Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aklt Hgath

In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Aklt Hgath
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: North Mustafarian
AGE: 14 years
HEIGHT: 2.22 meters
WEIGHT: 64 kg
EYES: Unknown
HAIR: None
SKIN: Exoskeleton
FORCE SENSITIVE: How else could he be a Padawan?


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Blaster resistant skin.
+ Heat resistant
- Physically weak
- Inexperienced

Not yet.

Aklt Hgath was a Northern Mustafarian serving as a scout before his friends realized that he was force-sensitive. Aklt thought that all Mustafarians were force-sensitive but was told that was not so. He saved up enough credits to get to the Jedi Temple, where he would begin his training to battle the Sith.



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