Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alba Talatheen


Alba Talatheen (Ahl-Bah Tah-la-theen) was born on the desolate, sandy world of Tatooine, into a life of slavery. Her mother, Persephone, was originally from Naboo and was travelling the galaxy as a member of a band. An Outer-Rim would-be mob boss, Nox Talatheen, had taken her, her companions and other passengers as slaves after raiding a public transport. The one thing that kept her mother valuable to the mobster was that she was a singer who could keep morale up with her voice. Darkly enamored with his new prisoner, Nox had fathered a child by her after less than a year of ownership. 'Graciously' allowed to take her birth father's last name, Alba was raised in his household as an indentured servant, earning her keep and ultimately, right to live by performing petty duties as a glorified maid and waitress. Often treated more like an adopted stray than a child by both her father and his associates, she was deeply unhappy and this only grew worse when Alba's mother was sold to the Hutts after misbehavior. Alone in uncharted territory, Alba managed to keep her head down enough to remain in her father's possession for a few more years until she too snapped. She was only 13 when she cussed her father out, and he grew mad enough to sell her on the open slave markets. Thankfully, instead of being purchased by a less-than-desirable, she was sold on to a kindly scavenger who Alba would eventually come to identify as her second father, a man by the name of Aztin Parsa.

Aztin was a former mercenary who had lost his own family during a Sand People raid and had sought companionship in the ultimate hope of somehow replacing the gap in his life that had been stolen. Freeing Alba after he had saved her from the slave markets of Tatooine, he educated her best he could and ultimately taught her how to protect and defend herself. Roaming the desert planet in search of treasures was surprisingly appealing to Alba, and she enjoyed her role of helping her adopted father in his trade. Having a knack for finding particularly valuable but seemingly dark artefacts, Alba cited her intuition in what led her to certain finds that kept the pair sustained. She would continue to live nomadically with Aztin on Tatooine until she was 19. That was when she declared her intent to find the fate of her mismatched parents, specifically her mother. With his blessing, Alba left her adopted father at Mos Eisley to begin her search.

Sustaining herself by her 'intuitive' scavenging techniques, Alba's search took her off-world for the first time to Nal Hutta. She did eventually find her mother, who was employed as a dancer in Gardulla the Hutt's Palace. With a brief and emotional reunion hardening Alba's resolve to use her freedom to the best of her ability, she left her mother on Nal Hutta and began her life as a semi-successful treasure hunter. Guilds, small factions and merc groups who needed someone to find the unfindable would know to seek out the former slave for her latent ability to track down objects of value that often didn't want to be found...

(Still a WIP)

RIVVRS - Walk in the Wild

Full Name: Alba Wythe Talatheen
Age: 25
Species: Human
Homeworld: Tatooine
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Education: 'Self-Taught'

Aliases: Esquire, Bee
Occupation: Treasure Hunter/Would-Be Archaeologist
Skin Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Face Claim: Alexandra Park
Voice Claim: Alexandra Park
Aesthetic Board: X
Physical Abnormalities: None
Psychological Abnormalities: Force-Sensitive ('Tainted'), HPD

Vice: Histrionical

Alba's struggles have led her to develop a rather... Interesting personality, exhibiting symptoms of mild Histrionic Personality Disorder. Her emotions are extremely strong (which only exacerbates her negative Force potential) and she is often known to act out in order to have attention brought to her. Whether this entails starting bar fights, being intentionally 'off-putting' or simply being rash depends on the day and her mood. Whatever the case, it is certainly not helpful to Alba's social life. Make no mistake, though -- she is extremely competent in conversation and relations, but her desire to just possess is often viewed as destructive and unwanted. However, with discipline, time, and perhaps the right people, it's entirely possible Alba could 'change'.

Virtue: Charismatic

Despite her large personality flaws, Alba is a very enchanting person to be around. Her self-deprecating humour is received well by those who find it funny, and she is often able to sway those with words that she can't sway with a boot in the ass. Especially helpful if, like Alba, you don't tend to carry weapons.

Vice: Cupidity

Whilst Alba would like to think that her life's 'work' is based in studying old civilizations, 9 times out of 10 she's doing it for the credits. Money is what makes the galaxy run, after all, and it keeps Alba running as well.

Virtue: Fortitude

Despite what one might think upon meeting her for the first time, Alba is a strong soul. She does not bend or break easily, and she endures hardships with (mostly) courage and (not often) grace.

Vice: Glumness

Unless you're one of the rare individuals who can appeal to Alba's sensitive side, it's easy to deduce from day-to-day behaviour that Alba might even be a little depressed; at least melancholic. More often than not a bit ill-tempered as well, most tend to see her as 'the rain on everyone's parade'. But those sensitive to the Force would be able to feel this is mostly because of the dark affinity plaguing her, and this could change if something were done about it.

Virtue: Determined

Once given a goal, nothing will stand between Alba and her destination. However, she is not stupid about getting there, and usually knows the smarter ways of achieving what she wants. This is what makes her such a good purveyor of old, evil relics. Perseverance pays off, and usually in credits.

Vice: Insolent

Protocol what-now? Raised in an environment of oppression, Alba doesn't give a womp rat's tail about titles or code of conduct and sure as hell doesn't approve of it. Unless you've somehow managed to earn her respect, first names or snarky nicknames will do just fine for her.

Virtue: Perceptive

It's hard to hide something from Alba's insightful personality. Citing her gut feeling as 'one of the most accurate scanners in the galaxy', Alba's intuition is well-honed, and her Force potential certainly helps her here, especially when she sets her compass to search for things that don't deserve to be found.

Vice: Self-Indulgent

When Alba is given the opportunity to pursue something that would benefit only herself, she will almost always do it, and reliably.

Virtue: Vivacious

Underneath the pettiness, the issues and the character defects, Alba is somehow still a high-spirited person and one who's mere presence can be intoxicating to those around her. Her darkly cheerful moods are sometimes, ironically, exactly what's needed to cheer up.


"If you or someone close to you is represented by the Knight of Swords, beware. It is symbolic of a forceful personality, one which combines zealous dedication to success with a razor-sharp intellect. However, whether in the form of a companion or your own inner nature, these same attributes can give rise to a formidable enemy."

Represented by the Knight of Swords in the minor arcana deck's Swords suite, the application of this tarot card to Alba is illuminating to the horrors of her past, present and future. The Knight of Swords always foretells a fierce soul, forged in fire, and that's exactly what she is. So don't be fooled by her carefree personality, those under this card can be dangerously driven to have their side win in a conflict, and have both brains and brawn to back it up. But swords are double-edged, and so is this card's interpretation; Alba can be your best friend, true love, or your mortal enemy. And she can be the exact same things to herself.


Alba is a very two-faced person. One day she might be more distant than deep space and the next she might cling to you like a mynock to a ship's exterior. Deeply emotional even with acquaintances but hesitant to show it, this distrustful rogue is easily attached, slow to trust, and even slower to love. But she is a worthy companion to have if you manage to dig deep enough and learn to embrace and live with her personal defects. Despite the dark shadow hanging over her like a guillotine, she still finds it in her to make meaningful connections with people in the strangest of ways. But it's her oddness that is often found so attractive and friendly, and earning the friendship of the 'famous' treasure hunter is a feat to be proud of. Conquering her heart is another matter entirely.

Player Characters

'The Abyss' | Darth Abyss
"Feels like I'm staring down a ghost. At least he pays well."

Having never encountered a Darth before, Abyss certainly has Alba freaked out. But the fact he's paying her more than any job she's ever taken is giving her enough cause to overlook anything and everything he'd like her to overlook. But such a large payment seems appropriate, seeing as this is one of Alba's hardest tasks -- Knowing nothing except what Abyss permits her to know is a hard environment to work in. Hopeful of overcoming it though, she's eager to find what they're seeking out. Even if it will reveal more about herself than anything else.

[ worst in me ]

'Monk-Man' | Aryn Teth
"Oh, Kriff."

Alba hasn't spent enough time in the Jedi Knight's company to get a real emotional read on him, but she does have a certain fondness for his company. If only because he keeps her on her toes. They've entered into a business agreement about exploring certain ancient locations across the galaxy in search of artefacts (Truthfully, he had her at 'ancient'), and while she's certainly enjoying the beginnings of their adventure, the end isn't in sight quite yet. So, until then, she will continue to try to get at least a smile out of him throughout their dungeon-delving. Alba won't pretend to understand his commitments and organizations or what they represent, however - As if she's ever heard anything but rumours about those. Perceiving his professionalism as a challenge to her core character, one thing is certain about them; The one-sided banter isn't gonna end anytime soon.

[ heavydirtysoul | black sea ]

'Placeholder' | Placeholder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur luctus imperdiet. Quisque ultrices, justo nec facilisis accumsan, ipsum erat ultrices sapien, non lacinia urna orci euismod turpis. In in purus feugiat nunc scelerisque dapibus. Integer imperdiet gravida ligula, id tempor elit finibus a. Proin vehicula rutrum nibh, ac interdum mi placerat nec. Nulla nec vehicula tellus, eu varius orci. Cras hendrerit lacus at est blandit gravida. Donec et dolor ut eros laoreet luctus. Phasellus nec augue nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel dictum quam. Fusce sodales malesuada dui, ac luctus purus tincidunt sed. Fusce at gravida diam. Quisque at sodales nunc, ut sollicitudin nunc. Maecenas semper feugiat arcu. Cras eget orci commodo, faucibus quam vel, gravida tellus. Nulla velit nulla, dignissim ut accumsan quis, imperdiet vitae orci. Nullam scelerisque hendrerit accumsan. Proin nec eros vitae nulla bibendum venenatis. Aliquam fringilla facilisis ex ac accumsan. Sed ullamcorper sapien eu varius interdum.

[ ~ ]

Non-Player Characters

'Mother' | Persephone Edith
"One day I'll track you down again, and I'll buy your freedom. We'll have a million cats."

Prior to their separation, Alba's closest confidante was her mother. Persephone was the one who cared for her throughout childhood, as any mother would, and only stopped when she was forced to. And even after being sold into Hutt slavery, Persephone never stopped remembering or longing for her child -- A testament to their unbreakable relationship. Indeed, if there are (currently) only two people in the galaxy who Alba behaves around, she is undoubtedly one of them. After their long-overdue reunion, they've remained in sparse communication, occasionally able to call. Beyond that, though, Persephone is only happy to know her daughter is alive and thriving. The same can be said for Alba, who had been long-terrified that her mother was lost.

[ ~ ]

'Father' | Nox Talatheen
"Don't even get me started."

Functioning both as her father and her slavemaster, Alba holds little love for her father, Nox. Granted the privilege of taking his family name by him at childbirth, the only reason she didn't take her mother's maiden name following her sale by him was out of pure stubbornness; This was the only thing Nox couldn't rob her of, so she clung to it desperately as a shred of identity in an ever-changing galaxy. She has not seen her father since she was a pre-teen, obviously colouring her current feelings and interpretations of him. Indeed, she doesn't even know if he's alive or still on Tatooine. But then again, it's not like she'd care to know or find out.

[ ~ ]

'The Real One' | Aztin Parsa
"Keep your head down, okay? I'll come visit soon."

As the only stable male role model in Alba's life, she holds her second father, Aztin, in the highest of regard. Possibly the only other person besides her mother who Alba will unquestionably respect and listen to, he's earned it as a patient leading figure who heavily influenced the last leg of Alba's childhood. Aztin was the one who bothered to invest in Alba's untapped 'potential' for treasure-hunting, spending long hours in Tatooine's deserts educating the girl on scavenging and life-saving survival. Alba has kept in relative communication with her father since leaving her homeworld, one in a while messaging him via holo when he was in a settlement to make sure he was still doing alright without her. Alongside being a part of the exclusive group of people Alba revers, he's also in the even more exlusive group of people she worries over.

[ ~ ]

Sins of the Ancestors
Legacy of the Exile
you can't hide from who you are; the light peels back the dark // Among the Snow and Ice (Completed)
Personal Arcs
stupid dustball // The Shifting Sands
well, two is better than one? // Conundrum


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