Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aldric Laurent, Missing in Action

Physical Profile
Aldric is a tall, broad-shouldered man. He has an athletic physique, which he maintained after retiring from active duty. His dark hair is short and, when he can help it, well-kept.

Since leaving the service he has allowed his usually clean-shaven face to grow a layer of scruff. His defined features have become more rugged and dull with experience, as has the green in his eyes. His body is marked by various scars earned over the course of his career.

Psychological Profile
At a glance, Laurent has all the trappings of an archetypal superspy, but in reality he kept himself distant from his work as an agent. Laurent finds it to be less of a professional fulfillment and more of an obligation; Though as galactic events have continually encroached on his home and loved ones, his duty has become one of personal importance. He is easily content, and were times less tumultuous, Laurent would probably give up his position in favor of a more uneventful life.

Aldric the man is stoic to outsiders, but to those who know him, an affable, if occasionally dry-witted, personality. Outspoken, to some, as Aldric is not particularly afraid to be vocal about his opinions when they clash with his duties. To that extent he also maintains a rebellious notoriety.

Historical Profile
Aldric was born and raised on the plains of Dantooine, where he remained content to live out his life for many years. But over time, his view of the ever expanding New Imperial Order under which he lived continued to sour, and Aldric found himself in the unlikely position of aiding and later fully participating in small-scale insurgency plots against the Empire. This put him on the radar of Alliance intelligence, and once his cell became compromised, Laurent made an escape and proper transition into the Core.

With proper vetting he was permitted a place in the SIA, where he began to work on covert operations against various enemies of the Alliance. Still, Laurent only ever wanted to return to some sense of normalcy, and when he found his chance to step down, he took it. Unfortunately by then it was too late, as his strenuous career had already pushed him and his wife to separation, leaving Aldric to a life of solitude at their homestead on Azbrian.

As threats in the galaxy continued to mount, it became harder and harder for him to act like the quiet life wasa luxury that he could afford. When hostilities between the Alliance and Empire rose to direct conflict, Aldric was persuaded to return to active duty. He did so for a time, and in the process reconnected with his roots on Dantooine. During a solo operation, Agent Laurent was seemingly captured, and as time passed and the NIO itself dissolved, all with no sign of him among the recovered prisoners, he was presumed dead..

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