Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aleena Aryss

Aleena Aryss



Aleena Aryss
Basic Information

Brief History:
Aleena Aryss was born into a fairly normal family on Kamparas. Her father worked for local law enforcement while her mother worked as a doctor in one of the planet's many hospitals. This meant her parents were often both at work, and so she'd spend time with her grandmother outside in the gardens of her old home. This is where she quickly developed an interest in both plant life and wildlife. She was taught how to take care of various types of plants, as well as animals that walked the grass fields nearby.
But it was during these times with her grandmother that a rather special gift was picked up on as well. In times of serious need, she was able to manipulate the growth of plants and flowers, or tend to injured animals without any medical equipment. This quickly led to Jedi from a training facility on the planet to visit and bring her along to begin her training.
After successfully studying under the tutelage of a Jedi Knight, she eventually passed through the Trials of Knighthood and began her own journey, as a Jedi Consular with a particular interest in Healing, fauna, and flora, and how the Force interacts with all these things. She is by no means a fighter and knows this about herself, but she feels confident that her skills can aid in the wars that plague this Galaxy somehow.
Whilst worried about the dangers of the ongoing wars, Aleena remains excited about the start of her own path.

Kind | Calm | Caring | Quiet | Helpful
Aleena is a quiet and kind young woman whose ultimate goal is to use her skills to aid other people. She's a Healer by profession, but it defines her as a person as well to a large extent. She's an incredibly caring person, albeit quiet and reserved. But when someone asks for her help, nothing will get in the way of her doing her very best to assist them.

Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Healing: When it comes to using the Force, Aleena has a natural affinity for Force Healing. It was a skill that began to develop when she was a child, and through training, her skills have grown substantially. It has now become the focus of her duties as a Jedi Knight.
  • Nature: Much like her innate Force Healing skills, Aleena possesses a strong bond to nature itself. She can manipulate plant life, handle animals and dangerous beasts without the use of violence.
  • Support: Her skills lend themselves well to playing a more supportive role in a fight. Whether that's directly shielding her allies from a distance, turning nature against opponents to stun them, or tending to their injuries with the Force.

  • Combat: While Aleena has a lightsaber, the green blade rarely is exposed. She received the basic training all Jedi get, but she's absolutely no fighter. Experiences duelists or combat-orientated opponents will typically have no problem besting her in a fight.
  • Strength: Both physically and with the Force, she's not particularly strong. She relies on her ability to think her way through situations, and will rarely be able to use strength as an advantage.

Force Abilities
The following are some abilities that she has studied and used extensively:
  • Force Healing
  • Plant Surge
  • Animal Friendship
  • Force Empathy
  • Telepathy
  • Alter Environment
  • Cleanse Mind
  • Basic Telekinesis
  • Force Barrier

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