Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Firstly I want to say I have no idea how this stuff works, I have never dove into this part of Chaos: Alchemy.

This is what I want to do:

  • Learn It: How Do I Go About That?
  • Create a Sithspawn or Structure

I have this idea of taking a statue, throwing a Living Fire into it, and imbuing the statue with dark energy to let the Living Fire take control of the statue and infuse with it. The creation would look something like this.

What do I need to show in my Training Thread when doing Alchemy?

Any tips and tricks?
[member="Romeo Sin"] -

Ok... First off... *deep breath, screams into paper-bag... Flips a table* Alchemy is not solely the Science and Art and making +5 Flaming _____ Of Evil-Evilness..... Not even close. And it frustrates me to continually see people who want 'to dabble' as you do (wanting mainly only one thing) and their goal for dabbling is a Masterwork craft. But they want to learn it in one thread. No. Not done that way.

Now, let me explain "Masterwork" ... If you check my profile, look at my skills. Notice the colors? To do Masterwork, in my humble opinion, you should be in the last few bits of Green for "Master" or Blue for "Apex/Specialist" (the latter is preferred). I hate turning RP characters and story into chit-marks on a sheet, but in this interest it is a perfect vehicle for example, so I will take it.... Masterwork, like your item, takes and combines various branches of Force Crafting or Organic/Non-Organic Alchemy, etc...

That is going to take a LOT more than a singular training thread. It should take multiple items. I myself am close to over a dozen submissions of Sith Magic & Alchemy and just now made my first Masterwork item. That doesn't include exclusive training threads, just dev for them, etc... Plus, that level of Alchemy isn't something you dabble in, to be honest. That high a level of ability in it would, to me necessitate a pretty lengthy and exclusive background.

Again, look at folks like [member="Dissero"], [member="Rave Merrill"] or [member="Valik"] (the list continues)... Notice a common theme? They all specialize pretty heavily in crafting. They're not gods of Combat, or Stealth, but rather focused, specialist characters. I try to follow in their example, as it makes a more believable and less snowflake-syndrome like character.

Frankly, already being a Master, with 0 experience in Alchemy like Romeo has.... I would find it very, very odd indeed without a major shuffle of abilities by some Plot-Device level hijinks, for you to be able to make a Master-Work item. Now, there are a ton of folks here who might be able to ICly. But, again, in the interest of full-disclosure... Your OOC behavior might have alienated a few of them. So I don't know which to suggest, to be honest.

Also, Star Wars doesn't really have "Living Fire".... And depending on what avenues you want, things change, but we will address this idea as if Ostanes were doing it. Which he won't be, as frankly I don't have the time. But I've been blunt, mayhaps harsh, so I want to be fair and try to help too. Here is my take:

Closest you could come in my mind, in all honesty, is combining a Dark Side Spirit into a Nihil Smokestone statue carved and Force Imbued/Alchemized into the shape and frame you want.... N.S. is a communication stone, and does great for telepathy... An Apex/Master of Alchemy and Sorcery could use N.S. to bind a spirit to very nicely. As well, Felucia and it's native animals having Force Crystals in their biology could be another route. Do some digging, there are threads on it. I've already named the Author here. Also, look at the taurannik amulet for [member="Seydon of Arda"] for ideas. That crafter, btw, is going to need to be pretty spiffy at Force Walk, or something similar, so they have the requisite skill base to bind spirits in the first place.. Alchemy and other Crafting is not and should not be handwavium to make anything. You need support skills. Majorly. Again, refer to my bio... I can't use almost any of those skills in combat. But I know them academically, and can craft with them, so to speak.

You could then add a crystal with known affinities for Fire as eyes, which would give the construct various Fire Related abilities. Further enhancing the story, you could even imbue the eyes as a separate sub, and make them Sith Fire enhancing artifacts. Like the Ankarres Sapphire, but for Fire related Sith Magic. This gives you the ability to also swap the eyes (make them receptor sockets that add powers related to the eye gems to the body) in pairs for different effects. Only pairs though, because balance, yes?

The above is a rough/quick outline how I would go about your project. The would be 10-20 posts for the eyes. If you're not good with Fire abilities I would suggest a posting partner for that set who is. Then 20-30 posts for the body. Then I'd say about 8-12 various Alchemy creations, a complete reset of your characters abilities to Specialize in Alchemy/Crafting, and about twice as many threads/blogs/whatever wherein your crafting ability is highlighted.

Best case scenario: Reboot your character to actually be an Alchemist, or find a Master Alchemist yourself. As it stands, were I judging the sub, and you tried it with only one training thread, you'd be denied so hard your head would spin. But I hope my advice helps, even if it may have been harsh. I'm just not of the school of thought of kindness. If you have further questions, shout them out. We will get them done. I can't do the work, but I've no problem with feedback as long as you are prepared for honesty and bluntness, bordering on rudeness to some. It is me, after-all.

Firstly, My apologies as I did not mean to offend, like I said above I have no concept on how alchemy works in Star Wars. I can see where what I have said would infuriate someone who has spent all their time to be a master craftsmen in the art to which I give you and the others all the respect.

As far as Living Fire goes, its a thing in Star Wars man:

To comment on your concern on the one training thread masterwork fire statue, wasnt going to happen man. My end game is the Fire Statues things. I did not make Master rank without understanding ONE dev thread or training thread is all it takes. So relax there and know I would never try to do that.

Reset Romeo? That's practically impossible to do by now. Romeo is a apex pyromancer, and like yourself, I worked too hard to get him there to reset him for alchemy. If that is what it takes, though, to get something similar to my end game goal. I can find someone who is a master alchemist to support Romeo in this, as that would be the better thing to do.


After reading this man, this makes me happy to see someone push me back some and realize I am dwelling into something a bit over my head.



Well-Known Member
While I agree with the jist that alchemy can be used to near any effect, through combination of other crafting styles, it is simply a bit unnecessary to have such brusque attitude in my opinion.

That being said, look at it like this:

Your char is known for blank. Right? Damien here is known for being a mentalist and martial artist, that is true, but it is only a secondary skill set. He is best known as an alchemist. The few items, people I have changed etcetera, have even gotten the approval of voting on an OOC level. Because I put in the effort to make him an alchemist.

From the gate I was working toward his crafting skills. I started with Beskar, moved to Phrik, then others. Before he had been a Knight for a few months I was already having him studying Ragnos' works.

It is simply a requisite to make Masterwork, that your character be a master alchemist/crafted.

With that said, and the added sadness that it is so difficult to state you will need to start over to achieve the status, I can help you with your project. I have time.

PM me.
Do whatever you want. If you want to turn a statue into a golem.. Thing.. Be my guest. Just do whatever work (development) applicable for the submission and make sure it isn't overpowered before submitting.

If it is a living, sentient, creature, I would go with a species submission.


Well-Known Member
Need any assistance bro? I know you have been doing a lot already recently, what with the Canon notes (great stuff by the by) and the like. I could collaborate with you, and other alchemists to make a Chaos version of a 101.

[member="Rave Merrill"]


Disney's Princess
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Alchemy is the handwavium that gets you great stats, minions, and trophies. For more information please see: Nerds.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
Saverok the Unleashed said:
Force Imbue > Alchemy
Ysalamiri Field + Imbue = Glorified Paperweight
Ysalamiri Field + Alchemy = Dead Mandalorians

Rave Merrill said:
I think I see a need for a 'Become an Alchemist 101' thread. Been meaning to do one for ages.
When I tried my hand at one about a year ago... I don't see where I'm going with this. Would you like to review and help me refine that, finally? (Senpaaiiiii ;w;)

Darth Vornskr said:
First Rule of Alchemy Club.

Don't make obscene fetish Cat-People.
But foxyplantgirls are a-okay.

Romeo Sin said:
What do I need to show in my Training Thread when doing Alchemy?

Any tips and tricks?
You can be my [female dog :3] for a couple months and see where that takes you.

I hope you like smashing large, heavy things with other large, heavy things in a small, hot room with hard floors for weeks because all those swords, plates and amulets don't forge themselves, and neither does shouting ancient words into a chalk scribble on the ground. ;P

There. My offer's on the table. You will find no finer pyro-alchemist in all the galaxy to learn from (unless Imura decides to start cranking out a couple-dozen fire pieces and specializes in pyro-spell-enhancements owo).
Imbuement (assuming you're talking about Force-imbued blades/metal) does exactly one thing really, really well. If you're talking Jal Shey imbuement, which is a vastly different animal, there's three specific and useful effects and potential for a couple more. Alchemy, by contrast, includes a whole ton of things, some of them handled very well, some of them middlingly well. Alchemy's most direct equivalent to a Force-imbued blade is better at some things and worse at others.

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