Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aleratha Tel'alith

Aleratha Tel'alith

SpeciesSephi Subspecies
Weight 76.65kg(169lbs)
Force SensitiveYes, untrained


Aleratha is fairly tall and adorns herself with the family colors at every chance. People first notice her families tattoos across her neck & barely on the side of her face. Followed by her quite long almost black hair, blue eyes, and her ear piercing on her pointed Sephi ears. From lounging around in Star Wars version of a baggy shirt & leggings to the board room where she wears her lab coat along with the rest of the attire showing the colors to various degrees. Out away from Tel'alith Labs she is often wearing slightly heavier clothing like a hooded jacket over the form fitting clothes.


Science uniform
Casual baggy shirt and leggings
Heavily modified ID10 Seeker Droid


She is fiercely loyal to the triple family alliance and their elevation of her home world of Flax with their Sephi subspecies over that of the mainline Species ruling from Thustra. Aleratha follows in the footsteps of many in her family of being infinitely curious and inventive. There is hardly a subject that won't spark a conversation, but with a strong leaning towards the mechanical side of things.


Well Read: Coming from a family that owns a research and development company has its perks. Like a vast database of resources , research, and technical books. She excelled in college graduating top of her class from the Taris Grand College, in their engineering program.

Curious: The world is so much brighter when everything is a mystery to solve. Seeing everything from a different angle leaves a lot of questions, but also the potential to look at things from a different angle.


Technical: Describing things to a fault others of lesser intellectual caliber bore of the lengthy answers to simple questions. If asked a question be prepared for a long winded response that may bore.

Analytical: Seeing everything through a lens oft not seen leads to missing a lot of points. Someone throws shade and she will take the statement at face value... missing the point to a benefit and detriment. Depending on which side of the coin you are on. She has miss-understood many an insult, and missed opportunities that would have delighted Aleratha if she could have had read between the lines so to speak.


Aleratha Tel'alith grew up on the volcanic world of Flax. It was a place full of wonder, from the lava flows, to the mountainous fields, and to the coral reefs & kelp forests of the ocean. Everything was bursting with things to learn about. She got a crack at what would be her favorite subject when exploring with children from the other houses when they stumbled upon a half buried ancient metal & duracrete doorway. it took the group of six the whole summer to dig it out leaving their progress till spring when the snows started to melt at the high elevation. After heavily modifying a ID10 Seeker Droid the six returned in the spring with some power cells & managed to open the door. It lead into an ancient lab of some sort on that she would guard after the other kids didn't care for what was inside. She only brought in some of the families archeologists to catalog the find & help her understand what could be, else wise left to her own devices. The place became her own secret lab as she tried to understand what was inside. Little does she know even to this day that it was an ancient reclusive force user's lab & has a holocron inside somewhere.

After her education was finished she joined the family business Tel'alith Labs and began work on R&D'ing things. Many requests came from just the other two allied families & their business ventures. It was a fond time of working in the Headquarters on Taris within their labs. Five levels below ground grade was the weapons range where Aleratha spent a fair amount if time testing new lasers & materials. It wasn't until she had turned forty two that the CEO of Tel'alith Labs retired leaving Aleratha as the new CEO after two rounds of family voting. It was an honor, and now she leads the company into many new product fields.

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