Alcina Zambrano
NAME: Alcina Zambrano
FACTION: The Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 48
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 9'6ft
WEIGHT: 700lbs
EYES: Glowing Yellow (Originally blue. Changed due to dark side corruption.)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Enhanced Body: Alcina has undergone a multitude of various Sith rituals and genetic enhancements to both keep herself youthful, and also empower her very body to be a weapon in itself. Her strength is immense, and she is capable of lifting great weight with very little strain upon her. Her body also swiftly regenerates from most physical injuries, even major ones, though the more severe an injury, the longer it takes for her to fully regenerate. She is also capable of extending retractable claws from her finger tips, making her deadly even when unarmed, which is her usual preference.
High Pain Tolerance: Alcina's enhancements have also dulled her pain receptors, meaning she can shrug off the pain from most of her injuries and keep pushing forward in a fight, like some sort of walking organic tank.
Disdain for Ranged Combat: Alcina tends to channel her force potential into abilities that strengthen her in melee and allow her to close the distance quickly when needed. She disdains using her powers from afar, her sadistic side much preferring to tear apart her enemies up close. As such, she is at a disadvantage against foes who can keep their distance and harass her from afar.
Fire: One thing that can really hurt Alcina is chemical based fire. Heavy chemical burns can definitely disable her for a long while, and take her much longer to regenerate from, injury-wise. Usage of enough fire can take her out of a fight indefinitely until her body has managed to regenerate itself, though at a much slower rate than her enhanced physiology would usually provide.
A pureblooded Epicanthix, Alcina possesses an immense, amazonian physique, towering over many in the Zambrano family, even her cousin Kaine. She commonly garbs herself in a regal, formal manner, her lips painted in red lipstick and her hair kept orderly and well groomed. She'd usually not be seen without one of her wide brimmed black sunhats, lest she loses it in a fight.
The second cousin of the former Sith Emperor, Kaine Zambrano, otherwise known as Darth Carnifex, Alcina grew up in privilege amongst the nobility of Panatha due to the powerful bloodline she'd been born into. An eager patron of the arts and notable Bon Vivant, Alcina seems a prim and proper noblewoman, most of the time. Yet when the chance for battle arrives, her other self quickly reveals itself and the facade of regal nobility quickly disappears, as she has always been quick to wade into the bloodshed and wreak gleeful havoc amongst her enemies, tearing them apart with her bare hands most of the time. She has undergone many Sith Rituals and genetic procedures to enable such, making her a potent living weapon upon the battlefield should she ever find herself upon it.
She has recently arrived in Sith space to lend aid to her cousin's former and quickly collapsing Empire, in the hopes of cultivating some favour from him, as well as slaking her thirst for blood whenever the opportunity arises.
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