Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aldir Vitaan


"People love to hate politicians, it's like a passtime. But look: if they're not stomping at your doorstep, you're at least keeping it together, and that's a tall order in a galaxy this big."
General Information

Coruscanti Human.



Planet of birth
Coruscant, Corusca Sector, the Core Worlds.

The Republic Reformation Party, The Galactic Alliance.

Investor and Elected Representative.

Physical Information

5 feet and 9 inches - 175 centimeters.

For an aging man, Aldir has a pretty standard build. He likes to jog in the evenings to keep his heart healthy, but otherwise he's not "fit" or "strong".

Aldir has light and vibrant olive skin, kept mostly unblemished with a few spots here and there. He has some sunspots on his back from too much time in the sun when he was younger and some wrinkles in their early stages across his body.

Facial features
Aldir has a gentle and somewhat long face, afflicted with early wrinkling repressed through skin care routines. His hair is graying, currently in the limbo of salt-and-pepper, and he never goes outside without a crisp and clean shave.


Biography and Skills

Aldir has a long history of navigating the democratic courts and councils of the galaxy, making himself familiar with all sorts of ins and outs of modern democratic politics: whether it be socializing with foreign diplomats, attending public events, or drafting legal bills. Likewise, he makes an effort to keep up to date with current and past events; he is savvy when it comes to what's going on in the galaxy and well read in its history.

The most obvious of his weaknesses: Aldir is not a fighting man and he never has been; alone against an unarmed soldier, he would be at a severe disadvantage. Aldir also has a number of years to his name: both as a politician and as a man; he's starting to get tired, while in the background, growing pressure from his family in his personal life would suggest an upcoming mid-life crisis.

Equipment and holdings
Aldir normally quite simply adheres to the dress of the day, normally with a formal or posh spin to it; he rarely wears armor or carries a blaster, only if an escort insists that he does. He is, however, the elected representative for his area, in which he owns a large estate with extensive facilities. Outside of politics, he's an investor, having stakes in multiple businesses across the galaxy from which he takes a collectively high income.

[Work in progress.]

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