Keepin Corellia Weird
Alaric, The Reluctant Blade
I am no martyr upon cross. Yet I will gladly risk life so those deserving may live.
NAME: AlaricFACTION: The Sith Order
RANK: Acolyte
AGE: 110
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'10"
WEIGHT: 260lbs
EYES: Bright Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Olive
- Titan: Raised from birth in slave pits on the Outer Rim and Fringe, Alaric was fighting with swords when other children were still being given stuffed bears, and it has honed his body to an unbelievable height and peak of function and ability. To put short, there are few who can match him in battle physically.
- Unyielding: His life has been dedicated to a single handful of pursuits, all aimed at accomplishing one total goal. As such, he can fight on and bear more pain and keep calm in great stress when others might run. Force Fear and the like still impact him, but to a lesser degree than others who might be under such.
- Authority: Alaric has serious problems with authority. Someone condescends to him, lords it over him about his past, and he bristles. He can work as part of a team, but not if someone's really lording it over him of their superiority or his past. In general, he is distrustful of most leadership and governments.
- Temper: When riled and angered, his temper is such he will ignore his own safety, the mission, and anything else in order to kill or destroy the object of his rage. Friend or foe, whatever is in the way can and must be removed in his thirst for blood and vengeance. The quickest way to set this off is to throw his past as a slave in his face.
A buzzed, close-cropped haircut of the classic soldier. Startling bright and disturbed blue eyes that hold unsettling intensity. A form that artists might base classical statues on. Overall he is as some would say, an Adonis, and possess the lithe, firm muscle of a life-long warrior, with a curious absence of scars.
Alaric comes from one of the former worlds of the Lords of the Fringe. Born a K'paur slave who was assumed human and never knew his parents, the boy was bought by a middling Sith Lord of limited vision and talent, strictly to be a pit fighter to earn money and prestige from. Upon discovery of his strength in the Force, special attention was paid to his training, and the boy grew to be a man possessed of a fiercely vicious mind and devastating physical capable beyond most others. It would seem, from prior knowing, the Lord knew of the boys true genetic heritage and intended to exploit his Edri lineage.
Eventually, as many such groups do, the Fringe collapsed and Alaric's' master fled to a backwater world the group once possessed, hiding out there to carve his own petty kingdom. Loyal almost to the point of being brainwashed, Alaric remained faithful to the Lord, protecting him and enforcing his will without question. Never once did the bonds of his servitude chafe, and for years he lived in relative peace and prosperity. At least as much as any slave of a Sith Lord may.
However, eventually his Sith Master began to decline in sanity, the Dark Side warping his mind. Paranoia crept in, and he turned from pragmatic to cruel. Dark thoughts entered Alarics' mind as he began to be used less as a pit fighter and more as a bodyguard and enforcer. Years of unyielding obedience had made the Lord trust him, and so eventually Alaric was brought deep into the Siths council, trained more and more in the Force and the Philosophy of the Sith Empire and taught of the Empire and Fringe of old.
When the time came, Alaric overthrew his master for his incompetency and insanity. Their small kingdom had mostly crumbled, and so he took what possessions remained to him and after leaving the mangled corpse of his former master at the gates with a pile of shackles from his slaves, he left with the resolution to explore the Galaxy at large and find his place in it, if he may. After all, with the death of his former Lord came the knowledge of his blood heritage and a certain impulse to be more than that which he was.
What place that is, he is not sure. But he is certain that the incompetency of governments like the Galactic Republic and One Sith leave there to be little choice but to try and bring Order to the galaxy. Though, because of such errors by large government, he is not sure a singular Empire is the best way. Regardless, strength and sometimes brutality must be used to ensure these goals.
To that, he will justify whatever means to achieve his ends. In his mind, he does not deserve the better world he strives to create. However, he is willing to sacrifice his place in such a better world, by committing the deeds he does, so that others may instead live within it. There are no illusions in his eyes as to who and what he is - an evil, cruel, sometimes barbaric warrior. But he would say that sometimes such is need to allow others to live.
Apprentice - Knight - Master - Specialist
Dashes denote skills generally not available before master of the Force.
Art of Movement
- Force Speed: ||
- Art of Movement: ||
- Battle Precognition: ||
- Force Sense: ||
- Tapas: ||
- Force Body: ||||
- Alchaka: ||||
- Form V - Djem-So: ||||
- Form VII - Juyo/Vapaad: ||||
Total: 2
Total: 2