Aldo Zarkot
Hey, I like you

NAME: Aldo Zarkot
FACTION: N/A ( None chosen yet )
RANK: Apprentice level
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: Five feet eleven inches
WEIGHT: One hundred and seventy pounds
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Though his training was late in life and quite rushed, he still learned the basics of the force, and can control it at an apprentice level.
+ Being a highborn noble on Naboo he was given the best training available and is quite a skilled swordsman, which translated well with his lightsaber.
+ Very agile, Aldo is fast and not easy to hit.
+ Has a mind for politics, but, the whole process of it is boring.
+ Charismatic and charming, Aldo is very easy to get along with and does not have trouble making friends.
- Extremely lust filled and will do anything to bed a woman he deems attractive.
- Arrogant in his abilities and he sometimes forgets that he is not invincible.
- Often times he runs off of his emotions and can sometimes think too much with his heart and not consider the consequences of his actions.
Aldo is an attractive man with black hair, a beard, and very comforting green eyes. It helps that he is very vain and maintains his appearance without fault, grooming his hair and beard, and always dressing in expensive clothing. He is fashionable and will wear whatever is most popular on the planet he is visiting, having entire wardrobes that he labels with the planets name when he is traveling there. He has a scar on his right cheek which he makes no attempts to cover up, he wears it proudly, and as a constant reminder to his vulnerability.
Aldo Zarkot was born to the High King of Theed, Dontos Zarkot, becoming his firstborn son and heir to the throne. Because of this he was raised as a noble on the planet of Naboo and lived the lifestyle of a prince, and even from a young age, he was always known to take in all of the luxuries he could. Despite the class system separating him from the low born class, Aldo was always friendly with everyone, and made many friends outside of his social circle much to his fathers disappointment. Rebellious and free spirited, Aldo found that the life of a prince was often times boring, and often times day dreamed of being something more than a man who sat on a throne on a planet. He wanted to travel, see the galaxy, he wanted to live.
He had many interests and plenty of credits to do whatever, whenever he wanted, so he soaked up as much knowledge as he could while growing up. Even though he had no desire to become High King, he still learned how to politic, and he made impressions with both the high born nobles and the lower class. His calm demeanor, laid back attitude, and friendly smile made waves and he became the beloved Prince of Theed.
His weakness was, and always had been, women and he began to make a name for himself as a lustful little teenager. He made rounds with any attractive woman he ever laid his eyes on... common and high born alike. He took what he wanted when he wanted it and he rarely asked questions. His lustful nature began to circulate and, at the age of sixteen, he was caught in the bed with the High King of Moenia. This disrupted years of peace between Theed and Moenia and his father was, justifiably so, enraged with his son. Aldo took this as his chance to leave the planet and discover where his true passion was.
He dropped the prince title from his name and traveled to Coruscant in order to become a Senator for his homeworld. The colleges on Coruscant were held in high regard, so naturally, he wanted to go there. Despite being gifted with speech and politics, Aldo found it to be extremely boring, and dropped out in his third year of study. He wanted excitement, drama, he wanted to get into fights and save the galaxy. He was still a boy and the notion of war was new to him, but none the less, he sought out excitement in the form of piracy.
Joining a small little band of pirates that operated out of the mid rim, he found a nice little niche for awhile, there he learned to fire a blaster among other things. But, what stood out was a man who claimed he could be greater than anything he had ever dreamed, that the force was strong within him. He had heard stories of Jedi and Sith battling it out, but he never believed the fairy tales, but this man spoke the truth.
While raiding ships, taking women to his bed, and training within the force, Aldo had finally found a way he enjoyed living. Care free, no worries, and he had begun to earn the respect of his peers without his fathers title looming over his head. Though he progressed slowly with his training, he grew more and more every day, learning simple things like how to lift things with the force or increase his speed and decision making. It was rudimentary training, but he was patient, and before long he was a renowned pirate on many a world, though under a fake name of course.
The life of a pirate was not easy, though, and he finally realized he was not immortal when a Republic raid went wrong. Engaging with a large man wielding a sword, Aldo was beaten for the first time in his life, and he now has a scar across his cheek to show for it. Most of his crew were killed, Aldo left to die, and he found that he no longer had anything to do. Stranded, he sought a new adventure, and he joined the CIS with the intention of furthering his force training as well as starting another new life.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).