Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alasdair Sitra


- Some guy, in some bar
NAME: Alasdair Sitra​
SPECIES: Half Caste. (Human and Kiffar (No racial tattoos)
AGE: 22

A note any trait that is currently LINED has been unassigned due to story progression. Either he is not at that level yet, or it no longer applies.
GREEN indicates a lovely plus in Alasdair’s character. RED means something nasty that nobody needs to know and you really shouldn’t use them against him ever…

(+) Damn good pilot, even better then than Vaal girl.
Alasdair is a fine pilot, and he can back the talk up. He’s outrun First Order Starships, not the local bulk cruisers mind you, he means the big Dossun ships now…As a pilot he is more then capable of flipping a ship through a needle hole two sizes too small.

(+) Alasdair Shot First
So there was this guy once upon a time, he shot this bounty hunter after he shot him apparently in self-defence. Alasdair doesn’t do that! No he ALWAYS shoots first and does so with accuracy that only years of ALWAYS shooting first will teach you. Basically Alasdair will shoot first ALWAYS because the can’t shoot you if their dead.

(+) Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones
I swear you punch him in the gut and he just laughs, kick him in the head and he just spits at you, put a knife between his legs…
Forever taking a beating in his younger years Alasdair has adapted to a high pain threshold, however it’s not like he can take mass wounds without acknowledgement, they still bloody hurt he just won’t whine about it until they really hurt.

(+) I have a guy for everything!
My suit guy, my shoe guy, my ticket guy, my club guy and if I don’t have a guy for something I have a guy guy to get me a guy. Oddly enough, his name is Guy…
Alasdair always seems to have a contact somewhere who knows something about something and somewhere to get anywhere…somehow.

(+)Good Luck? Bad Luck!
Alasdair is just naturally lucky, for some reason IF he is on a roll it will be a lovely day at the races for our young adventurer!

(-) Never Tell Me The Odds
Money…Alasdair loves it, at least to spend it. In fact he has lost small fortunes only to take what he can from what he can to keep it going. He’d gamble anything he owns to feed this want for easy money an attitude that usually gets him into more trouble then it’s worth. Working with lesser renown employers and taking overly risky life decisions being the usual.

(-) This One Time…
Alasdair can lie. Not just little lies, but gargantuan, massive, world breaking lies. In fact he can be so good at it he even convinces himself.

(-) It’s Shiny and I Want It
If it could be worth something Alasdair will want it. He will do anything to get it and usually will not stop until he has it and realises he never actually wanted it in the first place. If you place a rumour of something worth something he will obsessively go after it until he has it. Use this to your advantage…or don’t, he’s probably already stolen your wallet.

(-) I Want The Galaxy, The Galaxy Just Doesn’t Want Me
Alasdair has dreams, big dreams, dreams that will make the galaxy quake under his boots. It’s just…who cares about a freighter pilot from the Rim?

(-) Bad Luck, Good Luck!
Alasdair doesn’t just get bad luck runs…he gets BAD LUCK RUNS! In direct opposition to his good luck streaks he can also have long running bouts of bad luck that see anything his good luck build crumble in his finger tips! Hence why…This Galaxy Just Plain Old Sucks.


“So your mother is your…”
“What? It’s interesting man. Makes you kind of inbred in a weird sort of way. Very Retro.”

Alasdair Sitra, the latest in a long line of thieves, smugglers, rats and pilots is the child of the now considerably aged [member="Andrasta Sitra"] and an unknown father. He shares many traits with his mother (basically down to the fact that his writer uses Alasdair as a revamped, gender swapped version) which probably stems from the less the honest upbringing conceded by the Kiffar Pirate he knew as “Mum”.

However the past is not important.

For Alasdair's story is about moving forward and what he will one day become...

Stay tuned for the Role-plays of

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