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Aldera Antilles

NAME: Aldera Antilles
FACTION: Silver Sanctum Coalition
RANK: Doctor of Archaeology; Explorer
AGE: 35 standard years
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters
WEIGHT: 60 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Auburn
SKIN: Deeply tanned

Post-Cognition: Aldera can learn some of the history of an item by holding it in her (ungloved) hand.
Natural Linguist: Aldera is able to understand a spoken language after she has heard it for awhile, and can translate ancient writings.
Crack Shot w/Blaster: Although good with a blaster, Aldera prefers to shoot-to-disarm or to cause a distraction (such as a cave-in), rather than cause harm to another sentient being.
Good and Bad Feelings/Hunches
Fast-Talking: Aldera is usually pretty good at talking her way out of a difficult situation. (Whether this is a form of mind trick remains to be seen.)
Quick Reflexes: Aldera is much faster and more dexterous than the average Human, and approaches Jedi-level reflexes.
Eidetic Memory: Aldera can remember anything that she has seen or heard. This has helped her greatly in scholarly research, cross-referencing, and translating ancient artifacts.
Scholarly Distraction: Aldera has a very strong interest in the preservation of antiquities and other items of scholarly interest. Unfortunately, she can sometimes be distracted by a new find or the threat of destruction to a recent find.
No Force Training: Although Aldera has many unique Force-related gifts, she has no formal training in the Jedi Arts, and would need to be taught by a Master in order to learn even the simplest nuances of a Force-wielder.
Must Wear Gloves: Because of her ability to learn some of the history of an object by touching it, Aldera must wear gloves or be overwhelmed by the psychic residue on the objects around her.
Does Not Shoot To Kill Sentients: Despite her quick reflexes and extraordinary skill with a blaster, Aldera has a very strong aversion to shooting to wound or kill.
Aldera is tall and athletically slender, and dresses in a leather jacket, leather gloves and boots, pale brown shirt, and olive green trousers. Sometimes, she wears a hat and/or sunglasses. She carries a leather satchel across her chest, and her leather belt has many small pouches. A holstered blaster hangs from her belt.
Aldera Antilles was born to a couple of archaeologists, and began going with them on digs when she was barely old enough to walk.

Throughout her scholastic education, she gained the highest grades and honors, contributed significantly to academic papers co-written with her parents, and graduated with her doctorate from a prestigious academy when other students her age were only just starting their upper educations.

While on an expedition, Aldera and her parents were beset by raiders who intended to steal their discoveries. When Professor Antilles tried to defend his family, he and his wife were murdered. As the raiders approached Aldera with an unholy glint in their eyes, she picked up her father's blaster and swiftly avenged the deaths of her parents before their killers could react.

For long moments, Aldera basked in the unbridled feelings of power and invincibility which coursed through her. After her reverie had elapsed, she dropped to her knees and mourned the deaths of her parents. Disgusted and ashamed at the way she had acted, in direct opposition to all her parents had taught her, she vowed never to lift a weapon in anger nor take another life.

For the next two decades, Aldera distinguished herself among the rarefied strata of academia, but all of the acclaim and accolades left her feeling empty without her parents there to share in her triumphs and offer the benefit of their experiences. Still ... whenever she was focusing on a particularly perplexing puzzle, she would swear that she could almost hear the voices of her parents, and the solution to the problem would often come to her shortly thereafter.

Aldera travels the galaxy in search of ancient treasures, and is highly regarded in her fields of endeavor, often being asked to deliver her research findings at professional meetings.

While attending an archaeological symposium on the planet Vaynai, she met Bith Jedi Dune Rhur. Through that seemingly chance meeting -- in hindsight, the Will of The Force -- she took her first step into a larger world.

Shortly thereafter, she received an invitation from the Silver Sanctum Coalition, a Jedi enclave on Voss, to attend the inaugural flight of their flagship, Barsen'Thor. Although not a Jedi, she accepted the unsolicited request, as it seemed the proper thing to do at the time. Again, The Force was working in mysterious ways (perhaps helped a bit by kind words spoken in the right ear by Dune Rhur), setting Aldy on her second step on the Jedi Path.

Weeks later, she met again with Dune Rhur, and some of his students, on Ilum, where she discovered that she was, indeed, Force-sensitive. After a powerful Force vision, she was able to finally purge herself of the pent-up guilt which she had experienced since ending the lives of her parents' killers.

Following the dramatic revelation on Ilum, Aldy was invited to the Silver Sanctum Temple on Voss, where she was taught simple meditative techniques to help her connect to The Force and to tame her emotions, the first steps on her Path to becoming a Jedi. While there, it was confirmed that she was not only Force-sensitive, but exceptionally gifted in the Sense line of Force abilities, many of which came so naturally to her that she did not even realize that she had Force talents.

Later, guided by The Force to Dromund Kaas, Aldy -- with an assist from research droid 4-D7 -- aided Dune Rhur and other Jedi in pushing back a zombie apocalypse and its Dark Side mistress.

Following the events on Dromund Kaas, Aldy and Dune Rhur ventured to the planet Wayland, where they explored Research Station 61 and overcame many obstacles against tremendous odds.

At this time, Aldy is in the process of transitioning from using a blaster to fighting with a retractable battle staff.



Meets Kori, a willful, young Gwaii Cat.

Meets Dune Rhur, a Bith Jedi.

Helps thwart hijacking of Barsen'Thor, the SSC flagship. (In Progress)

Travels to Ilum; acquires a lightsaber crystal.

Helps stop a zombie apocalypse on Dromund Kaas. (In Progress)

Explores Research Station 61 wth Dune Rhur. (In Progress)
[member="Aldera Antilles"]

Agreed, like it would be in character to pacify unless it's much of a threat to me personally, but I'm more of a wild card either way. Just saying since we are in the same faction either way.

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