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Approved Tech Akrium

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Manufacturer: Leven Jeyd
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average
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Intent: Expand on the metals found within Leven's mines in Garde Noir, Illyria.
Image Source: N/A.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: N/A.

Manufacturer: Natural formation on Illyria.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Minor.
Material: N/A.

  • Highly hazardous and volatile.
  • It's fumes can be harnessed into fuel.
  • Metal can be liquified and refined into sleeping gas.

Volatile Energy Source: Akrium’s natural volatility makes it a potent energy source when its fumes are properly harnessed, providing immense power for advanced technology.

Refined Fumes: When refined, Akrium’s fumes can be turned into a potent sleeping gas, useful in various alchemical and scientific applications.

Toxic Barrier: The natural emission of lethal gases makes Akrium an effective natural deterrent, preventing unauthorized access to areas where it is present.

Dangerously Unstable: Akrium is highly volatile, making it incredibly difficult and hazardous to mine or handle. Even minor disturbances can trigger deadly reactions.

Unsuitable for Crafting: Due to its instability, Akrium cannot be used in the creation of weapons, armor, or any form of structural plating. Attempting to forge it into such items is futile and dangerous.

Health Hazard: Exposure to Akrium’s fumes is deadly, leading to severe respiratory damage, hallucinations, and, eventually, death. Even brief exposure can cause long-lasting harm.

Akrium is a rare and highly volatile metal found exclusively within the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, hidden deep beneath the treacherous mountain ranges of Garde Noir, Illyria. Its appearance is striking, with a dull, dark surface that occasionally shimmers with iridescent hues of red and purple. The metal itself is cold to the touch, almost unnaturally so, and seems to absorb light rather than reflect it, giving it a shadowy presence.

The history of Akrium is as mysterious as the mines it is found in. For centuries, it remained undiscovered, lying dormant within the ancient rock, its dangers hidden from the galaxy. It wasn’t until Leven Jeyd unearthed the mines that the true nature of this metal was revealed. Akrium quickly became both a bane and a boon in her endeavors, its volatile nature a constant threat but also a source of power when harnessed correctly.

Akrium is notorious for the lethal miasma it emits. The gases released from the metal are highly toxic, forming a thick, almost tangible mist that clings to the tunnels and chambers of the mines. This miasma is deadly to almost all forms of life, causing excruciating damage to the respiratory system within moments of exposure. Victims often suffer from immediate and violent coughing fits, followed by a rapid onset of disorientation and hallucinations. The gas attacks the lungs, causing them to seize and fill with fluid, leading to suffocation. If exposure continues, the victim’s body will begin to shut down, with death following shortly thereafter.

Despite its dangers, the fumes emitted by Akrium can be collected and refined into a powerful fuel source. When processed with extreme care, these gases can be used to power advanced machinery or alchemical devices, making Akrium a valuable resource despite its hazards. Additionally, the metal itself can be liquefied and refined into a sleeping gas, a byproduct that, while less immediately lethal than its raw state, is still dangerous and requires careful handling.

Mining Akrium is a perilous endeavor. The metal is embedded deep within the rock, and even the slightest disturbance can cause it to mass release its deadly fumes. Specialized droids are required to extract the metal safely, using techniques that minimize the risk of triggering its volatile reactions.

Akrium is not suitable for crafting weapons or armor due to its instability. Attempts to forge or shape the metal invariably result in catastrophic failures, often leading to deadly explosions or the release of toxic gas. Its primary value lies in its natural state as a source of energy and its refined forms, which can be used for specific, carefully controlled purposes.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Expand on the metals found in the Aishishhadz'idaks Mines, hidden deep beneath the treacherous mountain ranges of Garde Noir, Illyria.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: N/A
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