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Alenka Rel'Sora, the Exile


Alenka's Theme

NAME: Alenka Rel'Sora (Sora - outcast of the clan Rel, she aded that part to distance her-self from the Bladeborn)
FACTION: None yet.

RANK: None yet.

SPECIES: Human... mostly

AGE: 29

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.7m

WEIGHT: 45kg (dizeazed)

EYES: Totaly black (dizeazed retina)

HAIR: Bleachd (from dizeaze)

SKIN: Pale, almost corpse-like



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

STRENGTHS: Extremly Force senzitive, Alenkas in-curable dizeaze/blood curse, has maked her a Force Prodigy. About the only good thing about it, tho. As a rezult, she is a intuitive, perseptive, and very inteligent individual, as wel.

WEAKNESES: The blood curse has taken a massive price, on her body. She is weak, fragile, and very sickly. She can fight, but only becauze of the Force. Vithout it, she culd barely walk. Also, her eyes are almost useless, she can only see dark and brigt shapes, as wel as her hearing, and smel. Her body funktions as a vhole, are slowly shuting down. Her vhole perseption is based on the Force. In time, even the Force wont be able to keep her alive, animore.



Alenka vas born on Dathomir, just like the late Xi, and she vas the yongest, of the Bladeborn Clan Rel. Vhile her other siblings applyed them-selvs hard, to earn favor vith the clan, and prove them-selvs, she never showd entuziasm for the Bladeborn lifestyle. She scraped-by, mostly shilded by her older sister Xi, vho protekted her from the predations of the other siblings, who seen in her nothing more, then a piece of useless meat to kill, and thin-out the kompetition. And that vasnt a un-fair asessment. Nature and genetics didnt favor Alenka, and as a rezult, she didnt even try. As a girl, she has always showed more interest in studying ancient books, and lerning about the Force, then mastering the sword, and lerning to fight in general. And... she vas strong in the Force, even as a girl, very much in kontrast to her sister. For all the talent for swordmanship that Xi displayed, Alenka had none of it, or the strength to back it up. But she vas in tune vith the Force, more then any of her siblings.

That how-ever, vasnt enogh for the clan elders. They, like her siblings, seen her as weak, and un-worthy of the Bladeborn. For the Bladeborn, the Force is a crutch, not the fokus. As long as Xi vas there, and protekted her, Alenka vas spared the worst of the Elders' ire tovard her. How-ever, vhen Xi vas sent on her first asignment, there vas nobody left to protect the now-teenage girl. She vas taken in front of the Elder Circle, and in a heart-breking ritual, she vas striped of her name, and her alegiance. She vas declared as the Sora... the Outcast. Some wanted her dead, but more compasionate hearts prevailed. Insted of death... she vas exiled, after the Elders performed a Separation Ritual, a age-old tradition that evry Sora goes thru.

In hindsight, it wuld have been easyer for her, had they kiled her. The ritual afekted her body on the molekular level, destroying her imune sistem, and making her vulnerable to any number of dizeases that regular human beings have very litle trouble fighting-of.

Years passed. Then a decade. The young womans condition got critical. But her Force talents keped her alive, and able to take care of her-self. For evry degeneration her body vent thru, her Force conection only strenthened. Her eyes died... her Force vision blosomed. Her ears failed... her Force hearing developed. For evry sense that degenerated, Alenka found a way to kompenzate... and enhance. She vas in konstant pain, but the Force turned it to power. It fueled her. With almost no formal training, she has risen in power, to rival most Sith Lords and Jedi Masters.

Today, she is only a pale, sickly shell, eyes of the blackest night, a stench of sweet decay coming from her, powered almost entyreli thru the Force. She is more a avatar of the Force, then a living human being. She lives a solitary, sekluded life, trying to stay clyar of the wider events in the galaxy, and continuing her deep and involved studies in the Force, and nature of life and death. But she never forgat vhat her people did to her, just as she never forgat how her sister protekted her.

So, as Xi Rel's final moments echod thru the Force... her sister picked up on them. She knows now, that the only person who ever cared about her, is dead. This realyzation has finaly stirred her into action. She wil find out vhat hapened, and she wil find out who killed her. And once she doez, she wil make them pay.

As a person, Alenka is a gray-area. She isnt truly Dark Sided, even tho she dables in dark powers. She doez lean more the dark way, then the light, but she is a dark-grey Force user. She wil not kill on a vhim, but she also wont hezitate to do it, if someone gets on her bad side. Vhich can be prety easy, since she is also a emotional, empathetic, deeply wounded soul, that needs understanding and patience, from people. If she dont get it, she can turn violent in a flash.


LIGHTSABER: Basic Shi-Cho only.


BASIC: Force Speed, Telekinetics, Jump, Sight, Hearing.
ADVANCED: Mind-manipulation, extra-body projektion, Force iluzions, levitation, Force Lightning, Force Destruction, Life Drain.
MASTER: Force Shild, Lightning Storm, Dark Afliction, Deadly Sight, Force Crush, Tutaminis
UNIKUE: Exile's Curse (Alenka can perform the same kind of ritual the Bladeborn have done to her, cursing a living being to under-go a slow, terminal degeneration of there body.

SHIP: *to be aded*





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