Name: Aldrich Fabious Maximillian
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 56
Height: 6'1
Allegiance: The Elysium Empire
Force Sensitive: Yes
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, greying
Tall, average build, brown eyes that turn golden orange when angry, medium-long, black and grey hair. Dresses like a noble.
Aldrich Fabious Maximillian was born on Naboo to a rich family. His family's wealth and his status as an only child allowed him to attend the best schools Naboo had to offer. After primary and secondary school, he attended college where he majored in Neuroscience. He also dabbled in biology and psychology. During his time in college he discovered that he could use The Force. Along with his studies, he took time every day to learn The Force, though he could never master it.
Fresh out of college, and debt free, he found a job at Veinstein Laboratories and Innovations, owned by Jack Veinstein. He quickly became one of the best scientists in the company, advancing to the board of advisors. Here he learned about the secret lab and its' super soldier project
Meanwhile, Andreus Veinstein, Jack's son, was attending the same school Aldrich had attended.
When Jack Veinstein died of cancer, and Adreus took over, Aldrich was the lead advisor who showed the hidden laboratory to Andreus. The company was flourishing and Aldrich was too. However trouble was on the horizon. When Andreus lost control of the subjects, Aldrich swore that he would never support genetic alterations to such an extent ever again. He kept his word, but when Andreus signed his deal with Heath Valhoun and The Elysium Empire, Aldrich was hesitant. Sure enough it was revealed that Veinstein was creating more supersoldiers, and behind the scenes he was experimenting on people, against their will, using the protection of The Elysium Empire.
Aldrich immediately resigned, leaving Veinstein Labs forever. Using his immense wealth, some inherited, and some earned, he started his own company: The Maximillian Science Corporation. Following the path of Veinstein, Aldrich stationed his companies' HQ in The Elysium Imperial Fleet, where he employed hundreds of refugees. In return, he offers his services to The Empire, giving funds, medical supplies, and research capabilities.
Business is flourishing, and with it, The Elysium Empire. It's only a matter of time before the next big step for Aldrich.
Force Sensitive:
Force User: Aldrich can use The Force, though he's far from being a master.
Educated: He's not a genius, but Aldrich went to the best colleges
Rich: He's really rich, with an inherited wealth, and his own company
Good: Aldrich is generally a good person. He is against experimentation against a subject's will, and he is strong willed. However this can be problematic in some situations...
Not a fighter: Aldrich is not a fighter. He carries a sword cane, but he has no training in combat, and he isn't built like a fighter.
Not social: Aldrich is far from being social. He'd rather study or train than attend a party or go on a date. This makes conversing a bit awkward at times
"Mad" Scientist: While good at heart, Aldrich has a strong desire to make revolutionary technology, and he is very attached to his work