Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Alaric


MusicHoly Diver - Dio
AliasesAlaric L'Ierim-Vandiir
Alaric Von Ession
Alaric of Sanctuary
Class(es)Jedi Consular
BirthplaceHǫrgr | The Sanctuary
AgeMid 20s
Personality TraitsOutlander
Education TraitsJedi
Ashlan Scholar
Lifestyle TraitsMonastic
Rank(s)Jedi Knight
SpeciesHuman/Valkyrja Hybrid
LanguagesGalactic Basic (Native)
Essonian (Native)
HighGalactic (Scholarly/Religious Understanding)
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good
Template Credit Konrad Harrsk Konrad Harrsk

    Born from the interdimensional union of the Jedi Lord Geiseric Geiseric and the Force Spirit Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Alaric came into the world with an enduring legacy to fulfill and a powerful birthright to wield. As the child of an unbreakble Force Dyad, born in the Netherworld among the race of Force beings his grandmother created and his mother hails from, his sensitivity to the Light Side of the Force was inherent, and noticed immediately.

    As a child, he was raised intermittently between the Sanctuary in the Netherworld and the planet Ession, the homes of his mother and father respectively. From his mother he learned to cultivate his innate Force abilities and the Nethermancy of his maternal species, which he possessed to some degree. From his father, he learned the Jedi Code, the religion of the Ashlans, his ancestral Essonian culture, and the way of the Lightsaber.

    Following his father's death at the hands of Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze during the Shatterpoint Event on Tython, Geiseric was resurrected by his wife, resigning himself to the Netherworld and a policy of non-interference in the affairs of men. Instead, he raised his children, Alaric and siblings, to one day continue his work and legacy as Jedi in their own right.

    It was not until his late teen years, on the verge of becoming a man, that Alaric finally left the Netherworld and the watchful eye of his parents. On a spiritual quest, a rite of passage, he travelled to Ession where he undertook charitable works in service of the Ashlan Church and the Jedi Order. On Ession he led a traditional monastic Jedi life, ascetic and inward focused. Though his parents were both great fighters and had tried to impart their knowledge and strength on him, Alaric believed in staying his blade, taking the path of the Jedi Consular, though keeping the blue blade that his father had bequeathed him. As a consular, Alaric made his name in the outer rim as a diplomat and speaker of peaceful wisdom.

    When the Sith Order returned to the Stygian Caldera, Alaric led rescue and relief efforts for refugees, and his first encounters with evil led him to challenge his beliefs about combat, but when violence was not inevitable he remained firm on keeping his saber on his belt.

    Though never a member of the New Jedi Order or its many enclaves scattered amongst the stars, when Tython fell to the Dark Empire of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , a most powerful and long time enemy of his parents, he found himself shaken. Learning of a growing movement among the Jedi to act quickly and reclaim the holy world of the Force, Geiseric has encouraged his son to join them and help. Though reluctant to dive into the conflict, Alaric knows it is the duty of the Jedi to seek balance in the Force and stop the darkness from its chaotic spread that threatens once again to tip the scales in an eternal conflict, perhaps for good if it is not stopped now...

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  • Name
    Geiseric Geiseric Father
    Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Mother
    Amalasuntha L'lerim Amalasuntha L'lerim Elder Sister
    Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Grandmother
    Adrian Vandiir/Darth ProsperoGrandfather
    House L'Ierim of KalidanClan
    Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Godfather
    Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Godmother
    Thelar Grayson Thelar Grayson Family Friend
    Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Fallon Draellix-Kobitana Family Friend
    Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze You killed My Father, Prepare to Die

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