Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aleksandra V Ailair


Disney's Princess
Aleksandra V Ailair: Character Profile

  • Aleksandra Varos Ailair - "Alex"
  • Independent Smuggler - Force Apprentice
  • Galactic Human
  • Female
  • Age 34
  • 177cm / 5'10
  • 72kg / 160 lbs
  • Force Sensitive
  • A sly, leveled woman with shiny brown hair and deep brown eyes. Back straight, chin up, and a smirk to rebel the world.

  • + Ship Commander
  • + Force Apprentice
  • + Equipment Expert
  • + Combat Medic
  • + Expert Military Vehicle Driver
  • - Weak vs Soresu
  • - Weak vs Exotic Fire Shapers
  • - Weak vs Money Management
  • - Weak vs Zeltorn Males
  • - Weak vs Chocolate



[*]Heavy Revolver - w/ Dragonsbreath Incendiary Shotgun Cartridges


  • Personal Energy Shield - Refurbished - Particle Shield
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  • Aleksandra was born on Coruscant during the rise of the Confederation of Systems. She joined the Galactic Republic during it's infancy and labored alongside the volunteer crews during it's early reconstruction era. She grew to adulthood living in hard conditions and working alongside even harder women. Her work crews faced a shortage of men during the early wars and Alex was mentored almost completely by other women.

  • Years later as an adult, when her younger sister was lost to the destruction of the Senate Building do to a Sith surprise attack, Aleksandra slowly grew further and further away from her work. Her immature boyfriend, Micheal Todd, introduced her to a woman by the name of Staff Sergeant Anna Kyles. Together the too women became good friends and connected because they had both lost loved ones do to the war effort. Anna convinced Aleksandra to join the Navy and serve as a nurse. She was a nature in the military. Charity work and healing once again became her favorite past time. Until the wraith of the Sith returned.

  • She broke up with Todd following two tours of service with the military and soon quit the Navy. Anna Kyles had been killed early during a counter invasion against the Sith and Alex took her death worse than her sisters. Bad politics seemed never ending around the newly restructured Republic Navy and the veterans took the worst of it. Alex was no exception. In only two years with the Navy she had seen death and destruction on a never-ending scale. Even as a nurse, the war affected her deeply. Soon she returned to Coruscant to continue her nursing career closer to family.

  • When the One Sith attacked Coruscant, Alex and her friends went underground. Fighting and surviving a never ending war beneath the surface of the giant metal planet. They won as many skirmishes as they lost. But the odds were against them and supplies were dwindling quickly. With only two months worth of food stuffs left to their merry band of rebels, Alex lead an evacuation from the planet. Stealing two shuttles and quickly demanding their getaway from the Deep Core. Just as Ailair was boarding the last Sith Transport that would take them safety, the rest of her Smuggling team was killed down in the bunkers below. A Sith raiding party of Stormtroopers had done the cruel deed and Alex would never forgive them.


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