Mercenary, Artist.

NAME: Aldiel D'Lessio
SPECIES: Lorrdian
AGE: Mid Twenties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 130Ibs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black, and fabulous.
SKIN: See above.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not a lot, just a lil' bit.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Business Acumen: Aldiel is good with people - always has been. He knows how to talk to them, how to empathize with them, and how to sell to them. He understands body language to an absurd degree, as expected of a Lorrdian.
- Slippery Thing!: To say that Aldiel is good at keeping himself alive is an understatement. His history is full of things and places that aught to have killed him, but somehow didn't. Whether it's luck or latent force powers, he's harder to pin down than a snake coated in grease.
- Haphephobia: Aldiel doesn't like being touched, and doesn't willingly initiate contact with anyone. Not even family. He wears gloves nearly all of the time, avoids any place crowded enough that he might accidentally be jostled, and generally comes off as standoffish at best, neurotic at worst because of this entirely legitimate condition. There are very, very few exceptions to this rule.
- Weenie: Aldiel can't fight worth a damn (because hitting or getting hit might mean being touched) and tends to make himself scarce as soon as any conflict starts. He's never cultivated any skill with a blaster, can't throw a punch to save his life, and tends to flinch if people feint at him - making intimidation and stand-off bluffs nigh-impossible.
Aldiel is a slight, dark-skinned Lorrdian - which is to say, an alternative to Human - with long black hair and mocha skin. He tends to dress in expensive, slightly luxurious garb and keeps a weather eye on the latest fashions. He chooses his words carefully and doesn't speak unless he feels he has to - but when he does, he's got a smooth and pleasing tenor voice, even and confident. Aldiel's body language is reserved and tends towards caution whenever somebody is within reaching distance. So long as he's not in danger of being touched, Al is perfectly casual and genial in most situations.
Aldiel, like many Lorrdians, was born on Lorrd. Also, like many Lorrdians, this meant that he was born a non-person, a slave. Any record of his life was obliterated when he took a swing at a smarmy Sith Apprentice one day, and wound up imprisoned. His presumption to attack his betters would have been an instant death sentence, but this particular Sith decided it was better to use this opportunity as a learning experience, and she tried out all kinds of new, fun methods of torture and various other horrors on her new pet.
After awhile, she got bored of Aldiel - who at that point had developed from a broken young teenager to a sullen, broken and semi-psychotic young man shrunken by malnourishment - and disposed of him. Aldiel was 'thanked' for his service with his life, and disappeared forever into the absurdly large prisons of Metalorn. A non-person with nothing left to him, it would have taken a miracle for Aldiel to ever see the light of day again. Or a catastrophe.
That miracle/catastrophe came in the form of Matsu Ike and the Republic offensive, who blew open the massive prison unit he was being held in with earthquakes, typhoons and mortar fire. Somehow narrowly escaping the horrific gunjack poisoning at the hands of Circe Savan, Aldiel managed to sneak out of the wreckage after the battle, cross the desert, and make his way to civilization where he laid low until the Sith Empire dissolved. Eventually, he ran across a familiar name on the Holonet, a distant cousin, and contacted her. Alndys Merrill - formally Alndys D'Lessio - offered him a job, for which he showed a remarkable amount of proficiency.
Which was good, considering that before he went to work selling and buying for Silk Holdings, Aldiel D'Lessio didn't exist on any known databases. Life has a funny way of throwing you a bone once in a while.
Aldiel gets around in a stylish corvette issued to him by SH.
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