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Albrecht Tagge

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
NAME: Albrecht Tagge
TITLE: Darth Armyss
RANK: Sith Knight
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 215 lbs
EYES: Yellow due to the Dark Side's influence (Formerly Steel Blue - can temporarily alter the color back to this one to blend in when necessary)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White

+ Well-educated regarding multiple science and art disciplines
+ Quick to learn new skills
+ Proficient duelist
+ Skilled Pilot (and by extension, a mechanic)
+ Force Sensitive
+ Self-Reliant
+ Charming, Seductive, and well-versed in the aspects of high culture in the Galaxy
+/- Raised in luxury - had to learn the hard way how to survive in the Galaxy on his own
+/- Bold - while quick to get into trouble, sometimes taking a risk can pay off
+/- Perfectionist - he puts a lot of effort into most of what he does, but he does not handle failure very well
+/- Curious - is unable to 'not know' something (again, this gets him into trouble sometimes)
+/- Unorthodox training in the ways of the Force, even by Sith standards
- Overconfident (Attempted to attack a Jedi Master despite having no training whatsoever - you can imagine how well THAT ended - he's getting better though)
- Cynical and sarcastic sense of humor can sometimes make him come across as insincere
- Can be duplicitous
- A bit impatient
- Unresolved anger issues
- Afraid of failure
- Vindictive
- Greedy and Power-Hungry - he's lost everything once before, and won't let it happen again

-Tall and muscular in build.
-A bit pale.
-Has scars on his upper body from a speeder crash in his teenage years, most notably two on his face, one on his left cheek and the other on his right brow. Later sustained minor burns in the later stages of the Battle of Carida and minor head wounds at Teta. All of them healed eventually.
-Hair buzzed to a short length
-Prefers muted colors for his wardrobe to avoid drawing too much attention while trying to pass off as normal. Otherwise wears shades of black and/or red to denote his Sith allegiance.

Early Life and Career
The story of Albrecht Tagge, while brief at this point in his life, is one closely intertwined with one of the most tragic stories of recent Galactic History, that of the fall of the House of Tagge, one of the oldest noble families in the Galaxy, dating back to the days of the Old Republic over standard 5,000 years ago.

Born on Brentaal IV, Albrecht grew up in a life of luxury on Tepasi, the traditional "throneworld" of the House of Tagge Barony, mostly isolated from the rest of the galaxy and taught by private tutors, completely unaware of the horrors befalling the rest of the galaxy. As the galaxy struggled to recover from the Gulag Plague, he himself was safe from the unrest as he was educated in the sciences and arts, and took up fencing as a hobby, reaching a level of proficiency almost on a professional level by the age of 15. It seemed like the perfect childhood at the time.

This didn't last, however, for on his 16th birthday, while taking a test to recieve an airspeeder license, a terrorist of unknown affiliation set off a bomb on a nearby freighter. Shrapnel from the blast clipped his repulsors and he crash-landed the crippled airspeeder some distance away. He suffered minor lacerations, but fortunately that was the extent of his injuries - his instructor was slightly less fortunate, having been in the seat closest to where the shrapnel from the explosion impacted and died of blood loss before paramedics arrived on the scene. Thinking this was the end of it, the news soon got even worse; more bombs went off in various locations around the planet, all of them apparently being linked in some way or another to the holdings of the House of Tagge. The damage alone cost billions of credits, but it didn't stop there. Other facilities were soon attacked, and in the space of a standard day, the cost of damage recieved was enough to bankrupt one of the richest families in the galaxy. Ruined in every sense of the term, his parents (somewhat selfishly) committed suicide.

"I suppose my present on my 16th birthday was the greatest gift I could ever have asked for: a reality check" he would later remark half-jokingly, in reference to what happened next. With absolutely nowhere to go and no clue what to do, Albrecht spent the next three years drifting from planet to planet, doing various different jobs, often manual labor that would be better suited to droids than organics and just as often highly illegal, but he persevered, and eventually made enough credits to buy an antique spacecraft from a salvage yard, an Imperial-era TIE/sa Strike Bomber, and with some significant modifications and upgrades, set out on his own as a freelancer carrying out various tasks, from escorting contraband shipments to assassination.

Apprenticeship with the One Sith
At some point, Albrecht joined an order of force users known as the One Sith, and found himself thrust into the thick of a galaxy-wide war as part of their forces, beginning with the conquest of the Republic capital planet of Coruscant. Even early on, he was rather...unorthodox by Sith standards. While he received some training at an academy, he actually received very little formal training at all, learning most force techniques either during independent practice sessions or, more notably, by trial by fire on the battlefield of the Republic-One Sith Wars. This would have a profound effect on his thinking and methodology regarding the Force, and it gave him a unique insight into its nature, particularly in regards to the conflict between the two "sides" of the Force, that not many other people had, Jed, Sith, or otherwise.

Initially, he started off providing fire support from the cockpit of a TIE Defender, but after he was forced to crash-land the fighter after taking a severe blow from Republic flak cannons, he joined the fighting on the ground, with the objective of retrieving Sith Holocrons located in the Jedi Archives. It was here that he again found himself at a disadvantage against most adversaries, many of them being trained Jedi Knights and even a couple of Masters. Despite losing horribly against the two masters, he managed to procure a pair of lightsabers (after losing his vibrorapier during a failed attempt at ambushing a Jedi Master), and with them, fought an enraged, saberstaff-armed Jedi Padawan to a standstill in the climactic clash at in the archives, although he found out, to his dismay, that they had moved. After forcing his opponent to flee, he discovered a datapad that told him where the Sith Holocrons may have been taken, the planet Lettow, and was forced to flee the temple when it was caused to collapse in an act of defiance by one of the remaining Jedi Knights. With Coruscant secure and his training well underway, he became more confident in the campaigns to come.

After the botched invasion of Carida, Albrecht was reassigned to the Empress Teta system, where he continued his training without having to worry about running his fighter squadron, which remained stationed at Coruscant. The Republic's surprise invasion meant that his much-needed break would have to wait, and in spite of some initial blunders and a deadly nerve gas attack on some parts of the capital, he managed to help rally the Sith forces to a crushing victory over the invaders. For his effort, he was henceforth christened as Darth Armyss, Knight of the One Sith, in an unorthodox "field promotion" that was more or less consistent with the informal nature of his training.

The Rise of Darth Armyss

Sith Swords of Freedon Nadd:
BlasTech Industries SE-14C Blaster Pistol:
Various lightsabers (collected from fallen Jedi and a few from fellow acolytes that fell in battle)

Terentatek - Heavily-Modified YTA-1300 Light Freighter (converted into a gunship)

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