Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aldiun Kadavra

Alduin Kadavra


  • Name: Alduin Raphael Kadavra-Lecarde
    Nicknames: Alphi. Alpha. Legion. Hellspawn. Mini Arius. Rage Kitten. Scorn of Hatred. Dirge of the Infernal
    Age: Unknown
    Sex: Male
    Height: 6'4
    Weight: 155lbs
    Eye Color:
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    Skin Tone:
    Force Sensitive: Yes

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  • The Alpha is an extension of the Avatar of Hatred and embodies all of his demonic traits; brutal, cruel, and often without kindness. He moves through the galaxy a man on a mission; hell-bent on bringing others into the Legion, to have them bend the knee to his father and to make offerings to his mother. There will never be an option given, either submission will happen or Alpha will destroy all in his path.

    There is no line he is not willing to cross and nothing that is considered to be off-limits. Alpha will take what is desired without hesitation while moving through the world to the beat of his own drum, changing the rules to suit his whims, only obeying the decree of parents, whose word is the law. A highly intelligent individual with an eye for detail. Alpha will watch his victims, captivate them with charming words and kind gestures, learn the most brutal and effective ways to deconstruct them, mind, body, and soul.

    Much unlike his father Alpha has some redeeming qualities, traits that had been inherited from The Infernal Child. He is fanatically in his loyalty; all too willing to burn planets and destroy stars for those he cares for. He is a tsunami of emotion and when he embraces another and welcomes them into his heart, it is done so deeply and without limitations. There is the potential to be a romantic, to spoil his love interest, which will always only be Omega, but it is often overshadowed by his need to possess and dominate.

    Sexuality: Pansexual | Panromantic

    Likes: Graveyards | Dense Fog | Skulls | Bone Carvings | Black Felines | Ravens | ASMR | Being in Control | Leather Clothing | The smell of Aris | Aris wearing his clothes| Vulgar Jokes | Black Humor | Ghost Stories | Horror Films | Strangling People | Making others submit | Rock Music | Most Pits | Concerts | Playing the guitar | Tailored Suits | Passionate Personalities | Canoodling | Watching others suffer | Intense Emotions | Haunted Houses | Gothic Art | Blood Sacrifices | Physical Violence | Anarchy | Dark Poetry | Trivia Nights | Exhibition | Desicrating Holy Grounds | Body Modification | Tattoos | Piercings | War Paint

    Dislikes: Anyone who is not his family touching his tail | Anyone messing with his siblings | People insulting his family | People touching Aris | Being manipulated | Child Abuse | Domestic Abuse | Schedules | Deliberate ignorance and stupidity | Being overlooked and ignored | Feeling pressured | Restraining Himself | Predictable Behavior | Dragons | Witches | Owing Favors | Being Controlled | Being Under Obligation to others | People invading his privacy | Aris touching people other than himself | Individuals that bring up how horrible his father was to his mother | Anyone upsetting his mother |

    Strengths: Charismatic | Extremely strong-willed | Resilient | Intuitive | Persuasive | Addictive | Ambitious | Cunning | Extremely confident | Mysterious | Quick-witted | Perceptive | Chivalrous | Opportunistic | Determined | Adaptive | Experimental | Spontaneous | Passionate | Iron Willed | Talented | Observant | Cunning | Patient | Adaptive | Articulate | Independent | Individualistic | Seductive | Loyal to Family |

    Weaknesses: Destructive | Domineering | Sadistic | Violent | Unstable | Annihilative | Predatory | Temperamental | Unforgiving | Hedonistic | Possessive | Intense | Confrontational | Predatory | Indulgent | Savage | Cruel | Sarcastic | Unpredictable | Narcissistic | Vain | Arrogant | Dominant | Malevolent | Judgemental | Stubborn | Jealous | Vindictive | Unapologetic | Masochist

  • A forbidden love affair, a torrid passion built upon rage, had effloresced between the avatar of Hatred and The Infernal Child. Upon them had been the law that neither of their parents' species were to have any relationship that had been emotional or physical, specifically. The fate to have followed was a blaspheme against Noxarian and Avakadavra. The Black Sacrament had been performed; an eternal bond between them forged due to their seduction of one another.

    Through a wild conception had a litter been born a new species. This progeniture would become Hatred's Legion to carry out his vision, and they would strengthen the legacy of The Infernal Child. Together, they are a force to be reckoned with; where there is one, the others are not far behind. They are The Alpha, The Beta, The Delta, The Zeta, The Chi, The Omega. Rarely-if ever-are they referred to by their birth name. Even amongst one another, they refer to one another by their epithets.

    The Alpha, Alduin Kadavra, had been the first of the sextuplets to be born, and his birth heralded the difficulties to come. He had been the quickest to arrive but was by no means was his birth the easiest. Stubborn and unwilling to be hurried along, he had lingered, refused to come until he was ready. And when he was, The Alpha had clawed and torn his way into the world, birthed in the blood and agony of his mother, bringing with him tremendous pain and suffering.

    The aftermath of the hellspawn birth is choked with mystery and rumour. The truth is known only to a few, those closest to the brood, those trusted; the lingering stretch of Noxarian's and Avakadavra's perversion. The Alpha and The Omega are bound beyond the limitations of reality, like mother and father before them.

  • Significant Other: Aris Kadavra Aris Kadavra
    Children: None
    Great-Grandparents: Nox Lecarde & Nocturna Lestrange
    Grandparents: Noctis Lecarde Noctis Lecarde & Dissero Von Stein | Avakadavra
    Parents: Arius Kadavra & Nemo Lecarde Nemo Lecarde
    Brothers: Adonis Kadavra, Aris Kadavra
    Sisters: Astra Kadavra, Aurelia Kadavra, Ariah Kadavra
    Aunts: Nyx Lecarde, Tempest Kadavra, Discordia Kadavra, Furia Kadavra, Devora Kadavra
    Uncles: Niko Lecarde, Nihil Lecarde, Nyros Lecarde, Noir Lecarde, Nio Lecarde, Nemo Lecarde, Neko Lecarde, Nicto Lecarde, Nikos Lecarde, Luxuria Kadavra, Malice Kadavra, Typhus Kadavra

  • TBA

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