Queen of Alderaan
Name: Alderaan Welcome Center
Image Source:
http://imagesci.com/img/2013/04/architecture-building-design-9404-hd-wallpapers.jpg (exterior)
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/blue-glass-corridor-5914233.jpg - view from inside the walkway to the center.
Classification: Welcome Center
Location: New Aldera City, Alderaan
Affiliation: House Organa, Royal House of Alderaan
Description: A tourist center were visitors can come obtain a pass and a tour book that shows the sites of Alderaan. This is a single story building that connects directly to the spaceport in New Aldera, the main hub for visitors. No one can enter the City without having gone through the the Welcome Center for their pass.
History: Faith began to realize after Death Watch had infiltrated Alderaan that there had to be a way to control access to Alderaan. Additionally she wanted to try and protect the mining rights of the families and companies on Alderaan.
This meant creating a facility that could issue the permits, and monitor the miners coming to Alderaan.
To create a facility to issue permits, and collect fees to support the government of Alderaan, and protect as much as possible the mining facilities from raid.
Links: N/A
Image Source:
http://imagesci.com/img/2013/04/architecture-building-design-9404-hd-wallpapers.jpg (exterior)
https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/blue-glass-corridor-5914233.jpg - view from inside the walkway to the center.
Classification: Welcome Center
Location: New Aldera City, Alderaan
Affiliation: House Organa, Royal House of Alderaan
Description: A tourist center were visitors can come obtain a pass and a tour book that shows the sites of Alderaan. This is a single story building that connects directly to the spaceport in New Aldera, the main hub for visitors. No one can enter the City without having gone through the the Welcome Center for their pass.
History: Faith began to realize after Death Watch had infiltrated Alderaan that there had to be a way to control access to Alderaan. Additionally she wanted to try and protect the mining rights of the families and companies on Alderaan.
This meant creating a facility that could issue the permits, and monitor the miners coming to Alderaan.
To create a facility to issue permits, and collect fees to support the government of Alderaan, and protect as much as possible the mining facilities from raid.
Links: N/A