his prowess for her entertainment, as he had done countless times before; he did something thought to be unthinkable. Leveraging his fame and reputation, he led a massive slave revolt amongst those gathered to participate in the games, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of their captors, including the visiting Queen herself. In their haste to escape, many of those who joined him in the slave uprising took to the stars in the Zygerrian delegation’s ships, with a few such slaves possessing talents lending themselves to piloting a starship. But their small taste of freedom was not fated to last very long...



    Akûz and those who followed him did not last long on the run, as they were quickly intercepted by a Zygerran response squadron, who quickly apprehended the escaped slaves for the murder of their late Queen. Rather than the quick release of death, Akûz and his ilk were marked for something far worse. They were transferred aboard a Zygerran slave ship, which ferried them to a deep-space outpost anchored at an ‘unknown’ location within deep space. Whilst there, Akûz was subjected to the most inhumane of torture, both physical and mental. The Zygerrans were not searching for information, nor compliance. Their goal was rather singular; they wished to exact their pound of both mind and body as repayment for the life that was taken.

    Only after doing their utmost to break the will of Akûz did they opt to send him to a mining colony within their home system, along with a handful of his fellow rebels who possessed an uncharacteristically strong will. Given the treatment exacted upon them, it was thought that this final punishment would grind their bodies and minds into dust - rendering them as little more than husks of their former selves. The ship carrying them would not make it to its destination, however. Through some unknown spatial anomaly, the Zygerran slave transport descended into a rift in space, unknowingly entering the netherworld - the alternate dimension of the galaxy only a few force users within the galaxy are capable of manipulating. Time passes differently within the netherworld. What may be days in the netherworld could be years in realspace, or vice versa.

    Not much is known about what occurred aboard the ship between the day it was lost and the day it was found by Shamans within the Brotherhood of the Maw, with the well known Khaostra Devoid leading them on board the derelict vessel. What is known, is what the party found. The once regal corridors of the Zygerran ship were splattered with dried blood, scattered remains bedecking the ship which appeared to run on emergency power. Faint red running lights strobed in and out along multiple decks, with hardly a living soul found in the majority of her bowels - save three. The first was a scarred human female, missing an arm at the elbow, which had thusly healed with scar tissue, and slash marks across her body but otherwise unharmed. The second was a scrawny, sickly looking Iridonian with teeth filed into a point, and blood smearing his face. The third was a hulking, 6’-8” brute of a Rattataki, who was gnawing upon strips of meat clinging to the rib bone of a human-shaped form lying between them.

    It was only through superior numbers and proactive projections of will that Akûz and his companions did not attack the party in a blood-induced frenzy. While none of the three ‘survivors’ told of what occurred aboard that ship, the vessel’s security footage told a story of mass hysteria, followed by the dark depths of madness brought upon them from an impulse that none living can escape from - hunger. But this was not the most horrifying or peculiar of things to discover from the derelict ship. Rather, added to it was the simple fact that the date marking the recording of these events was nearly one hundred years in the past - despite all three of the individuals hardly looking a day past their thirties or forties...

    Akûz was decidedly different from that day forth. Minus the obvious psychological issues that had developed within him, the once broken slave who appeared to be a shell of his former self appeared far more formidable when the Shamans of the Maw discovered him. He exuded a strength and purpose that bespoke something more than simple survival, or the wherewithal to endure hardship. According to legend, many believe that within the befouled halls of the ruined Zygerrian ship, Akûz had been touched by Bogan himself; bestowed with powers and gifts beyond those possessed by a mere mortal.



    After being ‘rescued’ by the shamans of the Maw, Akûz was exposed to a life akin to what he had previously, although with some improvements. Given his stature and quickly discerned martial prowess, he was constantly placed within situations utilizing his skills with a blade or maul within the warbands of the Maw. Yet, despite that, his accomplishments and stature had ingratiated himself in the eyes of those who saw him for what he was - a killer who had taken a bit too kindly to the taste of blood, as well as an ardent servant to the will of Bogan and his Dark Voice.. He eventually found himself under the service of a fleet master within the Maw, who appreciated his particular brand of mindless, half-crazed bloodshed, along with the subtle craftiness Akûz possessed; which crossed rather well into a rudimentary understanding of naval tactics. While he would never be considered a genius when it comes to naval warfare, the corrupted Rattataki has demonstrated a simple truth that brutality is oftentimes able to cover over gaps in fine details.

    The years have seen the hulking brute rise to the stature of a warlord, who in turn prefers the solitary confines of a ship within the void; for reasons few others understand. His grasp of naval tactics has lent itself well to the effective use of his overwhelming nature in ‘hit and run’ applications. This results in him spending most of his time harassing hyperspace lanes and raiding/pillaging foolhardy spacers who attempt to ‘go it alone’, to their own final peril. Despite his near-manic focus to the previous applications of his ‘talents’, he holds a near-reverential respect for the Dark Voice, feeling compelled to answer its call when so summoned.

  • P E R S O N A L


    One look upon the towering form of Akûz tells you all you need to know about the ‘creature’ (referred to as such because he is easily considered more creature than sentient in this day and age). From his muscle-lined V-shaped frame, to the myriad of scars adorning not just his face but his torso, as well as his imposing 6’-8” stature; Akûz is the epitome of a life lived as a creature bred for war. His eyes possess the same cold, lifeless quality of a Firaxan shark, with his body evoking the mental image of a Reek charging headlong into a foe when provoked.

    He is typically seen wearing archaic armor plate of a patchwork design, or at times completely shirtless. Even when aboard his flagship, he is almost never seen without his massive axe.

    Personality wise, Akûz is often very reserved and quiet save for when battle is joined. He goes into every battle with a near-manic focus to what is going on, possessing a singular intent to do very specific things - such as beat down those who are in his way, and take everything he wants. Oftentimes, his tactics equate to getting as close to the enemy as possible, so as to board their ships and feast upon those unlucky enough to die at his blade; with all of this being done in the name of the Dark Voice.


    +Brutal+ - Life as a slave, marooned prisoner turned cannibal, and member of the Brotherhood of the Maw have made Akûz exceedingly brutal in his application of force, particularly when in a ‘survival’ situation.
    +Trickster+ - While not considered a ‘naval genius’ with regard to grand strategy, Akûz has demonstrated himself to be quite clever in tactical misdirection and in plainly outmaneuvering his enemies, which catches many such opponents unawares.
    +Warlord+ - Over the years, Akûz has established himself within the Brotherhood of the Maw as a warlord in his own right. His forces are exclusively ship-based, with nearly all of his ‘soldiers’ possessing the same fixation on bloodlust and near-fanatical adherence to the Dark Creed; believing it to be the means of achieving true freedom.
    ~Marked~ - Although what truly transpired within the Netherworld will only ever be known by Akûz and those who survived alongside him aboard the Zygerran prison barge, it is undeniable that Akûz is indeed a warrior of legend. The warlord possesses unnatural strength and resilience, as well as a near-fanatical fascination with the will of Bogan and the dark voice. Many claim this to be evidence that, among the horrors Akûz suffered during the uncountable period of time he spend within the netherworld; among them was a series of encounters wherein he was marked by Bogan himself, and given boons to honor the Rattataki as one of his chosen champions. However, only a fool would believe that such gifts come without consequence.

    ~Cannibal~ - Adding to his reputation, Akûz is a cannibal; largely due to the events surrounding his prolonged stay aboard a Zygerrian Slave Ship. It does much to shroud him with a heightened level of fear when veteran spacers see the markings on his ship, but it also precludes him from being invited to very many functions.

    -Half-Crazed- - Although Akûz is a ‘man’ of very few words, when he does speak, it becomes quite clear with time that he is... not exactly whole in mind.
    -Creature- - Akûz is more creature than man at this point. But who wouldn’t be with everything he has gone through? He views situations primarily ‘in the moment’, and in the interests of satisfying his own needs, or those of his ‘tribe’. This rarely impedes his ability to serve the Dark Voice.

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