Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alan Perl


NAME: Alan Perl

FACTION: Works for himself (and will reiterate this fact over and over)

RANK: Smuggler, Apprentice

SPECIES: ¾ Human, ¼ Zeltron

AGE: Teenager

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’10” [~178 cm]

WEIGHT: 155 lbs [~70kg]

EYES: Grey

HAIR: Naturally red but dyes it black (tints his eyebrows too)

SKIN: Light


  • [member="Joza Perl"] (mother)
  • [member="Haytham Kaze"] (father, deceased)
  • [member="Zef Halo"] (maternal grandfather)


-The Smolder: While he doesn’t have pheromones or natural empathy, Alan is pretty charismatic. He knows how to read a situation and how to talk his way out of a speeding ticket. Sometimes.

-Space Wizard Blood: The child of two Force Masters, Alan knows a few tricks. He’s particularly good with mind tricks and basic use of the Force taught to him by his mother.

-Green: Alan is essentially a rich kid who ran away from home because it was too boring. Working as a smuggler, he’s only just now experiencing how hard life in the galaxy can be for regular folk.

-Dumb Kid: He’s a cocky teenager who thinks he’s hot chit. Miscalculations will be made. Just don’t call his mom, please.

Alan is a slightly taller than average young man who appears as a normal human male. He typically dresses in a fashion grunge style (having a mom that’s a fashion tycoon will do that) though isn’t particular about the clothes he wears, so long as he looks good in them. His hair is naturally bright red but he dyes it black in order to avoid sticking out too much.

Alan Perl is the son of Master Joza Perl and Sith Lord Haytham Kaze. His father died shortly after he was born due to mysterious (ahem) circumstances, thus Alan was raised by his mother on Zeltros. Given that Joza grew up relatively poor, she wanted to give her son everything—thus, as a child, Alan wanted for nothing. While his mother sent him to private schools in an effort to push her son towards a good education and a safe white collar job, Alan wanted absolutely nothing to do with things like ‘rules’.

So, he did what any good Perl would do and rebelled the hell away from home and started getting into trouble. Namely smuggling.

A dinged up YT-2000 light freighter.

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