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Character Alaqai Temuha





Full Name | Alaqai Temuha
Species | Epicanthix
Homeworld | Jutrand
Age | 15
Sex | Female

Height | 5’6 (1.68m)
Weight | 132 lbs (60kg)
Height | 172 cm (5 feet 7 inches)
Weight | 65kg (143 lbs)
Skintone | Fair
Eye Colour | Dark Brown
Hair Colour | Obsidian

Force Sensitive | Yes
Languages Spoken | Galactic Basic
Faction | The Sith Order
Rank | Acolyte



Alaqai’s features are adorned with a pair of dark brown doe-shaped eyes that gleam with a hidden depth of deep rooted determination and passion. Her lips are a painted shade of crimson and rest easily on her face. She is always seen with her face and neck area powdered white in a traditional Atrisian fashion. The only other colours found on her face apart from her eyes are dabs of red cosmetics at the bottom edges of her eyes, along with dashes of red to accentuate her well trimmed eyebrows and deftly painted lips. Her ears are left unpainted as well as the rest of the other parts of her body. Her long black hair is worn up and styled in the same traditional Atrisan fashion, and is always accompanied with accessories such as jewellery or flowers. She stands at one hundred and sixty eight centimetres tall and weighs around sixty kilograms. Clothing wise, she can usually be seen dressed in black and other types of dark coloured traditional Atrisian robes.



Alaqai has always been more of the reserved sort. She has never been the type to show or express her emotions easily, but when she does, you’ll know that it is absolutely genuine. This also leads into the fact that she is not a talkative chatterbox, but that in turn also makes her a great listener. When she’s quiet, she’s observant.

That makes her a great considerate friend to have, as you’ll always know that they’ll be there to listen to your rants and whines without judgement. It’s not exactly that she is always silent, it’s more that she is taking the extra time to acknowledge her thoughts. She recognises what she is thinking and takes the extra time and effort to stop and reflect on it. This can work as a double-edged sword, but it is not something that she can change easily for a matter of fact. Her resourcefulness is a key factor in helping her achieve her goals. Highly persistent, she does not give up once she has set her sights on something.



She is fleet footed and is highly nimble on her feet. Acrobatic enough, she is capable of pulling off high leaps and acts that would otherwise require an extreme sense of balance. Sinya is also highly confident in her movements lending an extra edge to her actions in combat, striking her targets with conviction and without hesitation. Suggested to approach with caution.

A quick and dedicated learner no matter the subject, difficulties and challenges do not faze her. She is always looking for opportunities to grow herself and her skills. A knowledge sponge, she has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a genuine curiosity about the world. She is always ready to soak up information and experiences from her surroundings.

She has been known to be a staunch loyalist of the Imperium and a devout and pious believer of the Sith church . She can be incredibly obstinate and highly cynical of anyone and everyone she first meets, but her loyalty is well deserved. Once earned, one can be reassured that her loyalty tends to be unbreakable without just cause.



For all the knowledge she has, she is still very much untested and inexperienced due to her young age. Due to this lack of experience, she can be naive in certain situations and circumstances and take things to be on a more positive note than they are supposed to be. These errors in judgement can lead to disastrous consequences.

Her persistence and stubbornness when it comes to doing things and completing what she has started often results in tunnel vision. She tends to ignore her surroundings as she focuses on the singular item she is doing, and needless to say she is terrible when it comes to anything that requires any form of multi-tasking whatsoever.

She’s well known for her impulsivity and recklessness. She can’t stand waiting for things. Sitting around doing nothing is one of the most agonising things for her. She needs to have her mind occupied or she tends to get fidgety.



Descended from what used to be a great Epicanthix noble family originating from Atrisia, the House of Temuha used to enjoy untold fame and favour throughout their new home of Jutrand as well as many other systems. Now considered a relic of the past, the Temuha name had long fallen out of favour and lost its lustre centuries ago. Now the family name remained mostly forgotten, so much so that the people of today no longer remembered. For generations, family members have tried and failed to regain the fame and glory the Temuha name once had, but none succeeded as failures met failures.

With the death of her parents after a business deal went sideways, Alaqai was left to be raised by her uncle, the current Lord Temuha. He raised her as the last hope for the survival of the family, as with every generation without success, the family continues to slip into obscurity, threatening its very survival. The family’s resources were a far cry from what they used to be and they moved into one of the middle income regions, their family’s wealth continuing to deplete without any end in sight. Unless something drastically changed, the extinction of the Temuha family was certain to come in the near future. Young Alaqai was often lonely, and she found solace hanging around one of the many Ecclesiarchy churches located in her residential district of the Imperium.

It gave her a shared zeal, pride and companionship in fellow believers, and she found her own strength and passion rekindled with her. Her uncle decided to make a calculated gamble and poured a significant chunk of his remaining wealth into funding her training. In her free time, she found herself aiding the church in rooting out anti-Sith dissidents and Jedi sympathisers, earning a budding reputation for herself in service of the Emperor as she continued to be the downfall of many such heresies. Rewards were awarded plenty for such efforts, but none valued more than such treasured service to the Sith Emperor and his beneficent Empress.

Alaqai remained a dedicated learner and worked hard in learning the Sith code and following up with her force and combat training with her trainers. Through a combination of hard work, undeniable passion and loyalty, she caught the eye of none other than the Emperor’s Wrath himself, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner . The Wolf had recognised her potential and sponsored her entrance into the Royal Academy of Jutrand where she would realise her potential for greatness and possibly be the one to raise her family’s name from obscurity.


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