In Writing, There is Passion
NAME: Aleem Qel Droma
RANK: Light Sith
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.77 Meters
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White
Aleem is strong in the Force, and capable of great feats such as Force Doppelgänger.
Aleem is a Battlemaster with a lightsaber, using all forms even the difficult Trakata style.
Aleem has a vast knowledge of dark side rites, powers, and lore, and yet hasn’t been corrupted by it.
Aleem is passionate and has a temper, however, while this is a weakness, he does attempt to control it and make recompense when he lapses.
Aleem suffers from paranoid feelings and thoughts from time to time because of rituals his mother did on him via Sith sorcery.
Aleem Qel Droma is the the last male of the Qel Droma Bloodline. Ulic Qel Droma took as a lover, Aleema Keto, a Sith Sorceress, trained by Freedon Nadd. She became preganant and hid the child from Ulic, handing the daughter over to a secret order of Krath Priestesses. The child grew and later took a lover and begot a son, named Anu Keto Qel Droma. The blood of Ulic and Aleema carried on through generation after generation till Miran Qel Droma, Aleem’s mother. Aleem was trained in dark side sorcery and was forged into a Battlemaster by his mentor Cal Du Pall. Aleem despite his dark upringing, was tenderhearted and prone to compassion, which are Jedi traits. Seeking his own path he left his mother and the last remnants of Krath influence to seek The Force himself and determine his own destiny.
Aleem Qel Droma
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