Alcuin Rhunn
Alcuin Rhunn, Wander-smith
Age | 125 (Roughly just at or before middle-aged looking) |
Species | Human(Anefilt being not publicly or commonly known. If you have to ask if you know... You don't know) |
Gender | Male |
Height | 1.6meters(5'2") |
Weight | 240lbs |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Short. Pale skinned. Dark sapphire eyes. Brooding appearance with oft furrowed brows and a sneer. He is broad of the shoulder but not overly barrel-chested or with a large gut, instead being quite physically fit. Colors favored are blues, silvers, and blacks. Simple is his clothing, a working mans dress mode, simple tunic, trousers, and breeches that can be found on countless worlds in the galaxy. He bears no discernible weapon.
*Customized SH-LS-78 Winter Eagle
- Ferrosense: Alcuin is possessed of the same innate sense of knowledge when applied to inorganic materials as is the rest of the Anefilt people, but his specific Sphere is of a rarer sort, and at this 'young' of a development, it is particularly pertaining to precious materials(gold, silver, aurodium, gems) as the strongest connection.
- Peerless Smith: Even for one of the near dead and mythical Anefilt, Alcuin is an amazingly talented smith that is able to create things with his hands that master smiths of many other cultures would envy and curse.
- Eidetic Memory: Gift or curse, or both, Alcuin is possessing an intellect vociferous enough that once he has read or seen something, it stays with him, permanently.
- Non-Combatant: Although with his natural frame and physicality making him prime stock for such pursuits. Alcuin is utterly untrained in any sort of combat or martial arts, disdaining martial pursuits for more cerebral engagements.
- Paranoid: He is naturally distrustful as are almost all of his people, but with him it is amplified because of the loss of his family shortly after he rose to adulthood. They were not killed, so far as he knows, they merely up and vanished without a trace.
- Arrogant: Alcuin is smart and good at what he does, and he knows it. And is far from afraid to show it. Often this can lead him to dismiss or ignoring others he considers below him, though it is without thought, and is usually graciously apologized for when brought to his attention (though the sincerity is up for debate).
Alcuin was born to a middling house of the Anefilt. A people famed in the dwan of History for the Galaxy as being exceptionally talented at crafting and design and science in general. Growing up was, like most of his people, a perfunctory thing. Alcuin was noted as exceptionally bright in making trinkets and curious, and precious mementos. Not something most of his people would brag about, but a rare and fine ability all the same.
A young Anefilt is not unloved, but the ways of their people expressing affection are sparse, bare and cold to outsiders. A new pair of jewelers glasses would hardly seem to be an affectionate gift in most circumstances when just plainly left unwrapped on a dresser. But it would be a supremely emotional gift in certain circumstances for them. So to most, Alcuin is a typical Anefilt (for those who even remember them now), and thus rather brusque and borderline rude.
For years, Alcuin studied Alchemy. Force Imbuement. Jewelry and finer forms of smith work. Several works of his garnered acclaim from even conservative voices in the Council of Elders. Then it happened. His people took their hubris and their talent too far. Thinking themselves akin to Gods, they tried to 'pierce the veil' and create a collective consciousness that would, in essence, be what they deemed the 'lesser races' viewed them as.
Woe befell the Anefilt, and Alcuin was one of the few who escaped it by seeking shelter in a medical ship leaving the planet. Malfunctioning hyperdrives meant that all non-essential crew were put into cryo-suspension for the journey due to its length. When he awoke, millennia had passed and his people and their fate mostly myth and legends told in hushed tones of disbelief. Relics of his kind sold with awe or scorn, and he was very much alone.
But he has set out to gather the few of his kind left, and begin to rebuild their people before their pride caused them to fall.
Apprentice - Knight - Master - Specialist
Dashes denote skills generally not available before master of the Force.
- Force Push: ||
- Force Pull: ||
- Force Sustenance: IIII ||||
- Short-Term Memory Enhancement: |||| |||| |||| |
- Ferrosense: |||| |||| |||| ||||
- Shatterpoint: |||| ||
- Psychometry: |||| |||| ||
- Tapas: ||
- Force Strength: |||| ||
- Force Weapon: |||| ||
- Force Barrier: |||| |||| ||
- Technopathy/Mechu Deru: |||| ||||
- Force Imbuement: |||| |||| |||| ||
- Alchemy: |||| |||| |||| ||
- Jal Shey: |||| |||| ||
- Emptiness
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