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Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Rhapsody

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
With the attempt at getting reparations from the Mandalorian Empire for this attack on Utapau being delayed, Janick had to take the matters with her own hands. Whether this attack was provoked or not was another matter: the Mandos may well have betrayed the GA/ORC on Dagobah, but was the betrayal a provocation or not was not her decision to make. Just that the Mandos attacking the planet left serious damage in several areas: Kessil still having to rebuild the pavement in the New Barkhesh district, there is a shortage in drug abuse treatment facilities on this planet. In fact, Janick believed that perhaps her role in rebuilding Utapau was her ticket to flag rank and possibly taking control of the NIMB. Ironically, Janick kept drinking Asobi 95% tihaar before she was to write up a message to an architectural firm she just heard about from her allies within the NIMB. What about supporting a start-up architectural firm? I'm sure the bidding process will accommodate a specific set of plans, plus the Pau'ans and Utai were beggars in this situation, and they can't exactly be choosers, she thought.


ATTN: [member="Rhapsody Veness"]

Subject: Medical facility

The failed Mandalorian offensive on Utapau left us with a severe infrastructure shortfall: one of the major components of the healthcare infrastructure that needs to be rebuilt is the Utapau Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center. We are offering to support your architectural start-up in exchange for designing a medical facility that is geared to long-term handling of patients. Please find attached the specifications, and also let me know what works for you.

Cpt. Janick Beauchamp
ORC Naval Investment Management Board
Head, Futures and Venture Capital division

Attachment: Specifications

The message received had been slightly odd considering the information on her company had been somewhat outdated though clearly still in the system when she was being contacted to assist in creating a Medical facility. An Utapau Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center. She'd never been to the planet before but the Holonet search gave her a clue into what sort of planet it was. Sinkholes. Strange place, Rhapsody decided, though she couldn't say it was a bad idea. It provided protection from the sun, for the most part, no doubt.

Drawing was something she loved doing though so she'd thrown herself into the work, taking several days to get an idea onto the drawing pad before she'd reach out with a message of her own to the woman who had contacted her.


ATTN: [member="Janick Beauchamp"]

Re: Subject: Medical Facility

Cpt.Janick Beauchamp,
I'm not sure where you've managed to obtain information about my company since the data is quite outdated and temporarily abandoned but based on the specifications, I've tried to provide you with an early design. Please let me know if this is functional enough for a planet like Utapau as I have never been there myself.

Rhapsody Veness
DVT Designs

Attachment: Design

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Upon inspecting the design given by [member="Rhapsody Veness"] in response to her request, the question, in her mind, was not so much whether it was feasible or not, but where it could be done. Admittedly the design depended on finding a location that didn't slope overly heavily, in which case it would most likely be at the bottom or at the top, depending on which sinkhole city actually won the bid. If Pau City was the winning city, then it would be at or near the bottom of the sinkhole, but Kessil is just not in the running anymore, and it was the only location in the system where more conventional architecture would have worked. And yet, for some reason, DVT Designs was the very first architectural firm the planetary authorities could get a bid from, since the local architectural firms were overworked, even though they were all too willing to build it. Because there still was much work to be done to rebuild the planet in the wake of the Mando attack, and the ORC victory was bittersweet in that respect, especially around the upper levels of Pau City, but other cities were affected, too, albeit to lesser degrees.


ATTN: Rhapsody Veness

Yes, the design will likely be workable on Utapau; as of right now, the cities are still in a bidding process among one another, in the late stages perhaps, but where exactly it would be built will probably be decided at a later date and adjustments may have to be made depending on the available space in the winning city. In some of the bidding cities, the only available space is either inside a cave or bordering a cliff, in others, the design would work but be near the bottom of the sinkhole, and others still would be at the top of the sinkhole instead.


A message returned to her soon after gave her further information. The design was likely on Utapau but it was a question of where it would fit. Adjustments would have to be made but right now, it would either fit inside a cafe, bordering a cliff or possibly at the bottom or top of a sinkhole. Rhapsody nodded to herself with the given information before she'd return the message.


ATTN: [member="Janick Beauchamp"]

I understand. With an exact location, preferably an image, I can adjust the design better. Fitting it into a cave would cause for major adjustments though it would give more room based on what I've seen of the planet. Let me know when a decision's been made.

Rhapsody Veness
DVT Designs

To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
"Let's see: the criteria include construction cost per bed, proximity to the drug-abusing population, those being the most important. Kessil is out of the running since it's on the fourth moon, rather than on the planet proper, despite having the lowest construction costs per bed"

"Here the local authorities are considering the lifetime cost of operating and not just the construction cost in their cost-benefit analysis" Griet added to their consideration, where she had a holonews feed live, when the news program pertaining to the reconstruction of Utapau's infrastructure was running.

It was understandable [member="Rhapsody Veness"] had no clue as to the criteria leading to the awarding of the Utapau Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center: while each city bidding for housing it had to prepare a budget, based on the available space, it would do no good to retain bids only to find out later that it has to be completely redesigned due to unsuitable terrain. Which Janick knew that caused cost overrun issues. Hence why DVT Designs took no further action. For this specific project, which is just one project among hundreds to the eyes of the Utapaun authorities and, understandably, lower in priority than the city-specific projects, each city had to have a general contractor ready as well, but no architect or structural engineering firm specified until the project is awarded. In fact Janick carefully watched the press release concerning the project, and she was familiar with the need for proper drug abuse rehab facilities. When the planetary authorities announced the winning bid, realizing that the NIMB is, in fact, partially funding the project and that's the extent at which the ORC is funding it, all three witches residing in the castle perked up, even though Alyssa just woke up.

"And the winning city of the Utapau Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center is Pau City!"

"Time to respond to Rhapsody!"


ATTN: Rhapsody Veness

Now that the winning city is decided, that is, Pau City, it is clear that the resulting center will be located inside a cave. So please prepare cave-based plans to send to the local authorities.


Attachments: Statement of scope, images of the proposed construction site


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