Alcam Telrin
You just can't find any gentlemen anymore.
Name:Alcam Telrin
Faction:The Monarchy of Free Planets
Weight:215 Pounds
Force Sensitive:Nope
Strengths and Weaknesses
-Too Civilised:He doesn't respect someone who can't eat with a salad spoon
-Cares for ship too much:"MY SHIP!"
-Despises crime lords:He refuses to speak to any crimelord hutt
+CAN be a nice guy:He might just help you...
+Smart:He does have a plan...he always has a plan...
+Will fight to the bitter end
Alcam normally wears his naval uniform along with a beard over his mouth and on his chin his armor is mostly black
Alcam was born a man of profit and control. At the age of six he'd convinced his peers to give him their cookies during snack time. And,as he grew,his knack for control only grew. By Elementary school,he'd have made a small group of children. He could quickly get on the good side of his principles and peers through deceit and bribery. He believed that if you could not speak for yourself,you didn't deserve to speak. He'd often ridicule and contradict his friends and peers if they were to argue with him. He made it through his Elementary school easily,having had amazing grades due to his connections with his allies. As he entered Junior High School,he found that bullies and fights were much more common. He'd often stop fights if he saw them,and continued to build his group of people. He'd eventually amassed an extremely large group of children with him,and had more control over them than the principle. This had stopped many bullies from attacking their fellow group members. He'd spent the next few years specializing in history,analyzing the tactics of leaders in the past. As he entered the eighth grade,he'd taken control over just about every student within the school. Bullying had reached an all time low,and Alcam had reached an all time high with his extreme control. As he entered regular high school,many of his friends went with him. He continued as he did in the last year,taking control over almost the entire school and easily getting through. He finally joined College,focusing on technology and history as his main subjects. He'd passed the two,though he'd struggled in technology. He finally got through his school years at the age of twenty six. He now looked upon the conflict at hand,between the many different star spanning Empires.
"The Nebula"
Heavily gunned,massive capital ship,with weakened shields to provide for more firepower.
Bounties Collected:
Faction:The Monarchy of Free Planets
Weight:215 Pounds
Force Sensitive:Nope
Strengths and Weaknesses
-Too Civilised:He doesn't respect someone who can't eat with a salad spoon
-Cares for ship too much:"MY SHIP!"
-Despises crime lords:He refuses to speak to any crimelord hutt
+CAN be a nice guy:He might just help you...
+Smart:He does have a plan...he always has a plan...
+Will fight to the bitter end
Alcam normally wears his naval uniform along with a beard over his mouth and on his chin his armor is mostly black
Alcam was born a man of profit and control. At the age of six he'd convinced his peers to give him their cookies during snack time. And,as he grew,his knack for control only grew. By Elementary school,he'd have made a small group of children. He could quickly get on the good side of his principles and peers through deceit and bribery. He believed that if you could not speak for yourself,you didn't deserve to speak. He'd often ridicule and contradict his friends and peers if they were to argue with him. He made it through his Elementary school easily,having had amazing grades due to his connections with his allies. As he entered Junior High School,he found that bullies and fights were much more common. He'd often stop fights if he saw them,and continued to build his group of people. He'd eventually amassed an extremely large group of children with him,and had more control over them than the principle. This had stopped many bullies from attacking their fellow group members. He'd spent the next few years specializing in history,analyzing the tactics of leaders in the past. As he entered the eighth grade,he'd taken control over just about every student within the school. Bullying had reached an all time low,and Alcam had reached an all time high with his extreme control. As he entered regular high school,many of his friends went with him. He continued as he did in the last year,taking control over almost the entire school and easily getting through. He finally joined College,focusing on technology and history as his main subjects. He'd passed the two,though he'd struggled in technology. He finally got through his school years at the age of twenty six. He now looked upon the conflict at hand,between the many different star spanning Empires.
"The Nebula"

Heavily gunned,massive capital ship,with weakened shields to provide for more firepower.
Bounties Collected: