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Alarah Dei

Alarah Dei

NAME: Alarah Dei
FACTION: Witches of Dathomir
CLAN: Singing Mountain Clan
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Dathomiri (Human)
AGE: 22 Years Old
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 82kgs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian/White


Alarah is as you would expect from a Dathomir that has spent years surviving in the deep forests of her homeworld: lean, wiry and athletic. Her dress sense is very functional, tending to be made from tanned leather or lizard-hide, designed to be close-fitting so as to be less likely to snag on trees or branches when out scouting or tracking. Her long brown hair tends to be braided more often than not, though when at Singing Mountain, she wears it down by preference, having always maintained her hair as her sole vanity.

The equipment she carries is all similarly functional: while away from home, she will usually carry a good size leather bag strapped across her back to hold trail rations and also so she might store any small animals she can trap or take down. Her preferred weapon of choice is a long dagger sheathed at her right hip, but for purposes of hunting she will often carry a sharp wooden spear with a metal tip that is used for throwing or piercing, depending on how close her target is. She will on occasion use a bow, but this is rare, since she prefers not to hunt via guile rather than force.

Her face has several tattoos that contrast with her pale features: one jagged slash of colour beneath each eye, then a double line crossing over her right eye, the smaller line from hairline to eyebrow, the other crossing the entirety of her face from hair to chin. These were applied when Alarah was 14 years old, at her request, since she felt it was appropriate to adopt clan symbols in this way.


Though one of the younger members of her clan, Alarah considers herself to be a true Daughter of Allya, embracing the traditions of her clan in full force, believing that it is important to retain these even in the face of off-world technologies and influences - indeed, her devotion to the ways of her clan have strengthened following these intrusions, since she believes that it is important to honour and follow the rules set down by Allya in the face of the new cultural ideas brought to Dathomir from other planets.

Agile and dextrous, Alarah is light on her feet and excellent at running, swimming and climbing trees. She has considerable faith in her physical abilities, and though she would not describe herself as being strong, she knows how to put her body mechanics to good use. Though she will hunt when she has to, she has often served her clan better as a tracker and scout, usually guiding those better with weapons and magic to their prey. As a result, she has learned well to blend into her environment, and eschews the use of a Rancor for this purpose - though this has often been considered a weakness by her Clan Sisters, since the bond between Rider and Rancor tends to be seen as a particular exemplar of Magic ability.

Her magical abilities are not the strongest, most of them being fairly passive or specific to her scouting abilities: giving her the ability to blend in with her environment or to give her insight into the presence of animals. Unlike some of her sisters, she has thus far refused to subscribe to some of the newer non-spell methods of using 'the Force', feeling that it would be disrespectful to the teachings of Allya to wield their powers in such ways - after all, Allya herself had knowledge of those techniques and yet chose to set down her knowledge as spells.


Quick-tempered and feisty, Alarah is one of the more impetuous of her Sisters, known for her particular disdain of men and even occasionally for the Rancors used as mounts and companions by other members of the clan, seeing it as a weakness to rely on another for protection or transport, even though she does truly recognise the necessity of it. However, she tends to express her anger mutely, keeping it pent up inside rather than expressing it outwardly - the usual signs tending more towards a change of facial expression and a sudden unrelenting silence, since she prefers to keep her feelings to herself unless challenged by another or comfortable with those in her company.

Alarah is a little technophobic, only accepting technologies from off-world if they improve the Clan's lifestyle without compromising their traditions - and thus tends only to be receptive to utility items and weapons, but is highly dismissive of starships and transport technology, as well as those luxury items that would improve comfort for the clans but would diminish the means by which they might live off the land, as they have always done.

Her personality tends mostly towards 'blunt instrument', and Alarah is very much disinclined to hold her tongue when she has an opinion to share, and she quite often expresses displeasure or annoyance in very frank terms, which hasn't entirely endeared her to the members of her clan - particularly the men, though she cares not about that. However, she does work to hard to maintain most of the relationships that actually interest her, and believes it important to keep strong ties to the other Clans of the Dathomiri.


Born as the second daughter of a set of joined parents (her father having been accepted as a Mate rather than merely a slave by Alarah's mother), Alarah was raised in the traditional values of the Allyan Dathomiri, taught at an early age that one must always contribute to her Clan, to protect it and to practice the ways written in The Book of Law, which she had memorised by the time she was nine aside from the Spells, most of which she is still learning.

Although, as a girl, she initially expressed an interest in helping to maintain the lore of the Clan and serve in a more political sphere, her skills were not directed in that way: her memory has always been excellent, but her lack of patience and her fiery temperament often meant that she found herself unable to effectively engage with the lessons needed to achieve this. Instead she was given instruction in a direction that would enable her to serve the clan independently, not having to interact too much with the others, since this would better suit her preference for solitude and give her a way to contribute.

Her talents for scouting particularly became apparent, since she proved to be a fairly observant girl, and capable of considerable patience if having to lie in wait or in waiting to find what she might be looking for - a quality useful for hunting game or even in assisting those seeking out new male slaves for the Clan to put to work. Alas, this patience never has extended towards her interactions with her Clan Sisters, and even less so towards the men of the Clan, all of whom she tends to look upon with disdain and irritation, angry at their servile attitudes and the fact that they refuse to rise above their ignorance even in the presence of good owners.

Although she has had occasion to interact with the other Clans, she tends to remain with her own Sisters when possible, or else is out on her own, tracking game or keeping sentry for the Clan in order to protect them. She tends to exist more as an outrider on the fringes, returning home only after a successful hunt or to rest when she feels overly tired (though she'll often sleep in the treetops if away from the Mountain). Her few interactions with off-worlders have left her particularly wary, and she has been a fairly vocal advocate for disengagement with them and their ways on those few times it has been discussed by the Clan as a whole.



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