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Approved Species Akwasiarsosûta iw Muinsimi - Emperor of Serpents

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  • Name: Akwasiarsosûta iw Muinsimi - High Sith for Emperor of Serpents
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Origins: Mandalore/Moridinae
  • Average Lifespan: 500 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: From up close, a quick glance is likely a death sentence from this towering monster. From far away, one can at least take some time to observe the city-sized beast and the destruction it creates from just its sheer size and the movements of its heads, let alone the powers of the beast.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 200 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 300 meters
  • Skin color: Purple covered in thick green armored scales
  • Hair color: No hair
  • Distinctions: The most notable physical trait of the beast, besides its massive size, are its six initial heads and its incredibly tough and thick armor scaling. The more powerful traits of the creature are more concealed, but are no less deadly to most anything caught in its path.
  • Races: No other races
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive

  • The sheer size and strength of the monster unleashed by the Lady of Secrets during the attempted liberation of Mandalore from the Sith is an advantage all unto itself. Larger than some city skyscrapers, it can cause immense devastation simply by moving, its feet able to crush tanks and armored positions with no issue, its tail, body, and heads able to knock down buildings and generally cause the destruction desired by the Emperor upon his enemies.
  • The scales that cover the monster's body are incredibly tough and thick, and further reinforced by Sith alchemy. Small arms fire, no matter what type whether it be blasters, slugthrowers, disruptors, etc., and lightsabers are not going to penetrate this creature's defenses. Even heavy weaponry from tanks and strike craft are more likely to anger or annoy the beast instead of bringing it down.
  • The Lady of Secrets, in creating the monster, decided to create a special surprise for any force that actually manages to damage or kill one of the heads of the creature. If successfully damaged, the other heads will remove their damaged fellow and two new heads, fully grown and developed due to Gen'dai DNA and their unique regeneration abilities, will sprout from the stump. It can also regenerate minor wounds to the rest of its body, but not its legs or tail fully.
  • Incorporation of Leviathan subjects granted the beast the ability to breathe a plasma-like fire from its maws, insuring it can destroy or ravage greater swaths of territory.
  • Another, likely horrifying hidden ability of the creature, is concealed within its body. Because of the Leviathans used in its creation, the beast has a multitude of blister traps within its body that it uses to entrap victims it has devoured whole. In addition, the blister traps have been modified by the Lady of Secrets to act much like those from her Deep Leviathans, allowing the creature to absorb Force attacks launched against it for a time.

  • For all the immense strength its size grants it, the creature is not a subtle thing. Defenders can see it coming from many kilometers out, allowing for attempted evacuations or plans to be drawn up to potential defeat it.
  • While the scales covering its body are an extremely potent defense against attacks, they can be broken through sustained fire on sections or if the enemy utilizes more exotic weaponry such as corrosive substances or cryoban weaponry. Using such weapons will cause the affected sections to become brittle and more easily destroyed.
  • The impressive regeneration granted by the Gen'dai DNA used in its creation can be halted if the wounded area or head stump are cauterized in some fashion. While it might be difficult for something of its size to be done, bombing runs and sustained artillery bursts can do so on the exposed areas. Additionally, the heads can only regenerate six times before the mass becomes too much for the body to hold up.
  • Insane as it might be, if somehow someone survives being swallowed by the creature, they could attack and destroy the blister traps hidden within it. This would weaken the beast substantially and affect its ability to protect against Force based attacks, such as Force Lightning, Force Light, etc. If too many are damaged, the monster will suffer a massive drain on its own life force, causing parts of it to disintegrate or die.
  • An orange glow will appear in the head's maw that is about to unleash its fire attack, and if a commander if clever enough, they could fire into the open mouth or find some way to obstruct it from releasing the attack. Doing so will cause severe damage to the head or outright cause it to explode.
  • The most curious thing, and its certainly a genetic aberration that annoys the Lady of Secrets, is the creature has one utterly catastrophic weakness. At the base of the creature's necks is a small x-shaped, one might call it a valve, that periodically releases the stored up heat within the creature that leads directly to the creature's heart. If someone were to get up on the hydra's back, stay there and avoid the writhing heads, and drop a grenade or rocket down this valve when it is open, it will result in the creature's death.
  • Diet: Omnivore, it can and will consume everything it doesn't try to destroy, especially if it is a beskar wrapped snack
  • Communication: Roars, but it can be aimed and moderately controlled through the touch of the dark side of the Force from a trained Sith Beastmaster
  • Technology level: No technology level
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or belief system
  • General behavior: The monster's behavior is guided by one supreme edict ingrained into it from its creation: dominate, consume, and destroy everything deemed disposable by the Sith. The creature does not shy away from anything it encounters, it does not desire a lair or territory of its own. The only thing the beast seeks to accomplish is killing and eating and crushing and breaking the poor souls that dare get in its way, to sate the terrible hunger for food and the lives of those it can absorb through its internal blister traps.

When Mandalore was claimed by the Sith Empire, the Triumvir of Power, Darth Arcanix, approached the Emperor about a secret project she wish to undertake within the ruins of Sundari. The destruction of the palace and the mines beneath it had unearthed Mythosaur fossils from the planet's subjugation by the Taung millennia ago. A legion was assigned to the project and construction of Lernaean Base began, while Taeli brought in alchemists and scientists from Spaarti Creations to work on the top-secret alchemy project.

DNA was extracted from the fossils and re-synthesized by the Spaarti geneticists while Sith alchemy and sorcery were used to begin fusing large amounts of fanned rawls found on the world together. Leviathan DNA and even a fully grown subject were introduced into the growing pool of biomass contained within the chrysalis coming to dominate the base, Gen'dai strands taken from a captive subject added to and enhanced through the dark side the seething mass building and developing. Much like a butterfly or moth when they enter the cocoon, the creature within was slowly rebuilt from the gooey biomatter, science and sorcery working together to craft one of the most impressive Sithspawn ever created by the Lady of Secrets.

As whispers reached the Sith about an attempt by some Mandalorians to retake their world, the work continued and would be completed just as the Emperor desired... right when the attack was at its zenith... and then, all hell would break loose.
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Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Oh, I remember this base. So this is what it was hiding. Very nice, very scary, good use of some Hydra Omnivore art.

Just a couple things:

1.) Regenerating Heads? - How many times can it re-grow its head, and sprout two more, before it gets top-heavy and falls over? Also - How far do the Gen'dai regen abilities extend? Can it re-grow other limbs too? This is important because of the Gen'dai flavor that was worked into their genetic cocktail.

"Ultimately the only way a Gen'Dai could be permanently killed was if their bodies were fully and completely vaporized or incinerated on an atomic level, such was the case with Durge when he was sent into a star." -- From the Wookie

The Lady of Secrets, in creating the monster, decided to create a special surprise for any force that actually manages to damage or kill one of the heads of the creature. If successfully damaged, the other heads will remove their damaged fellow and two new heads, fully grown and developed due to Gen'dai DNA and their unique regeneration abilities, will sprout from the stump.

Please clarify the level of regenerative ability at play.

2.) Powerful Beastie - You have some solid weaknesses listed. Especially, the last one in regards to the valve or vent. You should still be aware that this creature is extremely strong. I can approve it as is in this regard, however, I would suggest taking on more of the weaknesses of the species that were used to create it. [Ex. Gen'dai have a forced hibernation. The "modified" Deep Leviathans blister packs seemed to affect them far worse in their submission if one of them was damaged, though, it may just be wording. Expanding more on the effects of Force Light would also be good since Sith Alchemy was very much at play.]

Tag when ready, let me know your thoughts.
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