Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alask Diruno

|Basic Information|
NAME: Alask Diruno
FACTION: The Order Of The Grey
RANK: Rogue Padawan
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5,11
EYES: Green(Glowing) like his brother [member="Oka Osaa"]
HAIR: Brown


  • Strong/Muscular - He Alask doesn't look muscular or strong but he is.
  • Strong In The Force - Its common in the Osaa family but he's incredibly strong in the force.
  • Handsome - That is a plus, right?
  • Saber Skills - He is good with his saber. Close to proficient.
  • Force Powers - Alask was born with some different powers from Oka such as the ones he seemed to train for.
  • Will Do What Must Be Done - As a rogue, what must be done must be done.
  • Choosing A Side - If he sees a sith being killed or a jedi, he won't interfere.
Alask claims to be more handsome than Oka and his other brother. Although its true, he knows when and when not to be charming. He usually wears grey robes with a black/grey cloak with an armor piece. Alask's light saber is green and is usually clipped to his belt unless engaged or if he wants to engage. Alask has green eyes which glows sometimes. He usually wears this for battle.

Alask wasn't like Oka. He had a harder life emotionally. When Alask was 12, he was sent to an academy which was called "The Rogue Academy". Original, right? He never chose a side and never will so that's why his father did that. Lots of training went on there and he always seemed to beat all his challengers except one. A robot named proxy. He grew up at the academy until the appropriate age to craft a lightsaber and that's when he left off on his journey. It was hard for the 15 year old to progress through life by himself but he made it okay. Once he was 20, he met a lovely lady named Cynthia. They never dated or married but she did give him a message. A message about his brother Oka. It turned out he was going to be on Naboo for a few days. He didn't know how she knew the information but he went for it. When he got on Naboo, Oka was eating on a hill. He approached him and told him about his life and they talked until Oka left Naboo to continue his journey. That's how he found out about his brother. He visits Oka once a year or sometimes twice.

When Alask turned 23, he joined the Order Of The Grey. A rogue type group or neutral type.

YTA-1300 Light Freighter [Main Ship]
YTA-2150 Light Freighter [Mission Ship]

  • Lightsaber
  • Blaster
  • Electrostaff
  • Knife
None Currently.
|Additional Information|
Social Info:
  • Married -
  • Dating -
  • Sexual Attraction - Heterosexual
  • Master(s) - [member="Daichi"]
  • Padawan(s) -
  • Family - [Oka Osaa-Brother][Unknown-Father][Unknown-Mother]
  • Friends -
Lightsaber Skills:
  • Soresu - Adept
  • Shien/Djem So - Adept
  • Vaapad - Adept
  • Ataru - Adept
Force Powers:
  • Telekinesis - Proficient
  • Telepathy - Adept
  • Precognition - Adept
  • Force Cloak - Adept
  • Force Stealth - Adept
  • Force Sense - Adept
  • Farsight - Adept
  • Tutaminis - Adept
  • Force Jump - Adept
  • Force Sight - Adept
  • Force Vision
  • Force Lightning - Adept
  • Force Burst/Blast - Adept
  • Animal Friendship - Adept
  • Force Throw - Adept
|The Life Of Alask|
Academy Journal:

Day 1 of 1332

I was just enrolled as a twelve year old student. Everyone seems nice, my friend named Sox taught me how to write. He's really smart. I wish more people was like him.

Day 17 of 1332

Sox and I are in the same class and we'll be able to fight each other soon. Today, we learned how to use a light saber using a training light saber. It hurts if you touch one while its on but it doesn't kill you.

Day 43 of 1332

I just fought Sox. He's strong but I beat him somehow using something the hooded people called telekinesis. They also said I had the power to absorb energy and release it or something like that. Sounds interesting.

Day 321 of 1332

Over the past months, I've been taking on opponents and they all have been losing. The hooded people said they were impressed and were going to teach me how to use the power of harnessing the energy. They all said I somehow sensed the attacks so they are going to teach me everything I need to know to go off alone.

Day 987 of 1332

I have been learning the force power called tutaminis. I've become skilled in it. The hooded people say it must be in my bloodline since I learned most of it under two years. I've defeated more opponents as the years passed. Sox advanced to a different academy. I think he said it was a elite rogue academy, I'm not sure but I'm happy for him. I forgot to tell you, I've been learning some other powers like force cloak, force stealth, and precognition. They say if I excel in most of the skills they teach me, I'll graduate early and get a special item.

Day 1067 of 1332

One of the hooded people said that I am adept in tutaminis, force cloak, force stealth, and precognition. They said in about 275 days, I'll graduate since I have more to learn.

Day 1119 of 1332

I feel exhausted. They don't let you rest here. Anyways, I learned a dark side power today. Force lightning. Shortly after class, a dark sider came flying into an academy window. He looked scary at first but I knew what I had to do. I ran to where I had heard the noise and challenged him. He sent force lightnjng at me. I didn't have any weapons so I tried tutaminis and sent it back at him. It worked and I could control the energy decently. The hooded people gave me a robe and a cloak. It looked like theirs but with a different looking cloak. I put it on because they obviously wanted me to start wearing it.

Day 1230 of 1332

Sox came back to the academy to visit last week. He gave me something. A picture.. of Oka. My brother or something likethat. I thanked him but how could I know this guy is really my brother? He's only three years older than me but still. I have been training hard in tutaminis and the other skills I was taught. I know them well but I'm afraid of going on a lone journey.

Day 1331 of 1332

I'm now fifteen going to craft my light saber. They used to craft them as younglings in the old era but I guess it has changed. I went to a swampy planet and grabbed a crystal to craft my saber. I made it and the hooded people took off their hoods to show me their faces. I dropped my jaw but one of them was a woman and pushed it closed. She hugged me as the others nodded and ignited their sabers and put the tip of the blade in the middle one on top of another. I ignited mine and out mine there as well.

Day 1332 of 1332

Today, I graduated. The hooded people were there with the hoods on as always in public. The people that aided the academy was all there and clapped as I walked down the stage and through the halls with my cloak and hood on. I nodded to the hooded people before leaving the academy grounds.

Training With Sox

Day 1 of 220

Sox and I met up on Naboo to train. He learned a lot of stuff I didn't so he will be training me I suppose. Sox said we would be spending almost all of the year training even though I learned quickly. I told him about how I could harness energy and release it. He was glad but he seemed stronger in the force.

Day 7 of 220

Its already been a week and I'm learning new things. He's teaching me more of my skills I'm adept in but he isn't that good with them as far as I see. I sent a force lightning at him and he caught the energy but it didn't come out. He seemed okay but I think I may of corrupted him.

Day 32 of 220

Sox and I practiced saber combat and I'm almost killed him. As a rogue, we don't kill randomly or at least I don't and especially not kill a friend. He wasn't mad, just happy that I've grown stronger than him.

Day 72 of 220

I killed many dark siders today. One was a beast that attacked and I hit it with force lightning and a light saber strike. Another was a random one that looked at me wrong. He even challenged me to a duel. Sox killed three at the same time.

Day 110 of 220

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Day 165 of 220

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Day 192 of 220

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Day 210 of 220

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Day 220 of 220

Sox and I parted ways once again. I've become so strong in my skills. I think I'm ready to go alone and determined. Might go find my brother or friend.

Training: Chapter 1

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